Saxima's Graphic Shop is made for FIXED WIDTH. IT'S BEEN A WHILE or so since I opened my shop, and not many people have come to visit, but that's okay! I'm in great appreciation of the people who have come to visit me, and I've been more than happy to serve them all. I hope that within the coming days, I shall receive more love. It's a very exciting thing, you know. ♥ ♔ ON CREDITING, you have a choice between me very, very subtly watermarking your graphic, or crediting me in your signature, making it as small and out of the way as you'd like. ♚ I WILL ONLY ACCEPT the highest quality images you can find - and yes they're out there. I wouldn't like to spend my time trying to make a low-quality image look good, because that's not easy nor fun. ♔ PLEASE BE PATIENT - please be respectful. I am a senior, and while I make time, I may not have it all of the time. I will do a quick and quality job to the best of my ability, and your cooperation would be lovely. ♚ IF I DEEM YOUR REQUEST less than . . . acceptable to my tastes, I will deny it. I'm usually very open, so I'm sure this will be a rare occurrence. Never had many of these, so I don't know what to put. MAKING THEM UP AS I GO, IT IS. ➳ WHAT DOES FAQ MEAN?It means "frequently asked questions". ➳ WHAT PROGRAM DO YOU USE?I use Photoshop CS5. For a while now, since I have access to it, I've been considering switching to CS6, but I'm not sure of its improvements. ➳ WHAT TOOLS DO YOU TYPICALLY USE IN MY REQUEST?Well, there are a couple of different things; I tend to use gradients a lot, and STROKE, which makes a border ( because for some reason, I like borders and can sometimes make them look good ). I also use a lot of vectors, which I'm always looking for more to download. ➳ YO, CAN I GET MORE THAN ONE THING AT A TIME?Depends, I guess. If it's a signature and avatar set, then sure, but if it's a signature and a gif or perhaps a signature and a roleplay layout, then no. Well, maybe. If it just feels like it's too much work, then that's the point where I won't do it. Ehh, I'm actually pretty lenient, so maybe you'll get lucky. ➳ YO, SAXIMA, HURRY UP YOU LAZYASS GOOD-FOR-NOTHING ! !Well, no. I work at my own pace, but if there's a certain time you need it by, then you should probably tell me. Most things will be done within the week of the request, unless the requests pile high [which I doubt], then that should be my deadline. ❀ AVATARS The image that goes under your username and usertitle. IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT AN AVATAR IS, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE SERIOUS ISSUES. - Max Size: 200 x 200 If you don't want me to have my way with it and turn it into a Picasso artwork, then please, be as specific as possible. ❀ SIGNATURESThe long-ways images that go under your posts. - Prems: Can have two - Norms: Can have one - Max size is 500x500 - Will also format text in, if you'd like You should also be nice and thorough in describing, otherwise, I'll fail to meet possible expectations, unless that's what you'd like. ❀ ROLEPLAYINGThis is a large section because it can apply to different things. The higher quality roleplays don't really require nice banners and post layouts, but people like to have them. Here are a few things that apply: - Character banners - Title banners - Subtitle banners - Posting colors ( such as regular text, dialogue, thoughts, etc. ) - Font types - The [ PARAGRAPH ] code - The [ INDENT ] code - Special characters ❀ BANNERS / HEADERSGenerally used for stories, other titular things. Have a pretty title banner to top off your thread! ❀ GIFSAnimated images that can be used in all of the above. Make you look fancy! - If provided, I can re-size - If needed, links will have to be provided from YouTube - Time frame must be between two and ten seconds - If you intend to use it in your signature, max is 500x500, and there's the 500kb limit to think of as well - If it's from a movie, I will work with you - Branching from the previous bullet, I would recommend using Windows Movie Maker to cut down the movie or show to what you want the GIF of. Other Shops: [ ♪ | ♪ | ♪ | ♪ ] Fonts: [ ♪ | ♪ ] Photoshop Resources: [ ♪ | ♪ | ♪ | ♪ | ♪ | ♪ ] Renders: [ ♪ | ♪ | ♪ ] Color Scheming: [ ♪ | ♪ | ♪ ] Japanese Emoticons: [ ♪ ] Symbols & Special Characters: [ ♪ | ♪ | ♪ ] ♕ AVATARS 100x100 Spoiler: 100x100 Avatars 150x150 Spoiler: 150x150 Avatars 200x200 Spoiler: 200x200 Avatars ♛ SIGNATURES Spoiler: Signatures ♕ ROLEPLAY POST SCHEMES Look here. And here. Here too. One of my favorites. ♛ BANNERS / HEADERS Spoiler: Banners ♕ GIFS Spoiler: GIFs ❢ READY FOR YOUR ORDER? Spoiler: Order Forms Avatars Code: - Size: [ max 200 x 200 ] - Image: - Text: [yes or no | if yes, specify what to say] - Color Specifications: - Shape Specifications: - Specifications: - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else? Signatures Code: - Size: [max 500x500] - Image: - Text: [yes or no | if yes, specify what to say] - Color Specifications: - Shape Specifications: - Specifications: - Match your avatar?: - Border: [if so, what type of border?] - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else? Roleplay Post Formattings Code: - Font types: - Colors: - Images: [optional, I can choose for you, if you'd like] - Indents: [if so, how many?] - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything special? Roleplay banners, headers, toppers, whatever the HELL you'd like to call them. Code: - What type: [ story banner, roleplay banner, etc ] - Bad Guy or Good Guy?: - Character Name?: - Font types: - Colors: - Quote: - Specific images to work with: - Border: [yes or no] - Certain theme?: - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else? GIFs ( PRONOUNCED : JIF ) Code: - Clip: [link or download link provided] - Length & Times - Size - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else? ❦Hyuge ❧❧Firekeyblade ❧The Hero of Time ( IV ) ❧Korosu ( II ) ❧AndrewTemari101 ❧Dinny ❧Moshi ❧ArosFarron ❧NutHeadBros. ( II ) ❧master of keyblades ( III ) ❧Twilight_Nobody13 ( II ) ❧LARiA ❧Kingdom Hearts530 ❧Midnight Star ❧Myst ❧Flowergothic ❧Monochrome ❧NightCrisis ❧Hyuge ( III ) ❧Fuzzy ❧KHGrl15 ( II )
- Size: [ max 200 x 200 ] - Image: - Text: [yes or no | if yes, specify what to say] - Color Specifications: - Shape Specifications: - Specifications: - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else?
- Size: [max 500x500] - Image: - Text: [yes or no | if yes, specify what to say] - Color Specifications: - Shape Specifications: - Specifications: - Match your avatar?: - Border: [if so, what type of border?] - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else?
- Font types: - Colors: - Images: [optional, I can choose for you, if you'd like] - Indents: [if so, how many?] - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything special?
- What type: [ story banner, roleplay banner, etc ] - Bad Guy or Good Guy?: - Character Name?: - Font types: - Colors: - Quote: - Specific images to work with: - Border: [yes or no] - Certain theme?: - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else?
- Clip: [link or download link provided] - Length & Times - Size - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: - Anything else?
It was actually about two nights ago, but . . . The Staff had moved the Prem section into the SpamZone, and then guess what they added, instead of the Prem section that was totally secluded from the rest of the normal members? Their elusive Gay Porn section - to which I saw RvR and Fork and Chev were avid visitors of. And then, the night before the dream, I had been watching Inception, so after these few changes, buildings were holding the several different sections of the forum, and were shifting around a lot, and the more members that were in each section, the taller the buildings were. The Gay Porn section was the tallest.
The Dress-Up Contest! Round VII: TIE-BREAKER It seems that there's been a tie in the contest. Man, you guys . . . Okay, so here are the two entries that tied: Username: Aang [Plums] Doll's Name: Shelby Doll: Spoiler Username: Korosu [Kelly] Doll's Name: Dehlilah Doll: Spoiler It will be a first win for either contestant, so hooray! for them~ Vote on gentlefolk.
It's been a while since I've posted any kind of thing here, so I figured I throw out some icons I've been working on. Per usual, all of my sources are from Tumblr - more specifically, my Tumblr, but I give all credit to the original artists of the images. CnC would be nice, and I hope you guys like them.
helloo .
Good day, KHV. I had gotten this idea from two things: A thread that a member posted not too long ago, and then all of the confession blogs on Tumblr. In essence, this will work in the same way that the confessions blogs on Tumblr do. Any secrects you have Anything you want to get off of youre chest Even silly things Phobias, perhaps? Something of the past Another member you'd like to say something about? I only have one rule: When confessing, you're not allowed to mention the name of any one specific member, if so, I will anon the name, and so no one will know who you're talking about. Other than that, you're free to confess what you wish. Please don't be shy - this is all anonymous, just like the Postbox, only people aren't receiving messages. If you would prefer, however, you could just post a confession here yourself, one that you wouldn't mind other people knowing, but the link below leads to my inbox, so please, don't be shy. I wish you all well, and happy confessing.
The Dress-Up Contest! Round VII The winner of the sixth round Saxima [wtf] with her entry, Dunovenie: Spoiler You're not allowed to congratulate me and I will receive nothing for winning. This round's game: Rebel Girl __________________Rules In terms of appropriateness, that can range very widely. For the game we choose, you should be able to define what's appropriate and what's not. There is no trolling in these contests, respect everyone and don't ****** on anyone's design. There will be disqualifications for that. Put some effort into it! If you entered, you entered for a reason, right? We wanna see some amazing things! You are only allowed one entry per contest, depending on what game it is, two could be possible When you submit your entry, please put it in spoiler tags, that way we don't have images all over the freaking place. For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. Have fun with it, be creative! Dress-up games are the perfect way to unleash your inner little girl! [lol] Take this chance because that's usually not accepted in today's society! You're NOT allowed to vote for your own entry! Don't be a narcissist, or . . . whatever. The poll will display voters from her on out. Please don't try and get people to vote for your entry outside of the thread, it's tacky and kinda asshole-ish, and I don't want people coming to me and saying that they think an entrant is fixing the contest. -_- Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ Entrants Username : Dinny Grayson Doll's name : Maven Spoiler Username: Loxare Doll's Name: Caryn Spoiler Username: Plums Doll's Name: Shelby Spoiler Username: Chipster the Cat Doll's Name: Skylar Spoiler Username: Saxima Doll's Name: Lane Spoiler Username: Korosu Doll's Name: Delilah Spoiler
✖ Saxima's Note: Hey guys, It's been a long time since I've updated any story of mine on KHV [even though I only have like, two lololo], but the other day, after reading this very poorly written fanfiction about a puppet, I thought I would spruce it up a bit and spin it my way. I ended up coming up with this new story. I've only written the prologue and a bit of the first chapter, but I think I'll continue it. And who knows, a new chapter of PGEH might come out not too soon after this. For now, I'll only be posting the prologue to see if I can gather any interest for the story at all, and it's not very long at all, so I hope people want more when they're done with it. Until then, ciao ~ ♥ _______________________ Prologue I can't really say how long it had been since I had been made. It's been a while for some time now, I can assure you of that. Or perhaps . . . perhaps it just feels like it's been a long time. So much has happened in what could be no time at all. How could I know all of it would happen? Then again, I can't really say that I'm disappointed with the results of it all. I'm finally happy, like I had wanted to be all of that time ago. Finally human.I guess there are people to thank and then people to grieve. It would be a lie to say I had no remorse for what happened to the souls of those people, but . . . I was selfish. I will pay for my wrongdoings in due time. Perhaps not this minute, this day, this year, perhaps not even in my lifetime, but I will pay for the things I have done.The things that I did to become human. Spoiler: Chapter One Chapter One The first time I had seen him was when he had put my eyes in. He was somewhat pale, and had green, striking eyes, his face was contorted in deep concentration, his brownish-black hair held out of his face with a rubber band, no doubt. I realized that these things I suddenly knew were from nowhere. I didn't learn them, was not told them - so how did I know them? It didn't seem reasonable to question it, just that I did know it. I knew my existence had come into being when I was able to hear things, smell things. Feel myself sitting on things. I was . . . unlike I had been before - which if you would like to know, was in several different pieces in a blackness that my bare self had swore it would never escape. It wasn't until one day, I'm not very sure of how long ago, I could no longer feel the stale cold that I had sat in for an uncountable amount of time. Suddenly, at that time, everything became warm. The very first thing I was aware of was something touching my body. Holding me, it seemed like? I didn't know. But I was coming out of this darkness that enshrouded me for what I thought might be eternity. In those times, in the very beginning, I was moved around a lot. Of course, I never moved by myself, I was incapable of doing it. I couldn't see anything, couldn't smell anything, couldn't hear anything. The first of these three senses to appear was my hearing. He had been humming to himself, something slow but by the way it sounded, which at the time had been a very strange, very foreign thing to me. But I had decided after a little while of listening to it that I liked it. It was relaxing. What could have been years later, I had (have) no perceptive of time really, I was able to smell things. A strange sort of nub had been plastered delicately to my face, right in the center. My body never moved, I never breathed in anything, but different scents entered my nose, this nub on my face. Some delightful, some . . . not so much. But mostly every scent was nice, enjoyable. It complemented the humming. Sometimes, the person would talk to me, he had a semi-deep voice that resembled the rich sound of a cello or a viola - and the only reason I know what either of those are was because he often listened to something called music, which was similar to his humming, but to a much more complex extent. He would tell me things, say that I was going to be one of his finest creations, that I would be beautiful. He spoke to me as he spoke to other people who had come to see him, other humans. The other humans would admire me, say that I would turn out perfect, but I didn't care about them, and it seemed like they really didn't care for me either. The only person whose opinion mattered to me was my maker's. His opinion was the only one that would please me. I often times wondered how much my maker really cared for me. If I was created, and he was spending all of his time on me, then I must be of some higher importance to him, but even still, I can never be sure. In the night, he would leave me in a glass case that he would lock carefully with a key, slipping it under the base of my case, and then leave the room, turning off the lights. These instances are what . . . bother me most. Why does he never take me with him? It seems only right that he would, seeing as he spends all of his time with me. But . . . do two beings always have to be together? I wouldn't know – I had never observed one with another. After these many nights finally came the day I saw him. And actually saw him. He was no longer anything I had to visualize in my head, no longer something I had to piece together from how he smelled and sounded . . . I was actually seeing him, with my brand new eyes. Clear as day. Bright as morning. More beautiful than anything. That night when he had placed me back in my case, there had been a visitor for him. A woman. She was a very pretty woman, maybe even beautiful. I didn't care, but I watched carefully. She seemed . . . close with my maker. A lover, perhaps? No . . . I didn't take a liking to that thought much at all. And then that's when I realized it. I wasn't . . . close to him. Not in the way I wanted to be. No . . . Someone like her, someone like the woman was. I thought to myself, how could I become like her? I had found my answer the next night.
Because I'm a lazy procrastinator, I have an economics project that's due on Monday and I haven't worked on it a single bit. They want me to fill out the prices for a normal round of groceries, and my mom didn't keep our last receipt so that i could use it. If you guys could help me determine the prices for this list, I will love you all forever. Now, the list: [also, if you could keep the lowest prices possible, that be great] Gallon of milk: Carton of eggs: Vegetables: Potatoes Beans Oranges Apples Loaf of bread Creal Rice Steak Hamburger Chicken Hot dogs Fish Toilet paper Paper towels Aluminum foil Soap Shampoo Toothpaste Deodorant
I found this interesting. A blank list to fill in 219 Kingdom Hearts character names. How many can you name? [my first try was 216. I have no life.]
Stat. Whaddaya guys got?
Indeed. You're now in Stalin's Russia. Or as Makaze and I have thought about it, Animal Farm. A while agot, we spent an hour comparing members of KHV to the characters of Animal Farm. For those of you who don't know what Animal Farm is, it's a allegorical novel by George Orwell and the book reflects the events leading up to and during the Stalin era before WWII. For those of you who do know and have read the book, here's a bit of a challenge and ask for help. These are the character and member comparisons that we've come up with so far. Old Major: Tienewman Napoleon: RvR Snowball: Misty Squealer: Mike The Dogs [the ones Napoleon raises]: The Supermods The Pigs: The rest of Staff Clover: Firekeyblade Benjamin: Laurence_Fox Mr. Jones: spdude Mollie: There were a lot of people for this role, but - sora awesome 10/11 Mr. Pilkington: Peace-and-War The Sheep: the rest of KHV Now here are the member and character comparisons that we're missing: The cat: Boxer: Muriel: [who Makaze suggested Sfrozato for] Moses the Raven: Mr. Fredrick: LilBueno [apparently 'seems to be that kind of person'] or Amaury Mr. Whymper: Llave de Espada [I think so] We didn't really put a thought into any of the battles that occurred during the book, such as the Battle of the Cowshed, but if someone is willing, I'd be interested to see what you come up with. There are a few more minor characters that I think useless to mention, but I thought this was all a very interesting concept.
