what is that? I have literally NEVER heard of that card before, please elaborate. i did that but did not know about the 99 card limit and made it to floor 5 with multiple #1s and multiple blue cards but couldn find a crossing.[DOUBLEPOST=1412813792][/DOUBLEPOST] do you think they removed the 99 card limit?[DOUBLEPOST=1412813857][/DOUBLEPOST] yeah, i got to lvl5 and nothing. because of the 99 card limit i was ignorant about.[DOUBLEPOST=1412813993][/DOUBLEPOST] wow. I did not know that. Ill go delete some now. thanks! did they fix that in RE:?[DOUBLEPOST=1412814078][/DOUBLEPOST] good idea, i dont think ill delete any zeros.[DOUBLEPOST=1412814152][/DOUBLEPOST] what card is that?
I kid you not, that's not even an exageration, for one of the final doors in the 13th floor (i think) in castle oblivion, I'm missing a Blue card that's a number 1, and I have been trough countless battles, most of which are giving no cards and only XP for some reason :c I rage quit for a while then keep trying again, it's been like this for about a year, I've tried reloading the normal rooms countless times, and I've used almost every card to do so, I think I went up like a ridiculous amount of levels too, i'm almost on level 83, and yeah I really don't know what to do, I'm starting to lose hope guys.
no. This was very fun guys! sorry for my bad voice and possibly interrupting anyone(I was anxious!) Thanks for having me as a guest! It was nice.
I was gonna livestream KH: CoM, wanna comentary with me?
Hey guys! I really wanted to get back on that KH-video editing grind! but i dont have any of the footage anymore, so i wanted to ask, is there a torrent version of the downloads or maybe a version where i can download multiple files at once? thanks! also, when are the 1.5 Re:CoM and KH1 HD cutscenes getting around? [ Intensively Glares at @Mixt ]
recomend me some good manga, ill read the first chapter then tell you if ill pick it up or not.
if you read the manga lucy would be on top of your ignorant list.
Many of the older fans also care about the overall plot nowadays, but disney is one of the main elements that makes kingdom hearts kingdom hearts, most of the characters are and worlds are disney based and im sure it owes a very large portion of its success to disney, i mean can you really imagine sora without donald and goofy for example? it be just 2 boring FF ripoff lackeys, without disney kingdom hearts would have been just another final fantasy, asking what kingdom hearts would be without disney is like asking what water would be without hydrogen, it would be something else entirely, it would cease to be the Kingdom hearts we know and love.
Was looking for that super efficient one that I found where I put like 50 files at once and it does them all overnight, but this gets the job done and isn't slow so thanks, this works.
Any particular reason to not watch it?
REALLY? At home in bed reading from my tablet while listening to the OST from the anime of the manga im reading is so glorious.[DOUBLEPOST=1409545059][/DOUBLEPOST] and also, why did you stop there? youre like 80 episodes behind, do you only watch the dub?
Added some voice tracks to Roxas' theme from KH2, tried to make some type of remix DL:http://www.mediafire.com/download/1yg52enhqk2i796/3-13+Roxas+-Depression+Remix-.mp3
Is this only for LA people?
wow sorry, i feel stupid, I was thinking it was some program, I just got callburner, thanks
who are you? who were you before the name change? :x
The manga for edolas was so much more ecchi than the anime lol
Spoiler: kinda inapropriate language in japan, is it that hard to get a girl or are these just shut ins? [DOUBLEPOST=1409462093][/DOUBLEPOST] ok sweet.[DOUBLEPOST=1409462123][/DOUBLEPOST]fairy tail gets rad dude
Started it now, its interesting.[DOUBLEPOST=1409461485][/DOUBLEPOST]Andrei makes me want to stop immediately but i wont because im strong.
http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/english/undescribable pretty sure it depends on where youre from. does It have a plot or...?
Sweet! thanks, I hope things get less hectic for you!