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  1. lexamus
    Lex stabbed the ground with his scale sword. Immediately, four boulders rose to the sky, then came back down crushing the remaining hollow. He turned to Lieutenant Somerie. "No I have not...." responded Lex. He then lowered his head and lost himself in his own thoughts.
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. lexamus
    "Well, let's take these hollows down" Lex said smiling. Lex summoned a gust of wind that separated the pack of Goat Hollows into two groups. "I'll take the ones on the left, you take the right, ok?" he said quickly. His Zanpakuto changed into its scale form. It was much longer and heavier than the feathered sword. Lex gripped the sword with both hands.
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. lexamus
    Shortly after the downfall of the hollow, 4 more Goat hollows appeared around Lex and Ryo.

    How DARE you murder our brother!
    One of them growled.

    Lex stared at them with confusion. "Brothers?...can Hollows have brothers?"

    ooc:@TwilightBlader Isn't your character's name Ryo?
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. lexamus
    Wind began to swirl around Lex. Lex quickly sliced the Hollow's legs and arms. The attack was so painful it momentarily paralyzed it. "Alright, finish him!"
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lexamus
    Lex turned to Ryo. "Let's take him down, yes?" Lex released his Zanpakuto. "Fly to the sky! Serpiente Emplumada!" His katana quickly changed to a feathered sword.
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lexamus
    SWEET! I just hope they don't delay it. D:
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  7. lexamus
    Lex bobbed his head to the side for a better view. He frowned with disappointment. "I thought the hollows in Hueco Mundo would be more....scarier-looking"

    Lex unsheathed his katana and quickly freed himself from the Hollow's grip. "You sir, have VERY uncomfortable hands".
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lexamus
    Does anyone know when the english version is coming out?
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  9. lexamus
    Lex nodded. He had never visited Hueco Mundo before, so he didn't know what to expect. He walked right next to the Lieutenant. His eyes staring at the ground. His mind wondering what would happen next. Suddenly he heard a voice in his head.

    Why don't you come closer?
    Yes come closer...You look delicious, yes....

    Lex looked at the Lieutenant for a response. When he saw none he asked "uh, you didn't hear anything?"
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lexamus
    I seriously don't believe MF is Ven's nobody, for these simple reasons.

    1.Completely different body structure (as some people have said already)

    2.In order to have a nobody, you need to become a heartless...and Ven did not become a heartless.

    3.I don't think attacks like Time Splicer are character limited in the Kingdom Hearts Universe. For example,"He can use Time Splicer so he MUST be Aqua's nobody". I think the he can use attacks like those because he might have a connection to a Keyblade Master.(Like Eraqus or MX)
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. lexamus
    Lex was dumbfounded by the sudden change of scenery, but his attention quickly shifted to the crackling noise. A part of him was afraid but the other was full of curiosity.

    "What do you think is up there?" Lex said with an uncertain smile
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. lexamus
    OMG Dissidia sequel! I'm so happy, I'm sorry Golbez.....Kain will be my main from now on
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  13. lexamus
    Name:Lex Griffin
    Alliance (Soul Society or Los Lobos):Soul Society
    Age (you can just put how old they look):he looks around his 20's
    Division:11th division
    Rank:10th seat
    Bio: A newbie who just started working for the Soul Society. He tries to learn as much as he can from his superiors and is very strong in battle. He's very courageous and is willing to give up his own life for his comrades.
    Personality:Calm, shy, and quiet. He prefers to think (very deeply) before taking action. He's also very aware of his surroundings.

    Zanpakuto Name:Serpiente Emplumada
    Sealed Appearance (if nothing special, put "Normal Katana"):Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:A Plumed Serpent. Its beautiful feathers hide the uglyness of the serpent's scales.
    Release Command:Rise to the Sky!
    Shikai Appearance: Two swords. The hilt of the first one is decorated in ebony scales and give it a rough and an ugly appearance. The hilt of the second one is decorated with beautiful silvery stones shaped as feathers.
    Shikai Power:Each sword has a different ability.(Lex uses only one sword according to his surroundings, he CAN use both forms at the same time but it causes him great fatigue and eventually after an hour he could pass out.)The scale sword can cause quakes and other seismic attacks. The feather sword can manipulate wind at will.
    Bankai Name:n/a
    Bankai Appearance:n/a
    Hollow Mask:n/a
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lexamus
    Actually, I think the reason Xemnas can't use the keyblade is simply because his past self aka Xehanort Ansem's apprentice didn't know or remember how to use the keyblade (with the whole memory lose and all) and if you can't remember something, you can't really use it.
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 13, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. lexamus
    In BBS, Eraqus said that if Aqua locked up the Land of Departure, only she would be able to open the Room of Waking in Castle Oblivion, all other unwelcome visitors would be "lost to oblivion". So in order to find Ven's body, they need to find Aqua too because she has Master Eraqus' keyblade (which is needed to find the room of waking).

    As for Xehanort, I'm uncertain, hopefully he will return to his Terranort form BUT seeing how old Xemnas is...Terranort willl probably be much older than the one fought in BBS.
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. lexamus
    errr....I'm never going to eat toast again, EVER
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. lexamus
    I think they should add more FF bad guys. Like Kefka or Garland, that would be pretty cool. Sephiroth is kinda getting boring D:
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. lexamus
    My favorites are Rumble Racing (I love racing :D) and Command Board(I like board games and it really helped me out in Critical Mode haha), the others are ok I guess
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 10, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. lexamus
    Nomura better not take out another game out of his *** after 3D, I doubt Reconnect will be another game. I think he's telling us RECONNECT. KINGDOM HEARTS, take all the games and connect them.

    I believe 3D will be about the Mark of Mastery Exam, since both Riku and Sora are playable in KH 3D

    @the video: I'm filled with curiosity, who could Xehanort be working with? :D
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 7, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. lexamus
    Now I think, 3D will be about the Mark of Mastery all makes sense now
    Post by: lexamus, Oct 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates