*Sneaks* *Places torches under all the sand blocks*
god, I needed this, havent had an actual account for a long time and havent played multiplayer for a long time also
and also, it's not that hard, you dont even need a Diamond pickaxe, only watter and lava buckets. @Kairi Hearts thats good, but only useful if there is one collective nether portal, or else people will arrive to the nether in seperate areas right?
Not so much fear, more of annoyance, as in you shouldnt hit ZombiePIgmen, all the lava, no water etc. also, is there a "Don't be a butt and dont mine spawners rule"? it feels like that should be a thing....
loooooooooooool losing yourself in the nether is just one of the most anoying things ever, personally, I would take in a nether chest, wander in any one direction and after im done doing nether stuff id put all my items in the nether chest and, kill myself because Y.O.L.A.M.T.A.Y.R (you only live as many times as you respawn) but id need to get blaze powder so, id have to go in the nether at least once before, I considered stacking up on iron and bowls and just trying to spend an entire week in the nether collecting resources, as in, get it out of the way so I dont have to go there ever again, unless I want to. also, are there any collective builds so far? I cant join yet ;-; so, post some screenshots every once in a while, k?
Thats awfully generous, I want to desperately but i dont have a computer at the moment, I considered joining the skype call anyway, but it would make me more restless to want to join the server, so yeah, will join as soon as possible tough, really excited for it.[DOUBLEPOST=1399090861][/DOUBLEPOST]PS: what levels did you mine?
dat strip mine tough.
PC still broken, but im curious, can we take a vote on using "/tp" for whenever we're doing multiplayer stuff? And how is it so far? ;A;
been waiting for a long time for this, this is awesome, however i cant play atm because broken computer :< hope to get a new one ASAP and play with you guys when I can, excited for this, any mods that you would be adding to the server later on?
did we just accidentally write a not-bad romance plot?
And that's the end of the first Season of the Anime and in the second season I end up moving to your new school.
Sorry, I dont understand any of the Coding stuff here, it's really not my thing, any idea when there will be a definitive usable version? thanks.
I love this thread. Main Theme • Heroes By All Time Low Spoiler "you've made a mess of everything (And I'm not listening) You're not a hero, you're a liar You're not a savior, you're a vampire Sucking the life out of all the friends you've ever known You're just a train wreck, not a winner Up on your soapbox, preaching down to the sinners The saints without a cause We're not listening I'm gonna start a revolution Of convoluted disillusion (Start a revolution) I'll lead a war with no conclusion And in my final hour, I'll be a confident coward Cause if we stand for nothing, we'll fall for anything Yeah this is moving in the same direction But I'm a little too spent to care Cause it's a battlefield till it blows over Keep your friends close and your enemies closer We're throwing stones though we live in glass houses We talk **** like it's a cross to bear You're only relevant until you get older But not a hero, I'm a liar I'm not a savior, I'm a vampire Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known We're a train wreck, not winners On a soapbox, preaching down to the sinners Saints without a cause We're not listening" It's a song about judging people for their actions, for being false and "sell outs" and realizing that you yourself became one, and also, keep trying it says a lot of stuff and can be interpreted in many different ways. but the "But not a hero, I'm a liar I'm not a savior, I'm a vampire Sucking the life out of all the friends I've ever known" really makes me identify. Main Theme (Secondary) • Whoa Oh! (Me Vs. Everyone) Spoiler I've got friends in highly low places It's been a long time It's been a long time And maybe baby, you could rise above the rest to meet me Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh Why do I put myself in these situations? Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh I keep pushing myself Even though I can't take it at all [x2] You're (not) worth losing my self-esteem Your clever words mean nothing more to me Than a lot I've heard in a movie You're (not) worth losing my, losing my Losing my self-esteem You're not worth Putting myself in these situations Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh Why do I put myself in these situations? Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh I keep pushing myself Even though I can't take it at all [x2] "Why do I put myself in these situations? Whoa oh, whoa, whoa oh I keep pushing myself Even though I can't take it at all" Ok, if my life was an anime this would be the Opening, because unlike my first main theme which describes how I "feel" this describes many events and actions that actually occurred in my life, you could say they are my main themes, but in 2 different manners. My Hometown • Mas Que Nada By Jorge Ben A song i grew up with that with that was very popular in my country's culture it's an amazing beautiful song, It's Home to me. Spoiler: Rant the black eyed peas released a version and after hearing it I prohibited myself from ever considering them music again, harsh? they ruined a song I grew up with and danced to, this song is like a part of me, and their version was a damm abortion Battle (Generic) • Goofing Off • DaniwellP's Vocaloid Version of "Nyan Cat" this is a song specifically for funny or comedic scences Trouble in Town • Call to Action • Battle (Worthy Opponent) • Leaving Home • Wondrous Sights • Battle (Rival) • Through Dark Caverns • The Coming Storm • Tragedy Strikes • Battle (Desperate Struggle) • Awakened Resolve • Tsuna Awakens, Hitman Reborn! OST It's an all instrumental song but it's a turning the tables battle type of song, very fitting To the Rescue • My Last Journey • Battle (Final) • Homecoming • Epilogue • Will finish tomorrow, have to go to bed now
But only after you try to tell me a few dozen times and someone interrupts you mid sentence and we both turn extreme deep shades of red.
1 for the money, 2 for the show,
*Shakes Fist* Someday...
Please continue, I really want to know what happens next, this is a crossover that has MUCH potential, and I really feel like it can become a good story, it's a bit too short for a whole chapter, I really hope you continue this if you get the time.
It's great so far, maybe a but more detail, try to get a good visual image in someones head, put yourself as the reader, "What would the average reader find easiest and more comfortable to read?", if you already started it, you should try to finish it. and as for the whole magic aspect, Magic is a very loose element, you could make it Extremely specific (like Fairy Tail for example), or since magic was "extinct" you could make it a more loose, mystical "unexplained" thing, it's your choice and I would find either quite enjoyable (But no jumping back and forward!) I'm sure you can make this a great novel with the right inspiration and perseverance! I know you can feel like no motivation at times, but its much easier to continue a story than to start one, trust me, it took almost a year for me to write my 1st chapter of my story because i kept changing it. if you ever need to talk about or discuss writing in any way, please ring me, good luck bro!
Looks amazing, I was sold at "Peper Mayo", will try this next time i get the chance, doubt it will look as good as the pics haha
Notice me.