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  1. Shinichi Izumi
    that was like a million years ago where most of the members (and half the staff) were different people, it's a new era, and quite frankly many of the suggestions were brushed off because we used VBulletin, which was nice, organised but had it's limitations, we didn't switch to Xenoforo just for looks... and honestly, I would love a randomizer either way, you never know what you'll find in the depths of this site.
    In my opinion this addition would increase the flux of and encourage people to post more often, because they could randomly find something of their liking.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Apr 5, 2014 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. Shinichi Izumi
    Can we elect cops? I elect Amuary, and a duck, because I need to see what ducks look like dressed up as cops.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 15, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shinichi Izumi
    Exactly why you guys have my total support for all of these things, It has been a drag, I'm sure things will pick up with the 2.5 Remix (Being that KH2 is mine and other peoples favorite game ever) But it's gonna take so long, I'd say It's a good Idea also bringing back the Top 5 and inventing new Events, and Putting the 2013 MEP together would also help, but that's my opinion.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 9, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Shinichi Izumi
    I second this by giving Cat all the moral support she needs.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  5. Shinichi Izumi
    Hope it does, if it does I'll support it and vote whenever I can, but the KH community in general is kinda slow ATM so yeah...
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Shinichi Izumi
    Dood, It's the second month of 2014.
    The 2013 MEP is still not out.
    I mean, you have all the parts,
    when will this be out?
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 8, 2014 in forum: Production Studio
  7. Shinichi Izumi
    It's messy ok, I'm sorry ;u;
    But if you're curious then
    View attachment 37488
    View attachment 37489
    View attachment 37490
    he's actually the cutest thing ever, just dlkugflakjhghsl his story is pretty sad tough, pretty amazing anime...
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 6, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Shinichi Izumi
    Profile Post Comment

    /Rant End

    /Rant End
    Profile Post Comment by Shinichi Izumi, Feb 5, 2014
  9. Shinichi Izumi
  10. Shinichi Izumi
    (Alexis Titus from Magi) My god, it's so messy, I need to organize this when I have the time...

    View attachment 37485 Bonus: Anime
    View attachment 37486
    Most of it isn't localized in any way besides Crunchyroll or Madman online, and I try video editing, so I keep my anime downloaded.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Feb 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Shinichi Izumi
    The Labyrinth of Magic
    And The kingdom of magic

    Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romantic, Action, Comedy, Tragedy, Adventure and
    1001 nights or Arabian nights (it's based around that)
    Episodes: 39 so far (25 TLoM + 14 TLoM) + 1 OVA (not yet released)
    Animation: JNN, MBS
    Seasons: 2 ("The Labyrinth of Magic" and "The Kingdom of Magic")
    Airing: Crunchyroll (I think),
    Madman Entertainment

    Viz Media Europe

    Aniplex of America

    Personal Rating: 10/10

    ok, this anime is amazing, the animation is flawless, the values it teaches are indispensable, it's one of the only anime (Reborn! included) that Makes me laugh out loud hysterically, the story advances at a perfect pace, not too fast (Deadman wonderland, Danagn Ronpa: The animation) or too slow (Naruto, Bleach, One Piece), it's perfect, the character development is great, the animation is flawless, the music (Ops,EDs, OSTs and character songs) is extremely well made, the fights are great and the dub is good, but I'm use to the Jap voices, but I plan to rewatch it dubbed once I finish it, because it also has great Rewatch value, It's almost safe to say this is my #1 favorite anime (out of the multiple dozen's I've seen), It is a story that pulls you in and the sentimental-ness makes you actually cry if your not prepared, and it's happy, sometimes it gives you a warm fuzzy delightful feeling of adventure and friendship which is what the show is all about.
    If you have not seen this yet, Do so.
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 20, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Shinichi Izumi
    I've been accompanying This since the first episode, It's generally well made, sometimes the comic scenes should be more well polished and I feel like they aren't giving decent descriptions of what happens in order for minimums to take place, but I'm sure they will fix that, the anime has lots of potential and is worth the weekly watch.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Shinichi Izumi
    can't believe this thread is still a thing, wow, yeah, lets keep it going i guess.
    this song is amazing.
    listen to it.

    Art of war by We the kings
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: Music
  14. Shinichi Izumi
    Post ranting about how all of this is a waste of space in the forum server.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Shinichi Izumi


    "Food" .
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shinichi Izumi
    tell him i miss him and hope he's doing all right.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Shinichi Izumi
    if so, here, let me make your life better.
    you're welcome.
    have a nice day.
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 18, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Shinichi Izumi
    Yes, exactly, A Huge "IF" (pardon the reference), In japan sometimes good anime just does not sell, take a look at Deadman Wonderland for example...
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 5, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Shinichi Izumi
    Agreed, Playing the game first is certainly an advantage, but the main themes still get across trough either one, so im not too buthurt about the anime, quite frankly Id prefer an anime Adaptation of Super Dangan Ronpa 2, instead of a remake of the first one.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 5, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Shinichi Izumi
    Yolk .
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Jan 5, 2014 in forum: The Playground