Search Results

  1. Saxima
    Today I was watching the Sailor Moon S and R movies, and I thought about making a role-play.

    I haven't come up with a story or anything like that, or the fact that it would be . . . difficult, because there are only so many planets and the whatnot. But if this were to blossom, I would like the story to be original (erm . . . duh?), rather than based on the anime or manga, although would still be using the characters from - I feel pretty dense right now about this . . .

    But if we could get some ideas, or support on this, I would really like that.
    Thread by: Saxima, Dec 29, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Saxima
    The Dress-Up Contest!
    Round IV

    After a while, we have returned. It's my fault that the last contest thread sorta . . . died, but things will be more organized this time. So make a doll and enter~

    Have fun~

    The winner of the third round
    Llave de Espada
    with his entry, Ignis Venefica:

    Make sure to congratulate him, and we'll eventually get around to giving him something for his win.​

    Continuing the Four Elements Series~
    This round's element:


    • In terms of appropriateness, that can range very widely. For the game we choose, you should be able to define what's appropriate and what's not.
    • There is no trolling in these contests, respect everyone and don't ****** on anyone's design. There will be disqualifications for that.
    • Put some effort into it! If you entered, you entered for a reason, right? We wanna see some amazing things!
    • You are only allowed one entry per contest, depending on what game it is, two could be possible
    • When you submit your entry, please put it in spoiler tags, that way we don't have images all over the freaking place.
    • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place.
    • Have fun with it, be creative! Dress-up games are the perfect way to unleash your inner little girl! [lol] Take this chance because that's usually not accepted in today's society!
    • You're NOT allowed to vote for your own entry! Don't be a narcissist, or . . . whatever. The poll will display voters from her on out.
    • Please don't try and get people to vote for your entry outside of the thread, it's tacky and kinda asshole-ish, and I don't want people coming to me and saying that they think an entrant is fixing the contest. -_-
    • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~

    Entry Form
    Doll's Name:


    Username: Kingdom Hearts520
    Doll's Name: Aqua

    Username: Makaze
    Doll's Name: Elly

    Username: Midnight Star
    Doll's Name: Sophia

    Username: Llave de Espada
    Doll's Name: Pelago Mulierem

    Username: Lilith
    Doll's Name: Madam Kraken

    Username: SkyCat
    Doll's Name: Jasmine

    Username: Saxima
    Doll's name: Cascata

    Username: Spunk Ransom (:
    Doll's Name: Fluidity

    Username: DarkTraitor
    Doll's Name: Azure

    Username: -dinamplified
    Doll's Name: Vivienne

    Username: Loxare
    Doll's name: Ceela

    Username: muff monkey
    Doll's Name: Maeve
    Thread by: Saxima, Dec 26, 2011, 27 replies, in forum: The Playground
  3. Saxima
    Okay, so as some of you may or may have not noticed, the dress up contest I was running kinda...died. I messaged Misty about sticking a poll in here a while back, but she never did, and so I'd forgotten about it. ;~;

    What do you guys think, should I make a new thread so we can restart the third contest?

    I'd like that...

    Thread by: Saxima, Dec 20, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: The Playground
  4. Saxima
    We're drawing closer to Christmas everyone, hope all of your lives are filled with cheer, where mine is not.

    But I do love Tumblr.

    All 150x150


    These last five are from one of my favorite Vocaloid songs, Cantarella, you should look it up on YouTube when you can. c:

    Thread by: Saxima, Dec 17, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Saxima
    Sup bros? As some of you know, I acquired a Tumblr a few months back, and have since then made about 4000 posts. That's more than Makaze has in about more than half a year or something since he's had his. I really like a lot of the photos that end up in my Tumblr, so I started saving some of them. Well, I turned the few I did into icons.


    CnC, y'know, if you wanna. They're all 150x150 prems, so if you like them, you can use them. [two of them look like they're 200x200, but I think that Photobucket is being a *** because the files on my computer are both 150x150, so if you want one of those two, just message me and we'll work something out or something . . .]

    Thread by: Saxima, Dec 10, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Saxima



    Owls confirmed to be the creepiest birds ever. LOOK AT THE FUCKING THINGS. If you fail to notice the one on the left fucking SWALLOWING a rat, then you have the dude singing some satanic chant or something next to him, and then you have those two other fucking psychos synchronized to make you feel creeped the fuck out with their soulless dance of FUCKING DOOM.
    Thread by: Saxima, Nov 27, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Saxima


    I considered putting this in the Debate Corner, but I just wanted opinions. Foreskin, if you see the need to move this, go ahead, or any other mods who think it necessary to do so.

    I was thinking just a little while ago, every person has lied at least once in their life, if not five times or something, they can be as small as telling your parents about doing the chores or as big as lying in court, but it's been done.

    I don't spare myself from this, and consider myself a very good liar, although this is bad to say because it's hard to believe a person once you know that they've lied.

    What do you think about liars and lies? Do you yourself lie on a regular basis? Consider yourself good at it?

    If so, I'm curious . . . what would be the biggest lie you've ever told? Did you feel bad about it?Who was it that you lied to?
    Thread by: Saxima, Nov 2, 2011, 17 replies, in forum: Discussion
  8. Saxima


    Everything is piling recently, very annoying . . .

    Anyway, a few weeks back, maybe maybe a month and a half or two months, a friend of mine died because he was only surviving with one kidney and his immune system had been suffering up until the time of his death, and it was partially, or largely due to the fact that he only had one kidney.

    I'd known him since I was very young, we went to elementary school together, and found that we shared the same blood type, which is O negative, very rare to come by.

    Well, about four years ago, when I was thirteen, I decided that my life would be of better used to the world not living, so I shot myself in my right side, because I was too much of a coward to shoot myself in the head. I was dying very fast and they said that I now needed a new kidney, that I wouldn't survive without it even if the blood stopped coming out. I was in the emergency room for two extremely painful hours when they, extremely, very luckily found a donor whose blood type matched mine.

    His name was Nick, and he gave me one of his kidneys so that I may live. The surgery was a success, but the fallowing year, he started to have health problems, and as the next two years passed, they started getting worse, and it partially due to only having one kidney.

    Well . . . he died in the beginning of September, and I was in hysterics for about two weeks, although it was only when I was completely alone, and I bottled everything up during the day so I could break down at night.

    Normally, I wouldn't bring my real problems here because they're easily dealt with alone, but about thirty minutes before I made this thread, I woke up from an extremely terrorizing nightmare about the whole ordeal.

    I'm incredibly guilty and on the verge of tears, feeling like I'm on the verge of insanity too, though I look fine.

    Not sure what to do here KHV, if you could ease my conscience, that'd be great.
    Thread by: Saxima, Nov 1, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  9. Saxima
    Man, what is it with people these days? A lot of humans I've seen or met recently are starting to tick me off. I mean, who does something like this, and then gets it on video?

    They have no right to beat that kid for being different, for having a different sexual preference. Really pisses me off.

    And then the kid who attacked only had a three day suspension? Fricken people . . .


    There's also a video in here, and it's of the teenager getting beat up, watch at your own discresion please.
    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 28, 2011, 23 replies, in forum: Current Events
  10. Saxima
    The Dress-Up Contest!
    Round III

    We're back everyone! I still haven't gotten word yet if this will start to be an official deal, so for the time being, we'll just keep it here. c: Make sure you read the rules over again, a few additions have been made. Thanks~

    The winner of the second round
    with his entry, Fitte [nice choice in name you've got there Chris.]:

    Make sure to congratulate him, and we'll eventually get around to giving him something for his win.​

    • In terms of appropriateness, that can range very widely. For the game we choose, you should be able to define what's appropriate and what's not.
    • There is no trolling in these contests, respect everyone and don't ****** on anyone's design. There will be disqualifications for that.
    • Put some effort into it! If you entered, you entered for a reason, right? We wanna see some amazing things!
    • You are only allowed one entry per contest, depending on what game it is, two could be possible
    • When you submit your entry, please put it in spoiler tags, that way we don't have images all over the freaking place.
    • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place.
    • Have fun with it, be creative! Dress-up games are the perfect way to unleash your inner little girl! [lol] Take this chance because that's usually not accepted in today's society!
    • You're NOT allowed to vote for your own entry! Don't be a narcissist, or . . . whatever. The poll will display voters from her on out.
    • Please don't try and get people to vote for your entry outside of the thread, it's tacky and kinda asshole-ish, and I don't want people coming to me and saying that they think an entrant is fixing the contest. -_-
    • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~

    Entry Form
    Doll's Name:

    This week's game will start the Four Elements series~
    This weeks element:



    Loxare's Vulcanna

    Kingdom Heart530's Adriane

    Llave de Espada's Ignis Venefica

    Jayn's Helvetica

    Firekeyblade's Flamma

    The Genius Sex Poet's (Rat) Lola

    DarkTraitor's Zarathos

    Midnight Star's Blaze

    Lilith's Jiskra

    Saximaphone's Plamya

    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 21, 2011, 24 replies, in forum: The Playground
  11. Saxima
    Water's so polluted, all of their fish have AIDs.

