****** am i? oh yeah and i agree this cleverbot **** made me not come to this website. you have ruined my experiences on this website and for that i shame upon you, good day.
I believe you owe me 17 cookies, kind sir.
My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father. Prepare to die.
http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=MARIO&word2=what%3F the tribe has spoken!
lets get some shoes
....que? idk how to bypass short message :(
who me? couldn't be then who?
You just lost the game
This thread is now about Hitler.
older then the *** on my sheets
your mother
well aren't you just too cool for school
am i doing it right?
this person is really cool
i'd verb your noun if you know what i mean
i'd slay your whispering eye.
More like my bloody vagina 3d amirite?
i wish i was as cool as you :(
You just expect everything to be peaches and cream? I had to raise our baby on my own. Get out.