I think he may be some kind of unversed, considering the color of his blades (kind of the same color as the unversed symbol) and that his battle pose is closely similar to Vanitas' He also said in the Secret Ending that he had forgotten his own name and etc. so I doubt he'd remember the exact time period he had met Sora.
Samuel+X= Lexamus
yeah I haven't been on much.... D:
that's awesome
OMG I can't wait....those lucky Japanese D:
yeah I didn't notice how similar they were
yes but doll came to my mind first lol
it seems as if picture was edited. I checked the trailer and the "object" doesn't move in any of the frames. I think it may be part of the tree.
but like you said, we're not sure how much time they've been friends. And I assume Ven finds out that he is a doll and tells (Aqua?) "Erase Me". I find interesting the word choice. He didn't say kill me, he said Erase.Like as if he were an object instead of human (or somewhat human lol). edit: I'm adding more to my theory. These are the words of MX when he's telling Ven something. "You are losing it, Now you have to take everything back, and hold it anew!". By "You are losing it" he might mean he is forgetting something, I'm not sure. "Now you have to take everything back" it may mean that he must give back the light to Vanitas and restore the balance. "and hold it anew" Anew means once more or again. Meaning that Vanitas would return to normal.
Huge spoiler!! but then this could be similar to Xion, she had relationships with people, and no1 guessed that she was a doll. She was a doll and yet she had memories of both Axel and Roxas and vice versa. But like I said its just a theory, it could be wrong or could be right.
A good example is Riku Replika, in chain of memories he fooled Sora and sora didn't know till Larxene finally told him that he was just a doll. So maybe Ven didn't know either.
yes, i thought of that too. A lot of people believe Ven and Sora have a strong connection because of Roxas. If we assume my theory is true then there must be some connection between Vanitas and Sora. They may be brothers or something. This is really difficult to explain so i might have to research some more. If I find anything interesting I'll post it here.
yeah this would make sense for my theory if MX is trying to correct his mistake of letting Vanitas do that. and sure I'd like to hear Ur theory :D, and trust m I've heard crazier theories than this lol, and since anything could happen in Kingdom Hearts than there should be.
Well I've been thinking about this and what if Ven is a doll made from Vanitas. I mean every person has Darkness and Light inside them(with the exception of the Princesses of Light). But what if Vanitas managed to transfer all his light into a doll and make Ven. Then after that concentrate the darkness inside him. This could explain why MX told Terra to go find Vanitas because "he had messed up the balance".I started thinking this when I saw ven wrapped around a towel. His blank stare did not look human/normal. Post Ur thoughts on this theory here :D Edit: Oh I forgot to add this : Also MX asks Vanitas "How is Ventus" and Vanitas says that he's going to make him stronger. This would make sense if this happened during the time period Ven was being created.
lol I get the joke.....NOTHING Edit: Sorry I had the forums on the old one so I couldn't read it...xD He doesn't have a heart...I don't think so cuz that's the main umm thing you need to NOT have to be a nobody
Well I hope they don't do to what they did to dissidia....7 MONTHS...oh god I hope I don't jinx it
hmmm Ven vs. Terra...+ Ven watching could this be related to Axel vs. Xion Fighting and Roxas watching? or Terra and Aqua are enemies at an early point of the story?
or....he's too cool for a keychain
I beat him already....its all about timing and strategy... :D Gabranth is so awsome :D