It Was animated by the same people who did P3.[DOUBLEPOST=1388640328][/DOUBLEPOST] Agreed, they die as your getting to know them and as your getting attached so it's kinda wierd, but i feel some people are to harsh on the anime, despite it being a good watch non-the-less.
In case you were wondering i was actually listening to this and i never said this b4 but your avatar is... new thread, so you can update the list if you want too, also could you change the tag...
Danganronpa: The Animation (ダンガンロンパ: The Animation) Trailer: Spoilerless Openings: [/quote] Genre: Horror, Psychological Thriller, Tragedy, Murder Mystery. Episodes: 13 Animation: Lerche Seasons: 1 Airing: Crunchyroll, Funimation, Madman Studios Personal Rating: 8.2/10 If you own a PSP or PS vita I recommend getting the Game the Anime is based on because it is much longer and you get to know the characters better, and the story has a greater impact, the anime is sometimes rushed, but its still something that gets the story trough, and it's still a very good watch worth your time, It's a bit sad at times, but the main reason why I like it is because it is based on 2 of my favorite themes "Hope" and "Despair" (Or as i use to call it "Madness") and it's generally well made, especially the Animation and the executions. and by the way, dont search it on youtube or tumblr without having watched it, because you will find spoilers, you have been warned. if you do choose to watch it I hope you enjoy the school life of mutual killing as much as I did. upupupupupupu.
*Bump* I read the last chapter and this is a manga that is in my top 5 for certain, just bumping this to say it's worth the read, and amazing.
This is similar to the "What song are you listening to now thread" only the person below you must listen to song you posted, and give it a personal score from 0 to 10 and briefly explain what they thought about the song, the idea of this thread is for you to share songs with other people and discover new ones from people, leaving your opinions on the song above is mandatory or else this thread would be pointless, instrumental, electronic, rock, pop, alternative, anything goes, as long as it is an actual song and meets KHV's rules, its fine, and yes, there is something like this in the "Music" section, but its dead and not as dynamic and fun as it could be, so i made this. example: ok, i obviously cant review anything since this is the first post, so ill start Never Say Never by TKDz2b feat. The 49ers the dangan ronpa opening.
I was actually waiting for someone to say that.
Why do i feel Intellect radiate from every single post you make?
how did you get that google background, also my "new" PC, i just got it and its old as Fu, so yeah, here
*pulls hood over head* *leaves* so many memories.
*Added dramatic effect*
"Sore wa Chigaou yo!"
Did you really have to go there...?
Happy Year of the Xion to all.
ohh yeah, back when you were an incandescent Post-hore. those were da days c;[DOUBLEPOST=1388554233][/DOUBLEPOST] Thanks, much luv <3[DOUBLEPOST=1388554272][/DOUBLEPOST] Derpity.
thanks dood, much luv <3
cant believe that took me 3 years.
Proof. Spoiler [DOUBLEPOST=1388549511][/DOUBLEPOST] I Want fabulous, that is my simple request. <3
woooo, 2013 was my character development year, now if we could get to the good plot stuff that would be great, happy 2014 everyone and i wantz a pin <3
Yeah, not bad, nothing changed much an- *Finger nails turn pink* The **** IS THIS?! *pink spreads to fingers and hands* THE **** IS THIS?! *Pink Starts spreading further* HELP IT BURNS!!! *Pink envelops my body completely* KHV, HELP ME, HELP ME.. I'M... I'M... ... ... ... ... ... Fabulous. (Note: This is not a coming out thread, thank you)