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  1. rikusorakairiown
    true, but if someone continues to be in such a manner that causes irritation then they are choosing to be irritating.

    It has been made very evident to people like axel that this is the case. By choosing to remain they are choosing to be irritating and are therefore *******s.

    X does action A which is irritating
    X does not know action A is irritating
    X cannot therefore be held morally responsible for being irritating
    Y makes X aware action A is irritating
    X no longer has immunity from being responsible
    X continues to perform action A
    X is guilty of being purposefully irritating
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. rikusorakairiown
    yeah they did.

    Oh well.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. rikusorakairiown
    Yes. Yes I am. Now move.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. rikusorakairiown
    but when that presence causes unrest and irritation that is unnecessary then it is unjustified.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. rikusorakairiown
    "To be, or not to be, that is the question:
    Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
    The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
    Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them: to die, to sleep
    No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
    The heart-ache, and the thousand Natural shocks
    That Flesh is heir to? 'Tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wished. To die to sleep,
    To sleep, perchance to Dream; Ay, there's the rub,
    For in that sleep of death, what dreams may come,
    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    Must give us pause. There's the respect
    That makes Calamity of so long life:
    For who would bear the Whips and Scorns of time,
    The Oppressor's wrong, the proud man's Contumely,
    The pangs of despised Love, the Law’s delay,
    The insolence of Office, and the Spurns
    That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
    When he himself might his Quietus make
    With a bare Bodkin? Who would Fardels bear,
    To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
    But that the dread of something after death,
    The undiscovered Country, from whose bourn
    No Traveller returns, Puzzles the will,
    And makes us rather bear those ills we have,
    Than fly to others that we know not of.
    Thus Conscience does make Cowards of us all,
    And thus the Native hue of Resolution
    Is sicklied o'er, with the pale cast of Thought,
    And enterprises of great pitch and moment,
    With this regard their Currents turn awry,
    And lose the name of Action. Soft you now,
    The fair Ophelia? Nymph, in thy Orisons
    Be all my sins remembered."

    So, gommu, thoughts on suicide?
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. rikusorakairiown
    A fanimation in the works
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. rikusorakairiown
    You'll love this pace

    [​IMG] terrible place.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. rikusorakairiown
    The site quality would increase dramatically.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. rikusorakairiown
    I was invited to the chat by kenneth back when it was the chat dedicated to the production of his NutHeadBros shiz.

    But that's sorta crumbled away nao.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. rikusorakairiown
    Non khvidian, there are comparatively few KHVidians in the chat
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. rikusorakairiown

    Somehow they still maintain that I was out of order despite admitting I did nothing out of order

    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. rikusorakairiown
    Huge TL;DR incoming

    [04/07/2012 23:21:37] Tomha: Yeah I act like an ass to you, that's true, and that's because I hate your guts. You've always been a thorn in my ass in this group which really doesn't help change my opinion of you. And it's all the more annoying I got Crayons trying to convince me to "Be nice to Griffin." because it's not going to happen.
    [04/07/2012 23:21:38] Justine: LOL
    [04/07/2012 23:21:47] Autumn: [04 July 2012 23:21] Griffin:

    <<< ...I dislike very few people.>>You don't act like it.
    [04/07/2012 23:22:12] Griffin: I can count the number of people in this chat I dislike on one hand.
    [04/07/2012 23:22:21] Autumn: Good, too bad no one cares.
    [04/07/2012 23:22:40] Aylah ღ: that point is rather.. moot
    [04/07/2012 23:22:52] *** Kast [Shiro Fujimoto] has changed the conversation topic to "No, no, no." ***
    [04/07/2012 23:22:58] Aylah ღ: person Y makes statements X
    [04/07/2012 23:23:05] *** Kast [Shiro Fujimoto] has changed the conversation picture. ***
    [04/07/2012 23:23:10] Aylah ღ: Person W gives statement B refuting statement X
    [04/07/2012 23:23:26] Aylah ღ: Person Y refutes statement B by saying they don't care abou it
    [04/07/2012 23:23:33] Aylah ღ: Statement B still stands though
    [04/07/2012 23:24:21] Tomha: We know but what good is Griffin listing the people he dislikes in this group? We're not talking about him disliking people in this group alone, we're talking about him possibly being hateful in general
    [04/07/2012 23:24:36] Autumn: He seems to be.
    [04/07/2012 23:24:40] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: I don't dislike anyone.
    [04/07/2012 23:24:43] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: I don't hate anyone.
    [04/07/2012 23:24:46] Autumn: We know :3
    [04/07/2012 23:24:47] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: I love and like all.
    [04/07/2012 23:24:48] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: :D
    [04/07/2012 23:24:51] Autumn: You're nice, unlike Griffin~
    [04/07/2012 23:24:56] Autumn: :D
    [04/07/2012 23:25:03] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: Hey!
    [04/07/2012 23:25:06] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: No comparisons.
    [04/07/2012 23:25:12] Aylah ღ: the statement was griffin hates everyone (meaning most people)
    [04/07/2012 23:25:19] Aylah ღ: griffin stated that is was wrong
    [04/07/2012 23:25:21] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: If everyone were the same, the world would be dull.
    [04/07/2012 23:25:29] Aylah ღ: the statement was dismissed with argument "we don't care"
    [04/07/2012 23:25:37] Autumn: Ok
    [04/07/2012 23:25:41] Griffin: Don't really see how I treat people like I hate them.
    [04/07/2012 23:25:51] Autumn: The way you talk is hateful.
    [04/07/2012 23:26:01] Autumn: If you can't see that, well, you have your head up your ass.
    [04/07/2012 23:26:02] Autumn: :3
    [04/07/2012 23:26:03] Justine: Vidal! <3
    [04/07/2012 23:26:08] Tomha: Dislike is the little sister of Hate
    [04/07/2012 23:26:46 | Edited 23:27:02] Aylah ღ: I see the way he talks, in general, as quite calculated
    [04/07/2012 23:26:48] Aylah ღ: if anything
    [04/07/2012 23:26:49] Aylah ღ: ._.
    [04/07/2012 23:27:21] Griffin: No matter what I say, you two are just going to brush it off with slander, so there's no reason to argue.
    [04/07/2012 23:27:45] Autumn: No, you can at least admit that you're indeed talking to us hatefully on purpose, and try to be nicer to us in the future.
    [04/07/2012 23:27:46] Autumn: :/
    [04/07/2012 23:27:51] ℜagnarok: I must say Griffin that on occasion people will try to show you things or talk to you and youll basically say you don't give a ****, which is rather rude. Not trying to be mean or anything but as you said honesty is the best policy.
    [04/07/2012 23:28:01] Tomha: I could give a rats ass with what you have to say because it doesn't change my disposition about you.
    [04/07/2012 23:28:15] Aylah ღ: >claim someone talks hatefully
    [04/07/2012 23:28:17] Aylah ღ: >talk hatefully
    [04/07/2012 23:28:24] Tomha: I never said I wasn't hateful
    [04/07/2012 23:28:32] Autumn: But yknow, some people just are *******s in general and always will be...
    [04/07/2012 23:28:34] Autumn: What a shame.
    [04/07/2012 23:28:37] Aylah ღ: you use it as a reason to dismiss his argument though
    [04/07/2012 23:28:46] Griffin: So the person who's always been a complete ***** to me says to start treating her nicely? I treat people nicely by default, and then stop when people start being hateful
    [04/07/2012 23:28:47] Aylah ღ: tu quoque applies here
    [04/07/2012 23:28:52] Aylah ღ: if it dismisses his
    [04/07/2012 23:28:56] Aylah ღ: it also dismisses yours
    [04/07/2012 23:29:04] Autumn: How have I been a ***** to you when you were the one that fired me for no reason?
    [04/07/2012 23:29:13] Autumn: Yeah, that's right, I wasn't.
    [04/07/2012 23:30:01] Griffin: It wasn't for no reason, and I'm very sure you were a ***** to me before then.
    [04/07/2012 23:30:14] *** ℜagnarok has changed the conversation picture. ***
    [04/07/2012 23:30:37] Autumn: I didn't even talk to you before then?
    [04/07/2012 23:30:41] Tomha: So basically you don't remember what she did to you so your gonna continue being hostile to her?
    [04/07/2012 23:30:53] *** Kast [Shiro Fujimoto] has changed the conversation picture. ***
    [04/07/2012 23:30:54] Griffin: ...How exactly am I being hostile here?
    [04/07/2012 23:31:01] Aylah ღ: ^
    [04/07/2012 23:31:10] Autumn: You brush off anything WE say.
    [04/07/2012 23:31:17] Tomha: [02:28] Griffin:

    <<< he person who's always been a complete *****>>>Sounds pretty hostile to me
    [04/07/2012 23:31:17] Aylah ღ: ..sorta like you guys do
    [04/07/2012 23:31:20] Autumn: Not just me, not just Tohma.
    [04/07/2012 23:31:21] Aylah ღ: also that's not hostility
    [04/07/2012 23:31:23] Aylah ღ: that's passiveness
    [04/07/2012 23:31:26] Autumn: *Tomha
    [04/07/2012 23:32:11] Aylah ღ: hostility would be replying with shitloads of ad hominem
    [04/07/2012 23:32:20] Aylah ღ: *cough*
    [04/07/2012 23:33:04] Griffin: Stating how she treats me isn't being hostile. Would you prefer I say it in a more eloquent manner that has the same meaning?

    [04/07/2012 23:33:45] Autumn: I'm not a ***** to you, Griffin. Quit imagining things.
    [04/07/2012 23:33:54] Autumn: You're the one who's a dick to me, in all honesty.
    [04/07/2012 23:34:00] Tomha: She hasn't always acted like as you said "A complete *****"
    [04/07/2012 23:34:00] Autumn: For no reason, I might add.
    [04/07/2012 23:34:10] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:29] Autumn:

    <<< How have I been a ***** to you when you were the one that fired me for no reason?
    Yeah, that's right, I wasn't.>>> sounds *****y to me
    [04/07/2012 23:34:24] Autumn: So, saying the truth is *****y?
    [04/07/2012 23:34:26] Autumn: Wow.
    [04/07/2012 23:34:30] Autumn: What has this world come to...
    [04/07/2012 23:34:34] Aylah ღ: saying it in such a manner is, yes.
    [04/07/2012 23:34:35] Tomha: Stop defending Griffin Aylah, let him fight his own battles
    [04/07/2012 23:34:41] Autumn: Seriously...
    [04/07/2012 23:34:46] Griffin: Actually, what was *****y was the nickname you gave me, constantly messaging me with the intent to make me angry.
    [04/07/2012 23:34:49] Aylah ღ: stop defending tomha, autumn, let him fight his own battles
    [04/07/2012 23:34:50] Autumn: How else would I say it
    [04/07/2012 23:34:53] Autumn: ...
    [04/07/2012 23:34:57] ℜagnarok: Griffin I'll be honest, I never saw her be "*****y" to you before. And Also Aylah then Griffin is being *****y as well
    [04/07/2012 23:34:59] Autumn: I'm not...?
    [04/07/2012 23:35:15] Autumn: Calling you 'Allan'?
    [04/07/2012 23:35:26] Autumn: What's wrong with the name Allan? It's a lovely name.
    [04/07/2012 23:35:47] Griffin: The fact that you said it was because I was just like your ex of the same name.
    [04/07/2012 23:36:02] Tomha: [02:34] Aylah ღ:

    <<< stop defending tomha, autumn, let him fight his own battles>>> Wait, what arguement am I doing now?
    [04/07/2012 23:36:03] Aylah ღ: griffin is stating facts coolly, autumn stated them in such a way as to make her seem superior, as well as to appear smmug and demean griffin's character
    [04/07/2012 23:36:13] Autumn: Oh, right, because he had his head up his ass, too. But you realize that was AFTER you fired me.
    [04/07/2012 23:36:15] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:36] Tomha:

    <<< Wait, what arguement am I doing now?>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:36:18] Aylah ღ: I was responding to
    [04/07/2012 23:36:23] Autumn: You didn't even know me before you fired me.
    [04/07/2012 23:36:23] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:34] Tomha:

    <<< Stop defending Griffin Aylah, let him fight his own battles>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:36:44] Griffin: Actually, that was BEFORE I fired you, but kk.
    [04/07/2012 23:36:50] Autumn: No, it wasn't.
    [04/07/2012 23:36:57] Griffin: Yes, it was.
    [04/07/2012 23:37:00] Autumn: It wasn't.
    [04/07/2012 23:37:05] Aylah ღ: protip: logs
    [04/07/2012 23:37:13] Autumn: Either you have a bad memory, or you're intentionally lying to make me look bad.
    [04/07/2012 23:37:17] Autumn: I'm going with the second one.
    [04/07/2012 23:37:22] Tomha: Oh yeah, like either of them really wanna surf ALL these logs at this point
    [04/07/2012 23:37:32] Aylah ღ: how rude
    [04/07/2012 23:37:54] Aylah ღ: I was simply stating that logs are the only way to prove which side of the empasse is true
    [04/07/2012 23:38:25] Autumn: Griffin and I COULD take this privately... oh, wait... he's too afraid to add me...
    [04/07/2012 23:38:26] Tomha: I know, but do you know how often we get messages in here? It'd probably be like finding a needle in the haystack
    [04/07/2012 23:38:30] Autumn: For no reason...
    [04/07/2012 23:38:54] Griffin: Also, I didn't fire you for "no reason." I do have a bad memory, I distinctly remember firing you after you have me that name, and if I'm remembering completely correctly, I told Kenneth you should be fired because you and Glen were fighting over and over and causing a lot of problems which he asked me for advice on how to deal with.
    [04/07/2012 23:39:20] Griffin: Also, why would I add someone who consistantly messaged me just to insult me?
    [04/07/2012 23:39:21] Aylah ღ: not adding someone does not necessarily mean they're afraid to, do not paint it in that image. You do not know the actual fine reason beyond "he does not want to"
    [04/07/2012 23:39:23] Griffin: No thank you.
    [04/07/2012 23:39:40] Aylah ღ: he is in no way obliged to add someone he does not wish to
    [04/07/2012 23:40:03] Autumn: [04 July 2012 23:38] Griffin:

    <<< I distinctly remember firing you after you have me that name,You fired me before, I didn't even know who you were. I asked who you were and you just fired me.>>>

    [04 July 2012 23:38] Griffin:

    <<< I told Kenneth you should be fired because you and Glen were fighting over and over and causing a lot of problems which he asked me for advice on how to deal with.He treatened to kill me and to break Glen and I up.>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:40:12] Autumn: Did you not know this part?
    [04/07/2012 23:40:26] Aylah ღ: i thought you told me kenneth did that.
    [04/07/2012 23:40:30] Autumn: ...
    [04/07/2012 23:40:40] Autumn: I did... I was saying Kenneth did that...
    [04/07/2012 23:40:45] Aylah ღ: oh
    [04/07/2012 23:40:45] Aylah ღ: derp
    [04/07/2012 23:40:46] Autumn: that was the reason we were fighting...
    [04/07/2012 23:40:57] Autumn: Griffin wasn't involved in it.
    [04/07/2012 23:41:13] Tomha: But Griffin just said he fired her
    [04/07/2012 23:41:14] Griffin: I didn't know that, no. If I had, sure, I would have made a different decision and told Kenneth to stop being an ass.
    [04/07/2012 23:41:34] *** ℜagnarok has changed the conversation topic to "******ed arguments and the tards that have them, tonight on Jerry Springer." ***
    [04/07/2012 23:41:39] Griffin: But how the hell can you blame me for making that suggestion with the information I was presented with?
    [04/07/2012 23:41:58] Autumn: Because you didn't get the full story?
    [04/07/2012 23:42:00] Autumn: Which you should have?
    [04/07/2012 23:42:12] Tomha: You didn't even ask her what was going on?
    [04/07/2012 23:42:20] Autumn: Now Griffin, normally I would not take death threats over the internet seriously. But he lives rather close to me. :/
    [04/07/2012 23:42:43] Autumn: And I know how easy it is to break up a long distance couple. It's happened to me before.
    [04/07/2012 23:42:54] Aylah ღ: but that was kenneths action
    [04/07/2012 23:42:58] *** Kast [Shiro Fujimoto] has changed the conversation topic to "*****s is comin." ***
    [04/07/2012 23:42:59] Autumn: Yup.
    [04/07/2012 23:43:08] Aylah ღ: so why are you bringing it up?
    [04/07/2012 23:43:09] Griffin: Kenneth comes to me and tells me two people are fighting, asks me to find a way to fix it, I suggested removing the two people until they settle the things.
    [04/07/2012 23:43:11] Autumn: But Kenneth ran with his tail inbetween his legs to Griffin, apparently.
    [04/07/2012 23:43:13] Aylah ღ: other than to appeal to emotion?
    [04/07/2012 23:43:20] Autumn: And that's why Glen and I were fired.
    [04/07/2012 23:43:43] Aylah ღ: he made what seemed like the rational choice based on the evidence he was presented with
    [04/07/2012 23:43:54] Autumn: Yes, but he should have gotten the full story.
    [04/07/2012 23:44:03] Tomha: But why didn't he bother asking one of them what's going on?
    [04/07/2012 23:44:33] Griffin: I told Kenneth to remove them until they worked it out, not to fire them forever.
    [04/07/2012 23:44:42] Aylah ღ: because in general the reason for the fights would not impact the decision made regarding them which would be made solely with reagrds to how the fighting affects the group
    [04/07/2012 23:44:56] Tomha: That's not what I'm asking
    [04/07/2012 23:45:09] Aylah ღ: so it is usually a superfluous action
    [04/07/2012 23:45:14] Autumn: But he did fire me for good.
    [04/07/2012 23:45:15] Aylah ღ: ./bridge connection
    [04/07/2012 23:45:25] Griffin: And how is his decision my fault?
    [04/07/2012 23:45:46] Autumn: You told him to do that...?
    [04/07/2012 23:45:51] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:44] Griffin:

    <<< I told Kenneth to remove them until they worked it out, not to fire them forever.>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:45:56] Aylah ღ: except he just stated he didn't
    [04/07/2012 23:45:57] ℜagnarok: It's still an ******* move to remove people and generally be a dick than to go ahead and say "Hey could you maybe do this privately?"
    [04/07/2012 23:46:31] Griffin: Kenneth said at the time that he had told them multiple times to stop.
    [04/07/2012 23:46:53] Autumn: Dude, he threatened to kill me, and he threatened Glen that he was going to break us up.
    [04/07/2012 23:46:59] Autumn: How would we not stop?
    [04/07/2012 23:47:03] Aylah ღ: and griffin is at fault for that why?
    [04/07/2012 23:47:06] ℜagnarok: He literally told them to shut up, that's not asking them to do it elsewhere
    [04/07/2012 23:47:27] ℜagnarok: Because he is defending the practice, Aylah
    [04/07/2012 23:47:34] Aylah ღ: he is?
    [04/07/2012 23:47:42] Aylah ღ: where does griffin say it was ok for kenneth to do that?
    [04/07/2012 23:48:16] Griffin: I asked Kenneth what was going on and what he did to try and fix it. Kenneth told me they were fighting, it was causing problems, and that he had told them to stop fighting. He said he came to me because he didn't know what else to do.
    [04/07/2012 23:48:24] Aylah ღ: person X goes to Person Y for advice
    [04/07/2012 23:48:29 | Edited 23:49:11] Aylah ღ: Person Y suggests action A
    [04/07/2012 23:48:38] Griffin: I suggested that he should remove them until they can fix the problem, then add them back in.
    [04/07/2012 23:48:41] Aylah ღ: Person X excercises actions B, C, and D
    [04/07/2012 23:48:47] Aylah ღ: Person Y is blamed for B, C, and D
    [04/07/2012 23:48:49] Autumn: When Kenneth started the problem.
    [04/07/2012 23:48:53] Aylah ღ: is what is happening here
    [04/07/2012 23:49:21] Griffin: He said you two were arguing, why was I supposed to suspect it was Kenneth's fault in the first place?
    [04/07/2012 23:49:28] Aylah ღ: ^
    [04/07/2012 23:49:30] Autumn: WE weren't arguing.
    [04/07/2012 23:49:34] Aylah ღ: he didnt know that
    [04/07/2012 23:49:43] Autumn: Well he should have asked for the full story.
    [04/07/2012 23:49:45] Aylah ღ: you areassuming he had knowledge he did not
    [04/07/2012 23:49:47] Autumn: Said that three times now.
    [04/07/2012 23:49:50] Aylah ღ: theres a name for it but i forget it
    [04/07/2012 23:49:58] Autumn: Good?
    [04/07/2012 23:50:05] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:49] Autumn:

    <<< Well he should have asked for the full story.>>>one would assume one is given the full story when told it
    [04/07/2012 23:50:11] Griffin: Kenneth asked what to do about two people fighting who won't stop. I told him what to do in that situation.
    [04/07/2012 23:50:13] ℜagnarok: Griffin backed Kenneth up without full knowledge of the situation, regardless of whether he knew or not he was backing an *******, which makes him guilty of backing up an ******* and thus being an *******
    [04/07/2012 23:50:14] Aylah ღ: someone is unlikely to give half a sory when asking for advice
    [04/07/2012 23:50:24] Autumn: One would assume Kenneth would do anything to make Glen and I look bad.
    [04/07/2012 23:50:25] Autumn: :/
    [04/07/2012 23:50:28] Aylah ღ: and so one assumes that such has not happened.
    [04/07/2012 23:50:31] Autumn: And make himself look like the victim.
    [04/07/2012 23:51:01] Griffin: So you want me to miraculously have known that Kenneth disliked you two?
    [04/07/2012 23:51:12] Aylah ღ: furthermore, when asked for advice regarding someone, how often do you go detective and find out everything about them before suggesting an action
    [04/07/2012 23:51:18] Aylah ღ: "I have problem X, what should I do?"
    [04/07/2012 23:51:24] Aylah ღ: "I'll tell you after I investigate Y"
    [04/07/2012 23:51:27] Aylah ღ: doesn't happen
    [04/07/2012 23:51:33] ℜagnarok: [04 July 2012 23:50] Griffin:

    <<< So you want me to miraculously have known that Kenneth disliked you two?>>>We want you to take facts into consideration BEFORE picking a side
    [04/07/2012 23:51:45] ℜagnarok: All of them
    [04/07/2012 23:51:47] Aylah ღ: facts he didn't know
    [04/07/2012 23:51:50] ℜagnarok: Not just one side
    [04/07/2012 23:51:52] Griffin: I didn't pick a god damn side, Ragna.
    [04/07/2012 23:51:57 | Edited 23:52:02] Autumn: [04 July 2012 23:50] Griffin:

    <<< So you want me to miraculously have known that Kenneth disliked you two?>>>I said, FOR THE FOURTH TIME NOW, you should have gotten the full story.
    [04/07/2012 23:51:57] Aylah ღ: he didn't take "a side"
    [04/07/2012 23:52:03] Aylah ღ: he didn't even know there were sides
    [04/07/2012 23:52:04] ℜagnarok: He didn't try to find them out did he?
    [04/07/2012 23:52:06] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:51] Autumn:

    <<< I said, FOR THE FOURTH TIME NOW, you should have gotten the full story.>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:52:10] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:51] Aylah ღ:

    <<< "I have problem X, what should I do?"
    "I'll tell you after I investigate Y">>>
    doesn't happen
    [04/07/2012 23:52:34] Griffin: Ragna, how the hell was I supposed to know the sides were Kenneth vs Autumn and Glen rather than Autumn vs Glen?
    [04/07/2012 23:52:37] ℜagnarok: Then he had no right to give advice
    [04/07/2012 23:52:39] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:52] Tomha:

    <<< Sounds like he took Kenneths side since he didn't even bother asking what was going on.>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:52:42] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:52] Aylah ღ:

    <<< he didn't even know there were sides>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:52:46] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:52] ℜagnarok:

    <<< Then he had no right to give advice>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:52:47] Aylah ღ: ok
    [04/07/2012 23:52:48] Aylah ღ: situation
    [04/07/2012 23:52:56] Tomha: Rag is right
    [04/07/2012 23:52:57] Aylah ღ: you have a split up with someone
    [04/07/2012 23:53:00] Aylah ღ: and ask me for advice
    [04/07/2012 23:53:01] Autumn: Kenneth vs Autumn and Glen, because he threatened BOTH of us.
    [04/07/2012 23:53:02] Aylah ღ: am I then expected
    [04/07/2012 23:53:06] Aylah ღ: to go and talk to the other person
    [04/07/2012 23:53:09] Aylah ღ: and other people
    [04/07/2012 23:53:10] Kenneth: ALRIGHT THAT'S ENOUGH!
    [04/07/2012 23:53:12] Aylah ღ: and learn every fact
    [04/07/2012 23:53:15] *** Kenneth removed Autumn from this conversation. ***
    [04/07/2012 23:53:15] Aylah ღ: before giving the advice?
    [04/07/2012 23:53:24] ℜagnarok: Kenneth **** you
    [04/07/2012 23:53:27] Aylah ღ: in which case
    [04/07/2012 23:53:30] Aylah ღ: advice is pointless
    [04/07/2012 23:53:34] Justine: LOL
    [04/07/2012 23:53:35] ℜagnarok: And **** this
    [04/07/2012 23:53:39] Griffin: Autumn, how was I supposed to KNOW that was an option? How? How was I supposed to know that was even a POSSIBLE action?
    [04/07/2012 23:53:39] Aylah ღ: as you won't get it untill days later
    [04/07/2012 23:53:47] Griffin: *option
    [04/07/2012 23:53:51] *** ℜagnarok added Autumn ***
    [04/07/2012 23:53:55] Griffin: Am I supposed to assume Kenneth is lying?
    [04/07/2012 23:53:58] Tomha: Oh great, Well I guess I'm next since I was arguing against Griffin and Aylah, go ahead and do it big man
    [04/07/2012 23:54:25] ℜagnarok: If anyone wants me I'll be in the Kenneth-less chat
    [04/07/2012 23:54:26] Autumn: Wow... really...
    [04/07/2012 23:54:31] Kenneth: ALL OF YOU SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND!
    [04/07/2012 23:54:43] Kenneth: I would like to say something
    [04/07/2012 23:54:50] Autumn: What?
    [04/07/2012 23:54:51] ℜagnarok: And here you are telling everyone to shut up again
    [04/07/2012 23:55:01] Kenneth: and I waant nobody to say a damn word until I finish
    [04/07/2012 23:55:12] ℜagnarok: a damn word
    [04/07/2012 23:55:34] Griffin: Kenneth, really, there's no reason to tell everyone to be silent when you want to say something.
    [04/07/2012 23:55:35] Autumn: He has a right to talk, but you could have said that without telling us to shut up...
    [04/07/2012 23:55:37] Justine: LOL
    [04/07/2012 23:55:51] Griffin: You can request it, sure, but don't TELL us to.
    [04/07/2012 23:56:11] Tomha: While we wait for Kenneth. I want to ask this now. Aylah, are you dating Griffin?
    [04/07/2012 23:56:16] Aylah ღ: nopes
    [04/07/2012 23:56:19] Tomha: ok
    [04/07/2012 23:56:45] Griffin: Pffffft, like Aylah would date me. :P
    [04/07/2012 23:56:57] Autumn: You seem like a perfect match, really, you do...
    [04/07/2012 23:57:04] ℜagnarok: LOL
    [04/07/2012 23:57:05] Tomha: Well that any woman would want to date you is impressive all by itself but she acts like she's into you which is why I asked.
    [04/07/2012 23:58:35] ℜagnarok: Did he die on his keyboard?
    [04/07/2012 23:58:48] Tomha: Nope, just typing something bi
    [04/07/2012 23:58:52] Tomha: big!*
    [04/07/2012 23:59:05] Tomha: Yeah his post is gonna be something bisexual xD
    [04/07/2012 23:59:09] ℜagnarok: If it's big it must hot be his dick
    [04/07/2012 23:59:13] Autumn: *bi-curious
    [04/07/2012 23:59:32] Kenneth: yes back then I was angry, yes I did threaten them, but I have a temper and an idiot problem...I go after my father for being a manchild and lately my anger has been growing worse because all of you have been gettting into senseless arguments for no reason...heck I will admit yes I did do that but it's all in the past..and since I have been barely on here today I saw this argument which is why I'm going to say this...autumn I want yyou to stop trying to piss people off...retro I would also like you to stop fanning the flames and everyone else either needs to stop figghting or else I'm going to have to come in there and kick some people out because of the senseless fighting..and if one person dares..I repeat DARES say anything or go against my words then I will kick-ban and block you personally
    [04/07/2012 23:59:51] ℜagnarok: Of course, how would one type Kenneth's dick? ASCII characters don't get that small
    [04/07/2012 23:59:59] Aylah ღ: found it
    [00:00:00] Aylah ღ: Historian's fallacy – occurs when one assumes that decision makers of the past viewed events from the same perspective and having the same information as those subsequently analyzing the decision.[30] (Not to be confused with presentism, which is a mode of historical analysis in which present-day ideas, such as moral standards, are projected into the past.)
    [00:00:32] Autumn: [04 July 2012 23:59] Kenneth:

    <<< autumn I want yyou to stop trying to piss people off>>>When Griffin's the one who called me a ***** for no reason? Ok. Cool.
    [00:00:33] Autumn: -_-
    [00:00:42] ℜagnarok: ^
    [00:00:50] Aylah ღ: well to be honest
    [00:00:51] ℜagnarok: Three times
    [00:00:54] Kenneth: actually I mean both of more ffighting from anyone
    [00:00:55] Aylah ღ: tomha started the ad hominem with
    [00:00:56] Griffin: Kenneth, thanks for providing absolutely nothing constructive to the situation.
    [00:01:06] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:21] Tomha:

    <<< Yeah I act like an ass to you, that's true, and that's because I hate your guts. You've always been a thorn in my ass in this group which really doesn't help change my opinion of you. And it's all the more annoying I got Crayons trying to convince me to "Be nice to Griffin." because it's not going to happen.>>>
    [00:01:15] Tomha: The ad what now?
    [00:01:19] Aylah ღ: ad hominem
    [00:01:27] Aylah ღ:
    [00:01:29] Kast [Shiro Fujimoto]: Ad finem temporum
    [00:01:32] Kenneth: Retro like I saidd "Barely been here today"
    [00:01:41] Tomha: What I was saying was about me and him. Nobody else
    [00:01:53] ℜagnarok: Yup
    [00:01:57] Aylah ღ: ..and?
    [00:02:06] ℜagnarok: It had nothing to do with you?
    [00:02:09] Aylah ღ: ...and?
    [00:02:13] Tomha: So you can't blame anything on me!
    [00:02:15] ℜagnarok: smh
    [00:02:27] Aylah ღ: [00:02] ℜagnarok:

    <<< It had nothing to do with you?>>>since when is this a valid argument?
    [00:02:31] Tomha: Autumn was the one fighting with Griffin. I simply pointed out a truth.
    [00:02:43] Kenneth: oh forget this...
    [00:02:46] Tomha: AND the truth was only about me and him
    [00:02:48] ℜagnarok: Keep out of other peoples **** unless asked, mean anything to ya?
    [00:02:52] Aylah ღ: No.
    [00:02:52] Kenneth: I'm leaving this convo
    [00:02:55 | Edited 00:02:56] Aylah ღ: it doesn't
    [00:03:09] ℜagnarok: Ohhhh, can I be master Kenneth?
    [00:03:09] Autumn: It really does look like you're kissing his ass, just saying.
    [00:03:10] Aylah ღ: I'm not one to stand by when ad hominem is thrown around
    [00:03:13] Aylah ღ: morals do that to a person
    [00:03:17] Kenneth: no
    [00:03:17] Tomha: Maybe that's why Autumm and Crayons dislike you then Aylah
    [00:03:25] ℜagnarok: Awww, why not?
    [00:03:26 | Edited 00:03:30] Aylah ღ: and not a single **** was given
    [00:03:40] Griffin: Give it to Kast
    [00:03:43] Griffin: He won't abuse it
    [00:03:52] Tomha: We certainly can't trust Griffin not to
    [00:03:54] ℜagnarok: I wouldn't either ._.
    [00:03:59] ℜagnarok: I never have
    [00:04:02] Autumn: I wouldn't abuse it, either, but yknow, I'm apparently a *****.
    [00:04:08] Autumn: Sooooo yeah.
    [00:04:17] Kenneth: forget it I'm staying
    [00:04:18] Aylah ღ: also
    [00:04:21] Aylah ღ: [00:02] ℜagnarok:

    <<< It had nothing to do with you?>>>
    [00:04:25] Aylah ღ: it also had nothing to do with you
    [00:04:33] Tomha: I'll admit it, if I got it, first thing I'd do is get rid of Griffin permanantly. That'd be fun
    [00:04:38] Aylah ღ: the original argument was between griffin and tomha iirc
    [00:04:46] Autumn: It'd be a lot more quiet in here...
    [00:04:46] Tomha: It was
    [00:04:47] ℜagnarok: Ahhhh, but I was asked, you were not
    [00:04:52] Aylah ღ: your logic completely negates anything said by anyone else
    [00:05:02] Aylah ღ: [00:04] ℜagnarok:

    <<< Ahhhh, but I was asked, you were not>>>you say that like it invalidates something
    [00:05:07 | Edited 00:05:08] Aylah ღ: truth and fact are still truth and fact
    [00:05:08] Tomha: I reject your logic and subsitute it with my own!
    [00:05:11] ℜagnarok: ^
    [00:05:12] Aylah ღ: regardless who they come from
    [00:05:24] Aylah ღ: logical fallacies
    [00:05:28] Aylah ღ: logical fallacies everywhere
    [00:05:36] Tomha: Don't care, their my logical fallacies and I luv them
    [00:05:48] Tomha: they don't lecture me about my grammer or anything
    [00:05:53] Aylah ღ: >grammer
    [00:05:56] Aylah ღ: i c wat u did thar
    [00:07:27] *** ℜagnarok has changed the conversation picture. ***
    [00:07:50] Aylah ღ: Cherry picking (suppressed evidence, incomplete evidence) – act of pointing at individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position.[39]
    [00:08:00] Aylah ღ: "we never asked you, let us cherry pick who we want"
    [00:09:03] Aylah ღ: Appeal to spite – a specific type of appeal to emotion where an argument is made through exploiting people's bitterness or spite towards an opposing party
    [00:09:05] Aylah ღ: I see this a lot too
    [00:09:20] Autumn: That's great
    [00:09:27] Aylah ღ: on the contrary it is detrimental
    [00:10:15] ℜagnarok: If we all followed that logic we'd be Vulcans and all walk around straight faced telling everyone how illogical they are
    [00:10:25] *** Kenneth has left ***
    [00:10:28] Aylah ღ: most philosophers do do this
    [00:10:32] Aylah ღ: *the more you know
    [00:10:39] Aylah ღ: in an argument an appeal to emotion is seen as void
    [00:10:42] Aylah ღ: because it's just that
    [00:10:42] Aylah ღ: void
    [00:10:47] ℜagnarok: Well, I'm not a Philosopher, am I?
    [00:11:02 | Edited 00:11:40] Aylah ღ: anyone who freely thinks and pursuits truth is, in essence, a philosopher
    [00:11:33] ℜagnarok: ._.
    [00:11:39] Tomha: Ok what the **** are you yapping about?
    [00:11:50] Aylah ღ: the fact that appeals to emotion are used a lot
    [00:11:59 | Edited 00:12:00] Aylah ღ: particularly an appeal to spite or hatred
    [00:12:10] Tomha: ...and?
    [00:12:17] Aylah ღ: make people hate th eopposition so they ignore evidence and blindly follow one side
    [00:12:27] Aylah ღ: it causes many logical fallacies based on emotion and ad hominem
    [00:12:27] ℜagnarok: >Debating human nature
    [00:12:32] Tomha: And this has to do with us because?
    [00:12:35] Aylah ღ: actually the nature of arguments
    [00:12:42] Aylah ღ: because it happens a lot in here
    [00:12:54] Autumn: Gee, I wonder why...
    [00:13:06] Aylah ღ: because people get away with it
    [00:13:16] Aylah ღ: just as they get away with ad hominem
    [00:13:45] Tomha: Ok since you wanna talk smart I'll point something out to you too.

    We're on the ****ing internet. Land of madness and pornography. We don't need your logic to function because that is the way of the Internet. Chaos and Madness spits on your logic because it is a ****** here. The Internet has it's own rules and you must obey them or be a outcast.
    [00:13:51] ℜagnarok: No, humans are emotional, we always will be, expecting people to forget emotions in an argument is like expecting them to not breathe
    [00:14:01] Aylah ღ: [00:13] ℜagnarok:

    <<< to forget emotions in an argument is like expecting them to not breathe>>>
    [00:14:02] Aylah ღ: true enough
    [00:14:21] Aylah ღ: but appealing to the emotions of others to win them over in an argument is flawed in that you present little to no actual argument
    [00:14:28] Aylah ღ: [00:13] Tomha:

    <<< Ok since you wanna talk smart I'll point something out to you too.>>>

    We're on the ****ing internet. Land of madness and pornography. We don't need your logic to function because that is the way of the Internet. Chaos and Madness spits on your logic because it is a ****** here. The Internet has it's own rules and you must obey them or be a outcast.
    [00:14:31] Aylah ღ: that's already a straw man
    [00:14:42] Tomha: meaning?
    [00:14:42] Aylah ღ: and is an appeal toetmyology I believe
    [00:14:50] Aylah ღ: Straw man – an argument based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position
    [00:15:08] Aylah ღ: a straw man is weaker version of an argument that logically doesn't stand up on it's own
    [00:15:12] Aylah ღ: such as "anarchists hate roads"
    [00:15:13] Tomha: Yeah try speaking in Lay Mans terms from now on xP your not a Psychologist/Therapist
    [00:15:21] Aylah ღ: never claimed to be
    [00:15:33] Tomha: Well stop acting like one
    [00:15:34] Aylah ღ: I'm not
    [00:15:39] Autumn: lol
    [00:15:48 | Edited 00:15:59] Aylah ღ: I'm acting like a civilised person who would prefer logical discussion and debate to be that
    [00:15:53] Aylah ღ: instead of an ad hominem free for all
    [00:16:01] Autumn: You're expecting that on the internet
    [00:16:04] Aylah ღ: yes.
    [00:16:06] Autumn: you're funny
    [00:16:10] Tomha: ***** all I've been hearing from you all day is you siding with Griffin and trying to Rationalize everything
    [00:16:10] Aylah ღ: I've seen it plenty of times before
    [00:16:17] Aylah ღ: in much worse places than skype
    [00:16:20] Aylah ღ: I'm sure you can manage it
    [00:16:22] Autumn: Good for you
    [00:16:26] Griffin: So, you guys admit that your arguments are stupid because you're on the internet?
    [00:16:36] Griffin: Awesome.
    [00:16:37] Autumn: Nope.
    [00:16:48] Aylah ღ: [00:16] Tomha:

    <<< ***** all I've been hearing from you all day is you siding with Griffin and trying to Rationalize everything>>>1) no need to call me *****, that's just rude
    [00:16:55] Tomha: Don't care
    [00:16:56] Autumn: ...
    [00:16:57] Aylah ღ: 2) that's because.. generally his side is usually more logical
    [00:16:59] Aylah ღ: and makes mroe sense
    [00:17:00] Autumn: Griffin called me a ***** earlier
    [00:17:02] Autumn: that's not rude?
    [00:17:07] Autumn: Wow, okay.
    [00:17:08] Aylah ღ: 3) I rationalize things because I'm not an idiot
    [00:17:13] Tomha: Aww honey, it's because Griffin said it
    [00:17:13] Aylah ღ: actually
    [00:17:14] Aylah ღ: it was rude
    [00:17:18] Tomha: No no
    [00:17:22] Autumn: Awww that makes it ok then <3333333
    [00:17:23] Aylah ღ: although
    [00:17:24] Aylah ღ: it was less so
    [00:17:25] Tomha: Griffin isn't rude because HE'S griffin
    [00:17:29] Autumn: Yeah
    [00:17:32] Autumn: Griffin is boss
    [00:17:34] Autumn: >.>
    [00:17:35] Tomha: And you just love him so
    [00:17:38] Autumn: yup
    [00:17:41] Aylah ღ: as he used it as a descriiption of actions and characteristics you displayed
    [00:17:44] Griffin: Ad hominem, lol.
    [00:17:48] Aylah ღ: tomha used it as a manner of deameaning me
    [00:17:51] Autumn: lol
    [00:17:57] Tomha: Yep
    [00:18:07] Autumn: It's still rude...
    [00:18:11] Aylah ღ: yes
    [00:18:12] Aylah ღ: but less so
    [00:18:17] Autumn: No, not less.
    [00:18:21] Autumn: It's equally as rude.
    [00:18:22] Tomha: If only because it was Griffin
    [00:18:25] Griffin: You two are attempting to discount everything she says because it's on my side, most likely because you have no actual argument against her.
    [00:18:26] Tomha: He's like Jesus to her
    [00:18:26] Aylah ღ: I feel like I'm talking with people who suffer from read only memory
    [00:18:27] Aylah ღ: ._.
    [00:18:30] Aylah ღ: maybe I am
    [00:18:40] Autumn: [00:18] Griffin:

    <<< You two are attempting to discount everything she says because it's on my side,>>>All of that ego...
    [00:19:05] Griffin: Pussy: And you just love him so
    [00:19:11] Aylah ღ: I calmly state why most of your arguments are riddled with fallacies
    [00:19:23] Autumn: [00:18] Griffin:

    <<< Pussy: And you just love him so?>>>
    [00:19:25] Aylah ღ: which if anything is a service to help you strngthen them
    [00:19:36] Griffin: You two are saying she loves me therefore she agrees with me
    [00:19:42] Tomha: And we went from arguing about how to get rid of someone all the way here. It's amazing how that happens
    [00:19:46] Griffin: Then me stating you're saying that is taken as me having ego?
    [00:19:48 | Edited 00:19:53] Aylah ღ: and I am met with reductio ad ridiculum, more straw man arguments, and ad hominem
    [00:19:53] ℜagnarok: It appears Griffin has renamed Tom pussy on his Skype
    [00:20:11] Griffin: That's been there for months
    [00:20:14] Autumn: How immature.
    [00:20:20] Griffin: *shrug*
    [00:20:21] Autumn: Even I don't go to such lengths.
    [00:20:30] Autumn: Oh, it's ok, becuz eets Greeffeen<33333333333
    [00:20:36] Tomha: Of course it is. Griffin has always been the ******* to abuse his power whenever possible
    [00:20:57] Tomha: He's just a complete jackass and he doesn't know how to act any better because his head is so far up his ass he's got **** for brains
    [00:21:15 | Edited 00:21:27] Aylah ღ: and yet you are the one who is being insulting.
    [00:21:17] Tomha: He'd just be doing us all a favor if he was just gone.
    [00:21:34] Autumn: [00:21] Aylah ღ:

    <<< and yet you are the one how is being insulting.>>>Griffin called me a ***** about three times.
    [00:21:34] Autumn: Ok.
    [00:21:50] Autumn: So much favortism in this convo, I swear...
    [00:21:51] Aylah ღ: Tomha has conducted himself far, FAR worse than calling someone a *****
    [00:21:52] Griffin: Well, actually, I said you acted like a *****.
    [00:22:05] Aylah ღ: I find it hard to believe you are blind to that
    [00:22:08] Aylah ღ: furthermore
    [00:22:32] Autumn: Both of you are so annoying...
    [00:22:33] Aylah ღ: Fallacy: two wrongs make a right - occurs when it is assumed that if one wrong is commited, another wrong will cancel it out
    [00:22:55] Griffin: You spoke to me and performed actions that can be described as *****y, so I said you acted like a *****. If you prefer, I could just say you acted rude.
    [00:23:02] Griffin: Would you prefer I just say you acted very rude toward me?
    [00:23:05] Autumn: I wasn't *****y.
    [00:23:08] Tomha: Well gee, I wonder why I would be insulting someone I hate?

    Could it be that he is a ******* to my eyes? Maybe that he provokes me and launches insults at me completely unprovoked?
    [00:23:20] Aylah ღ: [00:23] Tomha:

    <<< Could it be that he is a ******* to my eyes? Maybe that he provokes me and launches insults at me completely unprovoked?>>>
    [00:23:22] Aylah ღ: like you are doing
    [00:23:24] Aylah ღ: right now?
    [00:23:33] Tomha: He provoked me. Plain and simple
    [00:23:35 | Edited 00:23:37] Aylah ღ: When?
    [00:23:49] Tomha: When he first started arguing with me out of spite
    [00:23:54] Aylah ღ: care to share?
    [00:24:05] Tomha: all too glad, give me a moment to scroll up for it
    [00:24:12] Griffin: I never argued with you out of spite, so I guess it never happened.
    [00:24:20] Aylah ღ: because as far as I can track, the earliest out of order act was done by you here *goes to get*
    [00:24:34] Autumn: You've said '*****y' comments.
    [00:24:39] Aylah ღ: [04 July 2012 23:21] Tomha:

    <<< Yeah I act like an ass to you, that's true, and that's because I hate your guts. You've always been a thorn in my ass in this group which really doesn't help change my opinion of you. And it's all the more annoying I got Crayons trying to convince me to "Be nice to Griffin." because it's not going to happen.>>>
    [00:24:47] Aylah ღ: in fact you admit that you act like an ass to him
    [00:25:13] Aylah ღ: furthermore
    [00:25:22 | Edited 00:26:06] Aylah ღ: even when it is as a reaction to being acted as an ass too
    [00:25:35] Aylah ღ: [00:22] Aylah ღ:

    <<< Fallacy: two wrongs make a right - occurs when it is assumed that if one wrong is commited, another wrong will cancel it out>>>
    [00:26:19] Aylah ღ: When I see him acting as an ass I'll call him out on it.
    [00:26:29] Aylah ღ: Just as here I saw you acting as an ass
    [00:26:46 | Edited 00:26:54] ℜagnarok: But you shouldn't let people get away with things just because some ancient philosophical ******* said so
    [00:26:57] Aylah ღ: [00:26] ℜagnarok:

    <<< But you shouldn't let people get away with tings just because some ancient philosophical ******* said so>>>
    [00:27:00] Aylah ღ: you misunderstand
    [00:27:08] Aylah ღ: it is a rule of logic
    [00:27:13] Aylah ღ: it doesn't bend to a situation
    [00:27:25] ℜagnarok: Then the rules of logic are flawed
    [00:27:32] Griffin: Logic actually has a system very similar to a form of mathematics.
    [00:27:33] Tomha: [02:20] Autumn:

    <<< All you ever do is try to point out I'm wrong,Don't kill me, but I've actually noticed this... ^^;>>>
    Rag has also pointed this out if I remember right

    [6:17:06 PM] Griffin: ...No, I don't, but it's funny that you're pompous enough to think that you saying something is why it matters.

    Instead of trying to justify why me claiming he's not a spiteful ****er. He just insults me
    [00:27:35] Aylah ღ: of course they are not yet perfect
    [00:28:22] Griffin: I've already admitted I try to point out people are wrong when I think they're wrong.
    [00:28:28] Aylah ღ: just as physical laws and mathematical laws are not yet perfect
    [00:28:33] Aylah ღ: but when they have ben proved
    [00:28:36] Aylah ღ: they have been proved
    [00:28:40] Aylah ღ: and it is as simple as that.
    [00:28:42] *** Justine has left ***
    [00:28:43] ℜagnarok: If the rules of logic are not perfect I see no reason to follow them
    [00:28:44] Tomha: All Griffin does in arguements is side against me and never considers "Hmm maybe he has a point." nope, "He said that so he's obviously wrong." And don't think for a second that he's never acted like an ******* to me first completely unprovoked
    [00:28:50] Aylah ღ: [00:28] ℜagnarok:

    <<< If the rules of logic are not perfect I see no reason to follow them>>>
    [00:29:07] Aylah ღ: not perfect in the sense not every rule has yet been discovered
    [00:29:15] Aylah ღ: they're imperfect in the same way maths is imperfect
    [00:29:21] Aylah ღ: yet maths, like logic, is axiomical
    [00:29:41] Aylah ღ: [00:28] Tomha:

    <<< And don't think for a second that he's never acted like an ******* to me first completely unprovoked>>>
    [00:29:42] Aylah ღ: actually
    [00:29:53] Griffin: ...You assume I don't consider the possibility that you're right. But when you haven't provided any evidence I haven't already seen and considered, no, my opinion won't change.
    [00:29:58] Aylah ღ:<<< [04/07/2012 23:56:22] Griffin: ...Did I really throw the first punch?
    [04/07/2012 23:56:26] Griffin: At Tom?
    [04/07/2012 23:56:34] Aylah ღ: No.
    [04/07/2012 23:56:48] Aylah ღ: he claimed you just say he's wrong because you hate him
    [04/07/2012 23:56:52] Aylah ღ: you said that was wrong
    [04/07/2012 23:56:54] Aylah ღ: he insulted you
    [04/07/2012 23:57:52] Griffin: I meant in general>>>
    [04/07/2012 23:57:53] Aylah ღ:<<< [23:18:28 | Edited 23:18:51] Tomha: All you ever do is try to point out I'm wrong, not once have you actually agreed on anyhting I said and it's a fact you strongly dislike me, which makes the assumption that you're just spiteful all the more likely.

    Alright fine so we got 3 people for both the answers. Obviously either choice is fine.>>>
    [23:19:58] Griffin: Well, actually, I try to point out when a lot of people are wrong. Sure, I dislike you because you're a complete ass to me all the time. The issue here is you assuming I do everything I do because I hate you.

