. . . looking for some new ornaments to put on my tree, and I overheard this mother talking to her daughter who was about my sister's age. She told her daughter that she had to do whatever she said, behave, not get in trouble, and grow up to be the daughter she always wanted, otherwise she would tell the girl's dad. The little girl began to cry, saying that she was scared of her dad, so I made my way to the next aisle and busied myself with something. The woman began whispering harshly to the little girl, and I finished, then walked pass the two. I said, loud enough for some other people to hear, " That's some ace parenting you're doing, mommy, blackmailing your young daughter. " And then I walked off. A mother, blackmailing her daughter? That's disgusting. No wonder I hate people and have no faith in humanity.
• Round FOURTEEN •SO, AFTER THE BREAK LAST WEEK, THE CONTEST IS BACK!I HAVE A LIFE, TOO, YOU KNOW. I'M GOING TO PUT IN A REQUEST FOR A PIN, SOON! DinnyCalla Veras Spoiler Click Here!Ever wanted to make your own butt-kicking lady for your story? Well now you can!Brought to you by Saxima, this Lady Heroine doll creative has an innovative UI and was designedby the lovely Rinmaru! A wide assortment of options, you can create the classic adventurerto the post-apocalyptic survivor to the sexy spy! • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ • NO RECREATIONS OF ACTUAL CHARACTERS UNLESS THE CONTEST SPECIFIES. I just want to point that out, now. • When you enter your doll, use this template: Code: Username: Doll's Name: Doll: [SPOILER][/SPOILER]
Username: Doll's Name: Doll: [SPOILER][/SPOILER]
Hi all you sexy KHV-folk. Today, you get to listen to my music tastes on the radio! I hope you're as excited as I am! I'll be editing this post with the list of songs, soon. Enjoy! List of Songs: Gallery Piece by of Montreal It's Warmer in the Basement by Cobra Starship This House by Edison Glass Time to Dance by Panic! At the Disco Colors of the heart by UVERworld One Soft Light by Sue Generis C# by Sue Generis Sylvia by The Antlers Pastures New by Nickel Creek Speak by Nickel Creek Fly Me to the Moon by Frank Sinatra Mary by PhemieC Come Back Home by Home Made KAZOKU Lucy by Dropping Daylight Robot Boy by Linkin Park Inherit Nothing by PhemieC
• Round THIRTEEN •TIE - BREAKER. Vivi ( House )Emily Spoiler Click Here!GOOD LUCK MAKING A DOLL, BITCHES. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ DinnyCalla Veras ( The Adventurer ) Spoiler Jiku NeonSophia Clark Spoiler Kalro ( Rat )Lucy Fere Spoiler • Happy Voting ! •
- DreamWorks - Directed By: Peter Ramsey - Producers: Christina Steinburg / Nancy Bernstein - Based on William Joyce's The Guardians of Childhood book series - Release Date: US - November 21 ( a day before my birthday, fuck yeah ) - FEATURING: A RUSSIAN SANTA, AN AUSSIE EASTER BUNNY, A MUTE SANDMAN AND A HUMMINGBIRD-FAIRY TOOTHFAIRY, AND A SEXY JACK FROST Sooooo, who else is super excited for this movie? Anyone read the books? I want to, but lack of funds. ; ~; I didn't even know the books existed until yesterday, and now I really want to read them, but Joyce said something about keeping the movie and books separate, and that the movie takes place some 200 years after the books.
• Round THIRTEEN • Voting ! Vivi ( House ) Emily Spoiler Click Here! GOOD LUCK MAKING A DOLL, BITCHES. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ Loxare Taerula, Vampire Slayer Spoiler DarkTraitor Corona Drago Spoiler Dinny Calla Veras ( The Adventurer ) Spoiler Jiku Neon Sophia Clark Spoiler Kalro ( Rat ) Lucy Fere Spoiler • Happy Voting ! •
You will not believe what I do when I am bored. November 8th• Koalas to the Max• Falling Falling• Heeeeeeey• Walama• OMGFGDOGS• Please Like• Staggering Beauty• Spin the Wheel• HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAAA ( I'm sure some of you know this )• Bury Me With My Money ( I'll be honest, this one kind of creeps me out )• NULLING THE VOID• Move Now, Think later ( SPEED CHECKERS, MOVE FAST )• . . . GUTENABEND ( One of my favorites )• ZomboNovember 10th• WTF• Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?• Please Donate! ( for what I have no idea, don't do it )• Much Better Than This ( wtf )• RIBBIT• You Control the Lights• Nostalgia, anyone?• Chicken on a Raft• Click To Remove• Ninjaflex• Ooooiiii• RGB ( watch your ears )
• Round THIRTEEN •IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK. Vivi ( House )Emily Spoiler Click Here!GOOD LUCK MAKING A DOLL, BITCHES. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ • When you enter your doll, use this template: Code: Username:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll's Name:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll:
Username:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll's Name:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll:
• Round ELEVEN •Voting ! DinnyArianna Spoiler Deluxe Pin-Up MakerA sequel of the original Pin-Up Maker, you can make a truly unique lady with the deluxe version.There are all sorts of things to be added to your leading lady, such astattoos, hair extensions, and even a cupcake or two! And when you're done, you canchoose from a wide array of backgrounds to complete your lady. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ House ( Vivi )Emily Spoiler Mish Belinda Spoiler Midnight StarErika Spoiler Loxare Cerina Spoiler DinnyLouie Spoiler RemLinda Spoiler • Happy Voting ! •
A little girl ran into me while I was walking along, minding my own business. I checked around to see if she had a guardian or anything, and then I started talking to her. She told me that she ran away from home because her parents were mean and wouldn't stop fighting. Then she asked me why I looked like I was going to cry; and I was, because I did the exact same thing when I was her age. She couldn't have been more than 9 or 10. I ended up talking her out of staying out and took her back home, which was about a block away. Both of her parents had been in alarm and were on the brink of calling the police. They invited me into their house ( which was really nice ), and asked me about what happened. When I told them, the shame on their faces was magnanimous. I didn't tell them anything about myself, but I carefully explained to them the psychological damage fighting between guardians does to a child. When I left their house, I felt good. Nice. And I cried for a little while, wishing someone would have told my parents this, but I figured I was okay now, so there was no need. I hope that little girl will be okay.
• Round ELEVEN •IGNORE THE FACT THAT THE LAST CONTEST POLL HASN'T CLOSED. DO NOT GO VOTE AGAIN. I WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO POST THIS THREADTODAY OR TOMORROW. DinnyArianna Spoiler Deluxe Pin-Up MakerA sequel of the original Pin-Up Maker, you can make a truly unique lady with the deluxe version.There are all sorts of things to be added to your leading lady, such astattoos, hair extensions, and even a cupcake or two! And when you're done, you canchoose from a wide array of backgrounds to complete your lady. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ • When you enter your doll, use this template: Code: Username:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll's Name:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll:
• Round ELEVEN •Voting ! Vivi ( Crimson Azoth )Vixie Spoiler Mega Lolita Fashion Creator A lovely little Lolita fashion dress-up made by the wonderful Rinmaru. It allows customization of the blouse, the skirt, and you can put a dress, too! There are also quite a few very kawaii patterns for the skirt and dress, and you can make any type of Lolita dress you want, including Gothic Lolita, Guro Lolita, and Sweet Lolita. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ MishMaria Spoiler House ( Vivi ) Temperance Spoiler JaynLolita-chan Spoiler Dinny Arianna Spoiler Korosu ( Kelly )Victoria Spoiler Loxare Cherise Spoiler • Happy Voting ! •
And I don't know if I want to go or not. One of my close friends is hosting it, but the party is . . . well . . . It's a lingerie party, and there's going to be a bunch of people I don't know, wearing their underwear and stuff, and then he wants me to just go in basically nothing. I mind and I don't mind, but being half-naked in front of people was never really my thing. I don't know if I should go or not. ┐(‘~`;)┌
Just a few days ago, maybe even from last week, I began to have issues with YouTube and streaming videos on my browser; I use Chrome. The issue is that whenever I play the video, the audio plays correctly, but the video lags frames, skips frames, and then when I pause it, the video continues to play the lagging frames until it catches up to the point of time in which I paused the video. I have no idea what the issue could be. I'm thinking it has something to do with Flash, and I was going to updated it, but I'm not sure, since I'm a little bad with technology. . . . help?
• Round ELEVEN •It seems that the return of the contest was a smash hit!Very exciting; I shall get back into the routine of posting a new contestevery other Monday. Eventually, I'll have some sort of prize to give, since Pins are no longer in the question. Vivi ( Crimson Azoth )Vixie Spoiler Mega Lolita Fashion CreatorA lovely little Lolita fashion dress-up made by the wonderful Rinmaru.It allows customization of the blouse, the skirt, and you can put a dress, too!There are also quite a few very kawaii patterns for the skirt and dress, and you can make any type of Lolita dress you want, including Gothic Lolita, Guro Lolita, and Sweet Lolita. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ • When you enter your doll, use this template: Code: Username:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll's Name:[/LEFT] [LEFT]Doll:
• Round TEN •Voting ! Candyland!Dress up an adorable girl in flowy, feminine styles, and decorate everything in a delicious color palette of pastels, neons and pink! You can even highlight her hair, and customize your own kawaii fabric patterns. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ KellyPenelope Spoiler DinnyShelly Spoiler Midnight StarCherry Spoiler SaximaNivalus Spoiler ViviVixie Spoiler MishPhyllis Spoiler muff monkeyLydia Spoiler RemSienna Spoiler
I'm not sure if this has been addressed before, but is there any way to add a poll to an existing thread? There had been a way, on vBulletin, but when editing an OP, I don't seen an option, unless you're adding it when you're originally making the thread.
• Round TEN •So . . . I can't remember why I stopped, but I think it was because of several things, including the drastic loss of popularity for the contest. Hopefully, more people join, now that the forum is more active. Midnight Star!Anna Spoiler Candyland!Dress up an adorable girl in flowy, feminine styles, and decorate everything in a delicious color palette of pastels, neons and pink! You can even highlight her hair, and customize your own kawaii fabric patterns. • Since most of these games are child-friendly, there shouldn't be any issues with the dolls being appropriate. Please continue to take caution, though; still, I haven't had any problems yet. • Trolling the contestants and/or their dolls IS NOT permitted. We're all here to have fun and make pretty dolls from a pre-set of designs; don't ruin that for anyone. • Put an effort into it! These are meant to release your creativity, work outside with what you are given! • Only one Entry is allowed per contest. In the future, keep mind, there might be a time when two entries are allowed. Use SPOILER tags when you submit your entry, that way the page doesn't take as long to load. • For your entry, take a screenshot and size it down to where only the game can be scene, that way were not having large images all over the place. • Dress-up games are here for you to unleash your inner little girl; we all have one, so have fun! • You are NOT ALLOWED to vote for your own entry. If you do, you will be disqualified. • Please, DO NOT vouch for your entry outside of the contest. DO NOT get people to vote for you just because you would like to win. • Please try to make ALL entries as clear and as high quality as possible, DO NOT print the entire screen, DO NOT resize or stretch the images, and all of that good stuff, thanks~ KellyPenelope Spoiler DinnyShelly Spoiler Midnight StarCherry Spoiler SaximaNivalus Spoiler Chie SatonakaMisaki Spoiler ViviVixie Spoiler MishPhyllis Spoiler muff monkeyLydia Spoiler RemSienna Spoiler
Source While the information is unconfirmed for the time being, I think it's a curious thing that they would have three models for the WiiU. I'm assuming that they'll each have different specs, the pricier having what the others didn't. Says that the basic model is assumed to be about $250.oo, which, if you remember, was the original price for the Wii. The next model is looking at $300.oo, and then the third would be $350.oo. Those aren't bad prices, but they are unconfirmed, so I can't really say I would be surprised if they were a little more than that. Nintendo consoles, though, have always been the lower priced consoles of the recent generations upon first release. Specifically remembering the PS3 being $700.oo. I'm wondering if it will have backwards-compatibility with Wii games, and if it does, I wonder if it'll keep BC with GameCube games. It'd be a shame if it didn't.
I'm not particularly good at poetry or anything, but I do dabble in it from time to time.I never write anything good enough to post, but if I do, I suppose it's to go here. The Minstrel Doll A time in a city of ruby and crystalSang a lone doll as a minstrelWho did not often its jobNone a time did it sobOnce new, the doll wasEventually tainted becauseA hand played with it too many a timeAnd then it had began its silent rhymeMade of sturdy material to go onEven through the most bleak of dawnsIt holds a facade of happy and independenceShowcasing emotion would be only a hinderance And so day by day does the doll wearThinking that silence alone is fairTo live in this city of cruelness and careIt is being alone that causes the tear