    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 21, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Saxima
    So we were talking about cats and dogs.

    "See, this is how dogs think:

    Master (Someone in the house) > Dog > Everyone else > Cats.

    Now, this is cats:

    Cats > All."
    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 11, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Saxima
    The Dress-Up Contest!
    Round II: Tie Breaker

    Poll will close on October 14th

    Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that due to the lack of votes, we now have a four-way tie in the second round. The entries we're deciding between:​

    Christhor's Fitte

    Trigger's Nienna

    Midnight Star's Ilya

    CaptnAmazing (Noroz)'s Andúne
    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 10, 2011, 28 replies, in forum: The Playground
  14. Saxima
    I had a dream about you.

    And cats.
    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 9, 2011, 48 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Saxima
    An interesting and slightly irrelevnant, random question, but what do you think of the word uncouth?

    Thread by: Saxima, Oct 4, 2011, 43 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Saxima

    My mom . . .

    She's reading Twilight fanfiction.

    "That's the worst kind."

    "Why? I think it's pretty cool. Is there a guy named Rupert in the Volturi in the books? I don't remember him . . ."
    Thread by: Saxima, Sep 24, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Saxima
    The Dress-Up Contest!
    Round II

    Poll closes on October 10th, make sure you all vote!

    We're back everyone! I still haven't gotten word yet if this will start to be an official deal, so for the time being, we'll just keep it here. c:

    The winner of the first [test round] contest:
    with his entry, Lily:

    Make sure to congratulate him, and we'll eventually get around to giving him something for his win.​

    • In terms of appropriateness, that can range very widely. For the game we choose, you should be able to define what's appropriate and what's not.
    • There is no trolling in these contests, respect everyone and don't ****** on anyone's design. There will be disqualifications for that.
    • Put some effort into it! If you entered, you entered for a reason, right? We wanna see some amazing things!
    • You are only allowed one entry per contest, depending on what game it is, two could be possible
    • When you submit your entry, please put it in spoiler tags, that way we don't have images all over the freaking place.
    • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place.
    • Have fun with it, be creative! Dress-up games are the perfect way to unleash your inner little girl! [lol] Take this chance because that's usually not accepted in today's society!

    Entry Form
    Doll's Name:

    This week's game:
    Elven Fashion


    Maki's Ashara

    Loxare's Matiin

    Kingdom Hearts530's Anya

    Firekeyblade's Umbra

    Makaze's Melanie

    Christhor's Fitte

    DarkTraitor's Letia

    Dr. Doctor (Peace-and-War)'s Thylund

    Trigger's Nienna

    Saximaphone's Elira

    Midnight Star's Ilya

    LARiA's Abhithi

    CaptnAmazing (Noroz)'s Andúne
    Thread by: Saxima, Sep 24, 2011, 51 replies, in forum: The Playground
  18. Saxima
    So I need just a little bit of guidance here, a few examples . . .

    I have a ****** relationship with my mom and sometimes I want her dead. This may sound normal, me being a teenager and all, but it's not - and just trust me on that. That's the tl;dr version.

    It may be a bit of a personal question, but I'd like to know what a good relationship with a mom or dad looks like, I might be able to learn because no one else seems to help very well.

    Er . . . go?
    Thread by: Saxima, Sep 23, 2011, 12 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  19. Saxima
    For reasons that are better left unsaid, there is a knife stuck into my kitchen wall.

    Can we get something creative for help . . .? I'm too tired to think of anything.
    Thread by: Saxima, Sep 23, 2011, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Saxima
    As most of you saw, the Dress Up contest looked to be something of a success, we were pretty happy. Now the question remains:

    Should it be continued?

    If so, the winner of the first contest will be announced in the second thread.

    Thanks gaiz. c:
    Thread by: Saxima, Sep 20, 2011, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone