Oh god my heart. (Good job so far everyone~)
Too many nostalgia lovers in here. Anyways: Steins;Gate (might seem boring at first but it gets crazy later on) Nichijou Mirai Nikki [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control Black Lagoon ... eh fuk it, agreeing with Jube here. Just use the charts.
Then go add your input to the op when you get a minute. What libregkd is trying to say, is that we don't allow articles to be posted unless the op has something to contribute as well. Opinion, facts, etc. Anyways I'm not surprised, but I do wonder if the Wii U will be able to give a better CoD experience for the Nintendo fans. Even if it does, I don't see the Cod community leaving Xbox Live or even PSN anytime soon.
It is pretty silly. For example, they took out this scene in Spongebob. If you see the episode on TV now, they just show him magically appearing in front of the patty vault lol.
Added a few options that might help, with the loading speed at least. Hide Avatars: Disables Avatars everywhere EXCEPT (unfortunately) in threads. Will try to fix this. Hide Smilies: Displays smilies as text. Hide IMG Tag: Displays images as a link Hide Attachment's Thumbnail: (self explanatory) You can find these in your account preferences.
Yeah, they'll be added to our channel later today most likely.
Excellent job once again, very proud to be the first site with DDD cutscenes that aren't camrips. Thanks for all your work Mixt!
I have it too, along with the 30gig original. Never felt the need for something else.
Think he was more of a KHI legend.
Love you all, even if you hate us.
Greeting, word, whatever.
brb closing checking account
Kitty will always have a place in my heart, whether she likes it or not~
Alright so first of all, sorry for being behind on updating these. I completely missed posting Summer season's lineup and still had Spring as a sticky. But oh well... too late now. Let's jump right into fall now shall we? >>>Full Size<<< Quite a bit on our plates for this season it seems. What will you be watching?
GIMP Krita Paint.NET Pretty sure these are the most used alternatives.
Erika is better .
Beautiful Tragedy - In This Moment