The Dress-Up Contest! Round VI The winner of the fifth round -dinamplified with her entry, Eurus: Spoiler Make sure to congratulate her, and we'll eventually get around to giving her something for her win. Continuing the Four Elements Series~ This round's element: Air __________________Rules In terms of appropriateness, that can range very widely. For the game we choose, you should be able to define what's appropriate and what's not. There is no trolling in these contests, respect everyone and don't ****** on anyone's design. There will be disqualifications for that. Put some effort into it! If you entered, you entered for a reason, right? We wanna see some amazing things! You are only allowed one entry per contest, depending on what game it is, two could be possible When you submit your entry, please put it in spoiler tags, that way we don't have images all over the freaking place. For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. Have fun with it, be creative! Dress-up games are the perfect way to unleash your inner little girl! [lol] Take this chance because that's usually not accepted in today's society! You're NOT allowed to vote for your own entry! Don't be a narcissist, or . . . whatever. The poll will display voters from her on out. Please don't try and get people to vote for your entry outside of the thread, it's tacky and kinda asshole-ish, and I don't want people coming to me and saying that they think an entrant is fixing the contest. -_- Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ Entrants _____________________________ Chipster the Cat [Cat<3Sora] Aria Spoiler Loxare Jeslyn Spoiler Lilith [LARiA] Bria Spoiler DarkTraitor Lotte Spoiler Dinny Grayson [-dinamplified] Lourie Spoiler muff monkey Cylvia Spoiler Krowley Aurora Spoiler Firekeyblade Aeris Spoiler Saxima Dunovenie Spoiler
Not quite sure how old this article is, but I found it while browsing. It's pretty interesting, especially who they choose for the top, number one villain. Take a look.
The Dress-Up Contest! Round V: TIE-BREAKER It seems that there's been a tie in the contest. Man, you guys . . . Okay, so here are the two entries that tied: Username: Kingdom Hearts530 Doll's Name: Terra Doll: Spoiler Username: Marceline The Vampire Queen Doll's Name: Eurus Doll: Spoiler It will be a first win for either contestant, so hooray! for them~ Vote on gentlefolk.
I imagine something like this.
The Dress-Up Contest! Round V The winner of the fourth round Spunk Ransom (: with her entry, Fluidity: Spoiler Make sure to congratulate her, and we'll eventually get around to giving her something for her win. Continuing the Four Elements Series~ This round's element: Earth __________________Rules In terms of appropriateness, that can range very widely. For the game we choose, you should be able to define what's appropriate and what's not. There is no trolling in these contests, respect everyone and don't ****** on anyone's design. There will be disqualifications for that. Put some effort into it! If you entered, you entered for a reason, right? We wanna see some amazing things! You are only allowed one entry per contest, depending on what game it is, two could be possible When you submit your entry, please put it in spoiler tags, that way we don't have images all over the freaking place. For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. Have fun with it, be creative! Dress-up games are the perfect way to unleash your inner little girl! [lol] Take this chance because that's usually not accepted in today's society! You're NOT allowed to vote for your own entry! Don't be a narcissist, or . . . whatever. The poll will display voters from her on out. Please don't try and get people to vote for your entry outside of the thread, it's tacky and kinda asshole-ish, and I don't want people coming to me and saying that they think an entrant is fixing the contest. -_- Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ Entry FormUsername: Doll's Name: Doll: Entries Username: SkyCat Doll's Name: Flora Doll: Spoiler Username: DarkTraitor Doll's Name: Lily Doll: Spoiler Username: Saxima Doll's name: Monna Rey Doll: Spoiler Username: Midnight Star Doll's Name: Spring Doll: Spoiler Username: Kingdom Hearts530 Doll's Name: Terra Doll: Spoiler Username:Firekeyblade Doll's Name: Ceres Doll: Spoiler Username: Marceline The Vampire Queen Doll's Name: Eurus Doll: Spoiler Username: Makaze Doll's Name: Marisca Doll: Spoiler Username: Lilith (LARiA) Doll's Name: Jiřina Doll: Spoiler Username: Loxare Doll's Name: Alice Doll: Spoiler Username: muff monkey Doll's Name: Kalina Doll: Spoiler
ANGER AND SEETHING AND LOATHING FOR THAT MAN I had to record myself talking about myself. That big jerkface bastard. ;~; Listen to here it here.
Makaze told me to record and post this. Please don't laugh . . .
I would like to say that today is also my KHVaverssary, two years ago today, I joined KHV. It's been great you guys, I love you all dearies~ <3