I dont have the cahones to organize a summer one because i dont have that free time, but im more than happy to partake if you invite me in your...
Edit: Star said that this thing isn't forgotten, she'll probably get to it eventually, so calm down guys.
hey? can i do podcast stuffs with you senpai? <3
i know how that can be and yeah, ive considered reading it but i really like the thirlls of not knowing what happens next in the anime, im...
okay, as long as you say that, its ok, i can trust you, but here's what i would do, I would just put both of them togeather in a MEP that would be...
hey star, is the 2013 MEP gonna be done anytime soon? any plans for 2014? thanks o/
just because its been a long time doesn't mean all the people who made MEP part want this any less, any plans for completion?
Ikalgo is my favorite ant, you watch HxH?
who do i talk to about KHV podcast stuff?
Really...? japan gets a pack with like 10 discs that's thicker thank a harry potter book and we get a single pin? It sounds like an april fools thing, i cant look at that pin a see it not being a joke. I feel disrespected Square.
lets party like animals
wow, ive been of khv for a while, sorry, and a very late thanks buddy ;)
hello fellow hopejunkie avatar user.
how does one speed run wonderland in time? I tried it a few times never got it, its not easy like the other speed runs, help?
you're saying one of my favorite songs is playable in guitar hero? im so getting this game ASAP
hey big sis, can i plz have the server address for Heart Craft?
can anyone online please message me the server? really wanted to get on <3
All my yes, cant wait for it really, its been a while since they released new content