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  1. Shinichi Izumi
    wazzit about?
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shinichi Izumi
    Move that sucker up to #1, the anime was cool, but it left the story incomplete and changed some stuff, the manga is so much better, its just undescribable
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shinichi Izumi
  4. Shinichi Izumi
    Profile Post Comment

    local recording?

    local recording?
    Profile Post Comment by Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014
  5. Shinichi Izumi
    Sure, but i use to use a good one that had extractor in the name, forgot its name and never found it anymore, i did not just convert it removed the files from the .mkv (video tracks, audio tracks, subtitle tracks), because .mkv is not a video format, its actually a "wrapper" with multiple files inside. but sure, converter is a better word I guess.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Technology
  6. Shinichi Izumi
  7. Shinichi Izumi
  8. Shinichi Izumi
    season 9 was quite... interesting (?)
    Spoilers of season nine ending ahead.
    Dean becoming a demon? that was quite shocking, what happens to heaven now? to Metatron? is the cass gonna take over? can dean be reverted? that one guy who became a hunter after find out about monsters due to his wife's death, will we see more of him?
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Shinichi Izumi
    Sounds interesting and much better to have a funny extra show than filler episodes, Rock Lee SD was funny and watchable, I expect this to be better, if Rock Lee SD became an anime, they have no reason to hold back on this, but unlike Rock Lee SD I plan to read this, for the majority of the show sasuke was closed off and dark, i wonder what approach they will take towards this.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Shinichi Izumi
    Read Deadman Wonderland, It's downright the best manga I've read in a while.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shinichi Izumi
    What is this show about?
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shinichi Izumi
    I actually sqeed when the DDD OST remixed Twister.[DOUBLEPOST=1409449553][/DOUBLEPOST]
    We can hope can't we? :<
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shinichi Izumi
  14. Shinichi Izumi
    Profile Post Comment

    We have so much in common.

    We have so much in common.
    Profile Post Comment by Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014
  15. Shinichi Izumi
    No one is allowed to Make Anti-Sora Avatars and not tell me.
    No one.

    I like your last attempt at Anti sora, the bars help to not draw attention to white edges in his hair and the coloring seems better, second one looks kinda weird bc it's like, just his face and nothing else (????), next two look great, nice placement and stuff, the last one is so nice.
    overall good job buddy, I'll take the last attempt at Anti if that's cool.
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Shinichi Izumi
    I need to use it on a ridiculous amounts of videos, so something that I is relatively quick and that i can leave open overnight while it does multiple videos, I just need to extract the .mp4 videos in the .mkv files. Many thanks.
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 30, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Technology
  17. Shinichi Izumi
  18. Shinichi Izumi

    -kingdom hearts only, no disney or FF unless you give me a very good reason

    -this is a shipping mep so keep it happy, sweet and cheerful, you can put some sad stuff to make it emotional, but this song is happy and upbeat, got it memorized?

    -any pairing with an original character goes (just dont get carried away with it *cough* *cough* terraXmasterxehanort or something stupid like that *cough* )

    -pairings can repeat only once.

    -all parings must have at least one character indigenous to the kingdom Hearts Franchise Ex: Zach X Aqua Is fine, Leon X Tifa is not

    -my first mep so its not hard to get into, but you must have experience with SV or AE (Or be REALLY good with something else)

    -do not cut your own part

    -do NOT cut your own part


    -no watermarks guys, you will be credited with a link to your channel and everything

    -if you need an extension say so at least 5 days before the deadline (don't be that person...)

    -You must use typography and the password is sweet memories; put that somewhere in your form

    -greenscreen or a few seconds of your last frame for a few seconds

    -Fan art is fine, CGI openings/scenes are fine, cutscenes are also fine as long as you use the best possible quality (nothing lower than 480p for some videos) EX: if you use DS days cutscenes when they are all available in kh13 and kh-vids in HD from the 1.5 remix you will be a buttnugget

    -720p/1080p widescreen (if more than 40% of you render it in 1080p I'll go with that, if not I'll go with 720p, anything below that is unacceptable)

    -SV/AE, but if you are a pro at videopad/WMM/or something else I might consider it if you show me your work

    -First come first serve-ish, I will take a look at your channel, I'm not picky but i need to see you have edited with kingdom hearts.

    -at random I will chose someone to do the Intro, anyone might get chosen, even me

    -Be punctual, don't be that guy

    -If this does not get many people quickly feel free to invite fellow editors to join

    -please do not upload your part to youtube before the mep is up, feel free to do so after

    -No hentai, unless you gimme a very good reason and censor/crop out any and all wohos and wehes.

    -gimme your part trough Skype or a mediafire link.

    -render in .mp4, i guess i can accept .wmv, but if you gimme something stupid like .mkv or .avi i will ask you to render it properly

    -Friendship parings and BROTPS are ok, like if you wanna show the friendship between Roxas and Axel, or the Ritual of passing (Terra Riku) (Kairi Aqua) that's cool, but lets avoid yaoi and yuri please, thanks!

    -Have fun!

    so many typos ;~;

    __Lyrics for typography__
    (I will ask you to redo any wrong lyrics, im putting the lyrics link here there is like literally no excuse ohmagoh)

    currentname and how i should write it (G+):
    Username(not G+):
    Top 3 parts:
    Top 3 pairings:
    720p or 1080p:
    Skype (if you want):
    Fvorite keyblade:

    __Audio Parts__
    Backup: (password: datroxass)

    __Mep Parts__
    INTRO: will be chosen AT RANDOM after all other parts are taken
    PART1: OPEN!!!
    PART2: OPEN!!!
    PART3: OPEN!!!
    PART4: OPEN!!!
    PART5: OPEN!!!
    PART6: OPEN!!!
    PART7: Taken by Me (Roxas/Xion)
    PART8: OPEN!!!
    PART9: OPEN!!!
    PART10: OPEN!!!
    PART11: OPEN!!!
    PART12: OPEN!!!
    PART13: OPEN!!!
    OUTRO/PART 14: OPEN!!!

    Something I posted on youtube and decided to post here as well.
    Thread by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 29, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  19. Shinichi Izumi
    am i in the skype group? i dont think i am... now that i bought my computer i can play regurlaly
    Post by: Shinichi Izumi, Aug 8, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Shinichi Izumi
    Profile Post Comment

    ok, cool ^^

    ok, cool ^^
    Profile Post Comment by Shinichi Izumi, Aug 8, 2014