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  1. Reij
    Slow internet connection, takes a while to load the page...

    I loved the first game, and there's coming another? OMFG, If I must say. Hopefully they don't screw the expansion packs like they did with DA: Awakening, I have my reasons for hating the game.

    *goes through the website*

    I'm so buying this game (or downloading, bwahahaha - but buying afterwards), since from the looks of it it's going to be a twice better experience than the first one. What happened to the darkspawn?
    Post by: Reij, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  2. Reij
    ^Was it the Extended Editions or the normal ones? I plan to watch the extended ones with my friend in some point when school starts. MUCH of energy drinks!

    One channel around here aired the "Star Wars IV: A New Hope" (was it that...?) hour or two ago and I watched it here over at my gramps. They air the whole saga on following Sundays, so it's good since I have some spare time to watch them. I missed the first and the second one and watched the third for like, what, tenth time? But oh well, I loce the series so it's not a big deal.
    Post by: Reij, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  3. Reij


    Well, I've been on English discussion forums (mainly anime and KH ones) for about year now, if not counted the first ever forum where I was... there I was a little childish and I couldn't even type well nor did I know even proper English. But a fail makes you grow, eh?

    And yeah, I've considered myself lil' mature since day one on my first KH forums, since I was muchly interested in the Debates section and applied after only few weeks of being there to the job of watching over the section. Hell, it paid off and there I was for few months until I had to focus more on my school so I had to quit the job. I've been moderator on fairly amount of sites, and the only place where I work now as one is the position of Super Moderator, but enough of that thought. Thanks for the welcome!
    Post by: Reij, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Reij


    Monkeys? Rarely hear that from someone who's talking to a Finn, they usually assume that there's Pinquins and Polar Bears. But hey, a European! Where ya from?

    *wipes off the sweat*

    I feared that I might have an older account on different e-mail but the IP would be the same... oh well. Thanks!
    Post by: Reij, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. Reij
  6. Reij


    Hey, I guess. First of all to the staff, if I have older account with the same IP address, please inform me and I'm deeply sorry, for that I don't remember all the forums where I have registered.

    Second of all, yes, yes, I've read the FAQ and I'm pretty sure how to hang out in forums, so please, spare me from the "hey noob, read the FAQ and rules so you'll get yourself going".

    What can I say, I've found the forums quite a while ago (which is why I'm so uncertain that do I have account already), years back and so on. I became interested a while ago as Misty mentioned the forums and said she's quite active, so yup.

    I'm from Finland, so plz, don't tease me for being an European.

    k thanx bai <3
    Thread by: Reij, Jul 25, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures