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  1. Saxima
    I've finally done it.

    I've gone mad.

    LOL JK, I went there a long time ago. Anyway, you should totes check out my profile, it's looking pretty sexy right about now. Just do what Namine says at the top and you'll see it.

    I know it's a bit plain, but for some reason, this took me forever. AND DON'T TELL ME THIS SHOULD GO IN THE GRAPHIC ART SECTION BECAUSE I'M SPAMMING AND I KNOW IT BIZNITCHES.


    Thread by: Saxima, Aug 2, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Saxima

    Hey Gaiz

    I'm not trying to be a ****** or troll on anyone, that's not the way I roll, but I went on Google Maps and typed in "Korea" only to see a mapped South Korea and a totes blank North Korea.

    Srs, go check it out.
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 31, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Saxima
    . . .



    Plz gaiz, don't tell me I'm the only one excited to see what this restart of the series brings to the table. This is one of the shows I practically grew up with and it's one of the awesomest things ever made. This revamping, I really hope it's awesome.

    The thing I'm worried about though is since Cartoon Network has gone a bit mainstream, this new series might not get as much popularity as some would hope.

    Thoughts? :3
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 30, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Saxima
    Who's your favorite?

    (at the moment I posted this, I feel very silly since there's no on else in the group. ;~;)
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 29, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. Saxima
    Makaze is my lover.
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 27, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. Saxima

    >_> lol
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 27, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Saxima
    I found this one yesterday on On Demand's Anime Network and decided to check it out. For a little while, I thought it was from the creators of Baccano! and Durarara!! because it had that kinda style clinging to it, but I checked it out today on wikipedia and found it wasn't and it's instead the second project in Anime no Chikara (A joint project of TV Tokyo anime department, for the creation of original anime series not based on previously published stuff [manga, light novels, visual novels, games, et cetera])

    It's really interesting and it looks like the series takes place in Shanghai, China - also known as the Devil's City. (or something like that.)

    The four main characters are Aoi Miyoshi, Kazura Iha, Natsume Kagiya, and Yukina Sonogi, each of whom have (a) special ability(s), and work under a special military spy organization known as "Sakurai Kikan", and under a man named Shin'ichiro Sakurai.

    I recommend you check it out.
    (for those of you who have Time Warner Cable's On Demand, it's under "Action Zone", and the first episode is the second episode, and the second episode is the first one, so watch the second one first [the one with 02] also, it's dubbed, but it's not half bad - then again I haven't really seen the subbed version, so I can't compare)
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 27, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Saxima

    Recognized posters of round one: DPWolf and Spike
    Recognized posters of round two: Chev, Supermassive, and Midnight Star

    Remember the rules: Boys count down until they reach -100 and girls count up until they reach 100.
    Boy posts: 53
    Girl posts: 55

    Boy posts: -24
    Girl posts: -22

    Round One winners: BOYS
    Round Two winners: BOYS
    -Boys: 2
    -Girls: 0

    Let's start!

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 22, 2011, 206 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Saxima
    A version of Britney Spears' song "Baby One More Time" in screamo.

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 17, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Saxima
    Haha, I'm just popping out a whole bunch of stuff, huh? Ah well. They're all sigs today, and some of the original images are from the pack of Kingdom Hearts pictures that Jay posted, so thanks to him for that, I've been having craploads of fun with them. (:




    (this one's my favorite ♡ eyeshield 21 and hiruma ♡)

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 15, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Saxima
    And it's about to spill over entirely.

    [Wall of text/rant]

    I try not to have too many problems in life unless it's something menial like a boy, or maybe school, etc, and when I do have bigger issues, they seem to never show.

    It feels like they'll be spilling here soon, so I need a bit of help to keep that from happening because if it does, I think things aren't going to end well for me or anyone else around me.

    For a while now, life has been nothing short of frustrating - lemme give you a little insight to my family: My mother has Tourette's syndrome and she's also very neurotic, controlling, and a bit OCD about what everyone thinks of her. My dad is a bipolar, (and when he gets the chance) drunk, violent, (sometimes) son of a bitch. My sister is an uncooperative, smart-ass, defiant, little brat, and I'm a sarcastic, bipolar, lazy, bitch that couldn't give two shIts even if I wanted to. the rest of my outside family is just as, if not more, dysfunctional as we are.

    Lately, my dad hasn't really been talking to the rest of us because he's all mad and crap about god knows what, and all my mom seems to be doing lately is yelling at me for something I said, and yelling at my sister for something she said, and then yelling at me again because it's all my fault in the first place.

    Another thing is that a boy who had given me a kidney when I was thirteen is in the hospital for whatever reason that his mom is keeping from me, and it looks like he might not make it, and there's a good chance it could be my fault because I've got his other kidney. Awesome right? Now I get to be responsible for someone's death, and mom can just yell at me some more.

    Coming up in October, I have to go to court to testify against a man who sexually assaulted me when I was a little girl, mind you it happened more than once. I don't want to go and do this bullshit because no one seems to understand that I couldn't care less whether the man gets arrested for not - the only reason I'm testifying in the first place is because that's what everyone wants me to do, forget what I want. It's mostly my mom and she wants revenge because she's just a bitch like that.
    -Everyone is telling me that it's the right thing to do, but they couldn't care less about what I want which is to not testify, but I can't seem to get myself up to calling my lawyer and saying that I just don't wanna do it - not to mention even if I did, there's no guaranteeing that I can get out of it now.

    It feels like all I've been doing lately is listening to my mom and dad yell at each other because they don't give two shits about their daughters that are listening and the older one that wants them to shut the **** up because she sick of hearing it. To add on to all the stress, I've been having some mental issues as well, because there's something that's dragging me into a world that I want and at the same time want to stay away from because it's not real and it's not healthy for me to want that world.

    My councilor told me I needed to differentiate, and so has everyone else, but they don't seem to be telling me the thing I wanna hear - which I have no idea what that might be yet, but I feel like if I hear it, maybe I'll be okay with that part of my life. Because this..."OCD" thing I'm starting to develop feels like it's going to get dangerous very soon if I don't do something about it.

    I've also been contemplating just simply leaving my house for good, even though I don't know what good that'll do me, since I've got nowhere to go, no job to keep me going, and have no work ethic whatsoever, so that's getting to be a problem too.

    So...yeah. Troubles seem to come when you don't want them.

    [/Wall of text/rant]
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 15, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  12. Saxima
    30 Seconds to Mars ♡ I love this song - and then they put it in that one Sunkist commercial and it was so epic. I ended up making a few signatures with a few of the snapshots I found. The last snapshot was my favorite, so I made three different versions. ♡ CnC?







    Then I went off and made some avatars, one of which matched my previous sig, but I can't use it because it's 150x150. They all are. ♡

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 13, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Saxima
    That you cannot say "Irish wristwatch" without trying really hard.

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 13, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Saxima
    It seems that a few people have forgotten that the deadline was tomorrow. Either that, or they didn't know. I prefer the latter, because it is my fault.


    I decided that a new deadline should be better. At the very least, Luxord shouldn't be back until next week, and at best, in two weeks.

    The new deadline is now MONDAY, JULY 18TH.

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 12, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. Saxima
    Why don't bologna and lasagna rhyme?

    Haven't you ever wondered that? I mean, they both end in 'gna' so why don't they rhyme? :Awesome:
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 9, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Saxima
    CnC Please. This thing put me through hell. I didn't know what to do with it. I've still got it in .psd on my computer, so I can change it, maybe you guys can help. There's too much freaking pink. It's a wallpaper by the way. 1280x1024

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 7, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Saxima

    So guys...

    For the first time in my entire life, I went on 4chan.

    I'm still on it as I post it. I deem this to be a bad thing.

    You guys...this is a problem.

    I'm on 4chan.

    I feel the need to emphasize this. Because I've seen some...unspeakable things. And still on 4chan.
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 5, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Saxima
    It's back you guys. LET'S DO THIS.
    Original thread.
    Recognized posters of round one: DPWolf and Spike
    Recognized posters of round two: Chev, Supermassive, and Midnight Star

    Remember the rules: Boys count down until they reach -100 and girl count up until they reach 100.
    Boy posts: 53
    Girl posts: 55

    Boy posts: -24
    Girl posts: -22

    Round One winners: BOYS
    -Boys: 2
    -Girls: 0

    Let's start!

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 4, 2011, 309 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Saxima
    So just about ten minutes ago, before I posted this thread, I was playing Kingdom Hearts II, and hanging out in The World That Never Was. I began thinking to myself, how much more cooler the world would have been if we would have had a little bit more access to the buildings in it.

    I mean, I know it looks like a city and all, and I'm pretty sure they're no people, but what about other Nobodies who had a human form - I know there has to be more of them than the ones in Organization XIII. What if they were inside those buildings?

    Basically, do you think it would have been cool to have a little bit more access to TWTNW?
    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 2, 2011, 16 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Saxima

    OOC thread here.

    You could be fighting against your brothers, your sisters.
    They recruited us, breeded us, raised us, the young people, to kill each other, to work for them, the old timers.
    You could be fighting against your cousins, your friends.
    Where you lived, that's who you fought for. It's the East against the West. A country against itself. A nation in the year 3100 C.E./A.D., a nation that runs on steam. Where airship warfare is the only way to fly and having a bionic arm and a mechanical spider made of gears and metal knick knacks is normal.
    It's the young people of Kalista against the young people of Glandibus, and you are that young person, fighting the war of the old timers.

    Which side will you choose...?



    The year is 3100 CE/AD and tales are told of a country that once existed long ago, a great leading nation by the name of Concordis, but those tales have turned legend and myths. The once great nation is gone, destroyed by brother fighting brother in a civil war, begun in the year 2100 A.D., and has even now yet to end. The two nations that stand in its place today – The West Domain of Glandibus and the East Provinces of Kalista.

    The former west half of Concordis is Glandibus, a dark country led in a Spartan-like manner. If you're tough, you survive. If you pass The Exam at the age of twelve, you survive. The Domain only wants the best and most fit soldiers in their ranks to be led by their tight fist dictator, Dux Fortis. And if you fail The Exam, you're executed. Regardless of being slightly behind of Kalista in technology, Glandibus has some of the best trained soldiers in the world.

    The previous east half of Concordis is Kalista, an opposite of Glandibus in its own right. The dark country is half anarchist where there is no government, and half communist where everything belongs to the little government that actually rules. Though in comparison to Glandibus the nation is somewhat smaller in land mass, it boasts slightly more advance technology, its airship academies being some of the best in the world. But the chances of getting into one of them is slim, unless you have the skills and worthiness.

    Existing in both nations are the rebels, the people who wish to once again live in Concordis and see it up in its former glory. One particular group, a young rebel group known as "The Libertate Pugnantium" or, for short, the LP, has some of the most notorious treasonous teens and young adults known to either country.

    Where did you start? What's your story? How will you shape the future of your nation?


    I allow cussing. All words are allowed, but let them be used SPARINGLY. The only over dos can be “damn” or “hell” and variations on those words.
    Can we try to get an EVEN number of boys and girls? :Awesome:
    As far as Romance goes, the “fade to black” scene is allowed. As are kissies. :3 But for the most part, let's try to keep it between PG-13 and NC-17 please.
    Questions ARE ALLOWED. I'm not going to lynch you, so don't be afraid to ask.
    There's a good chance that I will GODMOD for plot purposes, you might have to do so to if I ask. It is my RP and I do expect some cooperation from you guys.
    I am a GRAMMAR NAZI, I please demand :Awesome: that you use proper grammar; “talking,” thinking.
    I would rather have COLOR CODED characters, if you didn't mind.
    PATIENCE is expected of everyone, if you're waiting for someone to reply, wait a bit longer, if the waiting time is batshit long, then you may just...walk off or continue on.
    Your post must be at least FIVE SENTENCES, a fairly small paragraph.
    This RP is based on the style of STEAMPUNK, so when choosing the appearance of your character, please KEEP THAT IN MIND.
    Once you pick a side, you may only betray ONCE. Pre-RP betraying is allowed in the Bio.
    Can we also try to get an even number of people on each side? I know we all wanna be rebels, but it just can't happen. It's lucky I get first call. :Awesome:
    *Remember, there's a good reason that words are capitalized.​



    It was an early morning during the cool days of mid autumn. For the last few weeks, especially the last couple of days, they had been working tirelessly and without stop to keep fending off the attacks of the soldiers from Glandibus and Kalista, trying to keep their underground community from collapsing, and most of all, trying to keep either side from finding their hideout - or at least their current one, which was the worst one to be at ever because it was right smack in the middle of the border between teh warring nations. For the most part, the LP had been fending off both sides very well, but that was mostly due to the dedication of the fighters and, not to mention, the fact that they had been smuggling technology from Kalista.

    Caprice threw her legs over the edge of her bed at the underground Nonak Inn, one of the few places the Libertate was actually safe for a little while. She yawned and stretched out her arms, wondering how late or early she had waken up today. The timing these days always seemed spread out, waking up early four days in a row, then late another three days - it was really getting annoying, but she supposed she couldn't do anything about it. It was probably because of the defense of the current hideout.

    "Besides, we wanna keep safe, don't we?" she said to herself, getting dressed and putting up her hair, "We have to stay alive if we want to end this ridiculous war," She moved what was left of her white hair out of her face and started out of her room, passing other doors of LP fighters who were probably just waking up too.

    She headed downstairs to the bar, "Hal, could you get me some milk please?" she asked politely.

    Thread by: Saxima, Jul 2, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home