    <<< All you ever do is try to point out I'm wrong,Don't kill me, but I've actually noticed this... ^^;>>>
    [23:20:37] Griffin: Oh, no, Autumn, I do that with EVERYONE.
    [23:20:48] Autumn: Don't worry, I've noticed. :/
    [23:20:49] *** ℜagnarok added Justine ***
    [23:21:12] Griffin: Also, speaking of people I dislike; I dislike Autumn. Yet I'm agreeing with here on this issue. So you know.
    [23:21:14] Griffin: *shrug*
    [23:21:20] Autumn: You dislike everyone.
    [23:21:26] Autumn: :/
    [23:21:36] Griffin: ...I dislike very few people.
    [23:21:37] Tomha: Yeah I act like an ass to you, that's true, and that's because I hate your guts. You've always been a thorn in my ass in this group which really doesn't help change my opinion of you. And it's all the more annoying I got Crayons trying to convince me to "Be nice to Griffin." because it's not going to happen.
    [04/07/2012 23:57:59] Aylah ღ: not as far as I have seen
    [04/07/2012 23:58:25] Griffin: I know I DO sometimes, but i meant
    [04/07/2012 23:58:26] Griffin: The VERY first
    [04/07/2012 23:58:32] Aylah ღ: I don't know
    [04/07/2012 23:58:40] Griffin: Alrighty
    [00:30:30] Griffin: I know I have provoked you first a few times, that was wrong, yes. I apologize.
    [00:31:02] Tomha: I don't want your apology because your probably just lying.
    [00:31:27] Aylah ღ: sigh.
    [00:31:35] Aylah ღ: and griffin is the bad one?
    [00:31:47] Tomha: Maybe he is. Maybe we're both the bad guys
    [00:31:53] Autumn: He judges someone when he doesn't even give them a chance?
    [00:31:58] Autumn: Sounds like someone I know...
    [00:32:02] Autumn: but... you know...
    [00:32:12] Aylah ღ: [00:31] Tomha:

    <<< Maybe he is. Maybe we're both the bad guysagain>>>
    [00:32:18] Aylah ღ: fallacy: two wrongs make a right
    [00:32:30] Tomha: That wasn't my point
    [00:32:57] Griffin: I've given EVERYONE in here a chance. I gave Tomha a chance, I talked to him a lot like I talk to everyone, and then he saw it fit to start acting like an *******.
    [00:33:06] Autumn: No, you really didn't.
    [00:33:20] Tomha: Oh right that's why you assaulted me when I mentioned I wanted to go trick or treating.
    [00:33:28] Griffin: You, Autumn, started treating me like **** the first time you spoke to me. Your chance was filled with calling me an *******.
    [00:33:42] Tomha: OR hey, how about that time I mentioned killing dragons in 1 game that's harder then Skyrim and you kicked me out for NO reason
    [00:33:57] Autumn: [00:33] Griffin:

    <<< You, Autumn, started treating me like **** the first time you spoke to me.But, you know, that was months ago. You never even thought about giving me another chance?>>>
    [00:34:06] Autumn: Oh no, people NEVER change! It just CAN'T be true!
    [00:34:07] Autumn: Aha.
    [00:34:13] Autumn: Just like a person I know.
    [00:34:17] Aylah ღ: [00:33] Autumn:

    <<< But, you know, that was months ago. You never even thought about giving me another chance?>>>just as you 2 appear to be unwilling to do the same
    [00:34:30] Aylah ღ: [00:34] Autumn:

    <<< Just like a person I know.>>>
    [00:34:33] Aylah ღ: stealth insult
    [00:34:34] Aylah ღ: stop that.
    [00:34:45] Autumn: [00:34] Aylah ღ:

    <<< just as you 2 appear to be unwilling to do the same>>>Appear to be? Oh, please.
    [00:34:47] Tomha: Why should I give Griffin a chance, he's nothing but a problem to me.
    [00:34:51] Autumn: [00:34] Aylah ღ:

    <<< stop that>>>.No.
    [00:35:00] Aylah ღ: [00:34] Autumn:

    <<< No.>>>
    [00:35:04] Aylah ღ: >complain X is an *******
    [00:35:09] Aylah ღ: >do assholish things
    [00:35:15] Aylah ღ: >refuse to stop doing assholish thing
    [00:35:17] Aylah ღ: also
    [00:35:24] Tomha: You know what the bible says "An Eye for an eye"
    [00:35:25] Aylah ღ: >complain X never gave you a second chance
    [00:35:26] Autumn: Oh, but I'm not doing, ahem, 'assholish' things.
    [00:35:30] Tomha: "Pay evil unto evil."
    [00:35:30] Aylah ღ: >never give X a second chance
    [00:35:32 | Edited 00:35:37] Aylah ღ: tu quoque
    [00:35:42] Aylah ღ: [00:35] Tomha:

    <<< "Pay evil unto evil.">>>
    [00:35:44] ℜagnarok: Actually she tried to let stuff go but because she sided with Tom she got told she was *****y sooooo.... yeah
    [00:35:47] Aylah ღ: fallacy: two wrongs make a right
    [00:35:55] Autumn: Aylah, quit kissing his ass for one second.
    How can I give someone a second chance when he doesn't allow me to?
    [00:36:06] Autumn: Mhm.
    [00:36:12] Autumn: Exactly, I can't.
    [00:36:16] Aylah ღ: [00:35] Autumn:

    <<< How can I give someone a second chance when he doesn't allow me to?>>>you don't need someone's permission to give them a second chance
    [00:36:24] Tomha: I think the real question is "Why does he deserve a second chance?"
    [00:36:30] Aylah ღ: either you give them it or you dont
    [00:36:35] Aylah ღ: and they use it well or they dont
    [00:36:37] Autumn: [00:36] Aylah ღ:

    <<< you don't need someone's permission to give them a second chance>>>That's not what I'm saying. I tried to be nicer to him, but he's just an ******* right back.
    [00:36:47] Aylah ღ: oh?
    [00:36:51] Autumn: Oh, yes.
    [00:36:59] Griffin: Saying you HAD acted like a ***** is being an *******?
    [00:37:18] Tomha: Only kinda
    [00:37:27] Aylah ღ: [00:36] Tomha:

    <<< I think the real question is "Why does he deserve a second chance?">>>because he already showed compromise, and has gianed the moral highground by doing so, not meeting said highround would result in being the lesser person
    [00:37:31 | Edited 00:37:38] Aylah ღ: highground gained here:
    [00:37:36] Autumn: Ahahahahaha...
    [00:37:37 | Edited 00:38:03] ℜagnarok: Hell, he even tried to talk me out of arguing to keep her here when she was added back, and could present no valid reason other than he disliked her, after months of no contact at all
    [00:37:38] Autumn: that's funny...
    [00:37:41] ℜagnarok: So yeah
    [00:37:48] Autumn: Yup.
    [00:37:52] Tomha: I don't care about being the "Bigger man" that doesn't answer my question Aylah
    [00:38:04] Aylah ღ: [00:30] Griffin:

    <<< I know I have provoked you first a few times, that was wrong, yes. I apologize.>>>
    [00:38:28] Tomha: That means nothing. Anyone can say their sorry only to lie through their teeth
    [00:38:31] Aylah ღ: [00:37] ℜagnarok:

    <<< Hell, he even tried to talk me out of arguing to keep her here when she was added back, and could present no valid reason other than he disliked her, after months of no contact at all>>>
    [00:38:36] Aylah ღ: logical path of this:
    [00:38:39] Aylah ღ: X dislikes Y
    [00:38:42] Autumn: **** your logic.
    [00:38:45] Aylah ღ: X does not want contact with Y
    [00:38:49] Aylah ღ: X attempts to avoid it
    [00:38:55] Autumn: ****. Your. Logic.
    [00:39:02] Aylah ღ: [00:38] Autumn:

    <<< **** your logic.>>>then you have no valid basis for any argument whatsoever
    [00:39:05] Aylah ღ: congratulations.
    [00:39:12] Griffin: Actually, Ragna, I said not to be completely pissed off at Kenneth about it because I THOUGHT you had no merit.
    [00:39:23] ℜagnarok: She was already here and had not said a bad thing to him, ot once
    [00:39:39] Tomha: You still haven't answered my question Aylah
    [00:39:44] Aylah ღ: care to repeat?
    [00:39:48] Aylah ღ: there's sort of
    [00:39:49] Aylah ღ: y'know
    [00:39:50 | Edited 00:39:53] Aylah ღ: a torrent
    [00:40:05] Autumn: I'm so tired of both of you... and don't bother, Tomha, both of them are too far up their own asses to even care about anyone else.
    [00:40:20] Tomha: Why should I: Tomha Domizoko give Griffin a chance? What exactly makes it that he deserves one? Why should I try making peace with him when I flat out hate his guts?
    [00:40:23] Aylah ღ: >bieing coolheaded and logical
    [00:40:25] ℜagnarok: Still, those were your reasons when I asked why, anyway I'mma go play a game cuz this **** has gone full ******
    [00:40:26] Aylah ღ: >up my own ass
    [00:40:35] Aylah ღ: >resorting to emotiona responses of outrage
    [00:40:37] Aylah ღ: >not up own ass
    [00:40:41] Aylah ღ: I like when things dont make sense
    [00:41:01] Autumn: I know, I really dislike people who defend another person who's clearly an *******...
    [00:41:11] Griffin: ...Lol
    [00:41:15] Autumn: But, you know what they say, *******s tend to flock together.
    [00:41:17] Aylah ღ: [00:40] Tomha:

    <<< Why should I: Tomha Domizoko give Griffin a chance? What exactly makes it that he deserves one? Why should I try making peace with him when I flat out hate his guts?>>>because it is /better/
    [00:41:19] Autumn: So.
    [00:41:24 | Edited 00:41:27] Aylah ღ: no feuds is /better/ than some feuds
    [00:41:32] Autumn: Then quit starting them.
    [00:41:39] Aylah ღ: I didn't.
    [00:41:41] Tomha: That doesn't answer my question
    [00:41:48] Aylah ღ: >answer question twice
    [00:41:52] Aylah ღ: >"you haven't answered my quesiton"
    [00:41:54] Autumn: Don't bother, Tomha, she's going to dance around it.
    [00:41:55] Aylah ღ: raising the bar
    [00:42:02] Aylah ღ: >dance around it
    [00:42:15] Autumn: Anything to make her darling Griffin not look bad.
    [00:42:17] Aylah ღ: >only one giving direct logical answers than aren't just emotional outbursts full of fallacies
    [00:42:30] Autumn: This convo's just full of egoistic people. So sad.
    [00:42:39] Aylah ღ: oh look
    [00:42:40] Autumn: I'm going to go play a game as well.
    [00:42:41] Aylah ღ: an appeal to emotion
    [00:42:48 | Edited 00:42:56] Aylah ღ: please, tell me all about how you have no argument
    [00:42:52] Autumn: Goodbye, egoistic *******s.
    [00:42:58] Aylah ღ: oh look
    [00:42:58] Aylah ღ: ad hominem
    [00:43:05] Autumn: Except Tomha and Ragnarok, you guys are awesome <3
    [00:43:07 | Edited 00:43:13] Aylah ღ: please tell me all about how I'm the unreasonable one here
    [00:43:18] Autumn: Bye~ So desperate~
    [00:44:16] Tomha: Well since Miss Logic over here can't give me a real answer, I guess that means she's admitting Griffin doesn't Deserve forgiveness or a chance
    [00:44:27] Aylah ღ: >give answer twice
    [00:44:33] Aylah ღ: >that's not the answer I wanted though
    [00:44:36 | Edited 00:44:55] Aylah ღ: that's called raising the bar
    [00:44:44] Aylah ღ: Moving the goalposts (raising the bar) – argument in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded
    [00:45:10] Tomha: Ok which was your answer and I'll explain myself
    [00:45:25] Aylah ღ: because it is /better/
    [00:41:19] Autumn: So.
    [00:41:24 | Edited 00:41:27] Aylah ღ: no feuds is /better/ than some feuds
    [00:45:58] Tomha: Even if I was to give him the second chance that is no promise that we wont be at eachothers throats again
    [00:46:07] Aylah ღ: yes
    [00:46:08] Aylah ღ: that is true
    [00:46:19] Aylah ღ: but you're dismissing the chance on the possiblity of failure
    [00:46:32] Griffin: Here's your answer. I have tried giving you a second chance. Not once lately have I been an ******* to you until you called me out earlier, in which situation I stated that no, my opinions don't revolve around you. Instead of trying to get YOU kicked out of the D&D chat over there, I simply requested you stop trying to kick me from it permanently. Instead of trying to convince Kenneth from removing you from THIS chat, I've sat back and tried to be reasonable and let you talk and enjoy yourself.
    [00:46:37 | Edited 00:46:53] Aylah ღ: that's not even getting far enough to be attributing to failure
    [00:46:44] Aylah ღ: it's just flat out not trying :/
    [00:46:56] Griffin: I'm only at your ****ing throat because you constantly go at me even when I'm being as reasonable as I can.
    [00:48:28] Griffin: And don't you dare mention I've done it too; I have, and I already tried to apologize for it. You brushed off my apology without considering it MIGHT actually be sincere.
    [00:48:53] Griffin: You refuse to accept my apology and refuse to give me a second chance when I've BEEN trying.
    [00:49:01] Tomha: You didn't convince me to not kick you out. THe group wanted you to be allowed to say so I said fine, just stay out of my way (Bussiness) even though I should be allowed to remove the people I add in a otherwise dead group.

    Granted you haven't provoked me in awhile but that doesn't mean we were giving eachother a chance or anything We were just out of eachothers line of fire.

    And why exactly should I consider it might be true? We're nowhere near any position to actually trust eachother not to lie.
    [00:49:30] Griffin: When the **** have I lied to you, Tomha?
    [00:49:35] Aylah ღ: And why exactly should I consider it might be true? We're nowhere near any position to actually trust eachother not to lie.
    [00:49:39] Tomha: How would I know?
    [00:49:49 | Edited 00:49:56] Aylah ღ: because generally people don't apologize and admit they ****ed up as a malicious act
    [00:49:59] Tomha: Maybe you already have, maybe you didn't. I can't trust you period so why would I not believe you never lied?
    [00:50:28] Aylah ღ: "I cannot know you have never lied ergo I cannot tust you"
    [00:50:31] Griffin: What have I done to be mistrusted? Ooh, I kicked you out of the group as a joke. So malicious. You kicked me out of the OTHER group out of ****ing spite.
    [00:50:36 | Edited 00:50:56] Aylah ღ: the same goes for everyone in thi chat
    [00:50:38 | Edited 00:50:42] Aylah ღ: yet you trust them
    [00:50:52] Aylah ღ: Special pleading – where a proponent of a position attempts to cite something as an exemption to a generally accepted rule or principle without justifying the exemption
    [00:51:08 | Edited 00:51:23] Aylah ღ: Griffin shouldn't be pleaded as a special exemption
    [00:51:08] Griffin: So, here's what's going on. You refuse to even possibly meet me half way at trying to mend the situation, so this is on YOU.
    [00:53:18] Griffin: I've been trying to not be an ass to you outright, I've been trying to be patient, and I've been trying not to just get you removed completely from this group; because dear GOD would I be happy if I didn't have to deal with you constantly hating me. It takes a lot of effort on my part not to lash out at people who treat me like you do, and I am putting in lots of goddamn effort. So you know what? Either you try putting some in and fixing this problem, or you openly admit that you're treating someone who's trying their best not to be your enemy like the biggest ****ing ******* ever.
    [00:53:22] Tomha: I kicked you out because I didn't want you there. I didn't like you so I should be allowed to remove you especially iff the thing is dead.
    [00:53:53] Griffin: I don't want you here, should I be allowed to remove you?
    [00:54:01] Griffin: Or is this a special rule about you?
    [00:54:06] Aylah ღ: Special pleading – where a proponent of a position attempts to cite something as an exemption to a generally accepted rule or principle without justifying the exemption
    [00:54:57] Glen: OMFG SO MUCH ARGUING
    [00:55:39] Autumn: Griffin and Risk refuse to let it go.
    [00:55:40] Autumn: So sad, eh?
    [00:55:48] Aylah ღ: neither does tomha
    [00:55:50] Aylah ღ: so sad, eh?
    [00:56:04] Aylah ღ: also
    [00:56:07] Aylah ღ: appeal to ridicule
    [00:56:11] Glen: JUST
    [00:56:11] Glen: STOP
    [00:56:13] Glen: ****ING
    [00:56:14] Glen: ARGUING
    [00:56:16] Tomha: I wanted you gone but unfortunately not everyone agreed with me, despite my hatred for you. I still don't see why I should do much of anything, much less believe a single word you just said in your little speech there.

    I never said I don't refuse to let stuff go. I'm not the forgiving type. I hate people so natually it's like breathing.
    [00:56:30] Aylah ღ: Appeal to ridicule – an argument is made by presenting the opponent or the opponent's argument in a way that makes it appear ridiculous
    [00:56:41] Tomha: The most I'm willing to 'try' to do is just ignore Griffin. And even then that wont be a very easy task.
    [00:57:14 | Edited 00:57:20] Aylah ღ: so you're willingly causing there to be tension within a group.
    [00:57:15] Aylah ღ: thanks.
    [00:57:34] Tomha: I said try to ignore him. If I do that then I wont come into conflict with him.
    [00:57:52] Aylah ღ: hm.
    [00:58:07] Aylah ღ: ohey autumn deleted me
    [00:58:09] Aylah ღ: I'm heartbroken.
    [00:58:21] Autumn: ... And?
    [00:58:22] Tomha: Though bear in mind this doesn't mean my feelings or opinions changed, not the slightest. I still hate his guts and wish ill will of him. BUT I'm willing to try and ignore his existence.
    [00:58:25] Aylah ღ: *shrugs*
    [00:58:27 | Edited 00:58:29] Aylah ღ: I just noticed
    [00:58:32] Autumn: Why did you point it out?
    [00:58:39] Aylah ღ: not sure
    [00:58:48] Autumn: Haha, you're funny
    [00:58:50] Aylah ღ: it was a spontaneous thing
    [00:59:27 | Edited 01:00:01] Aylah ღ: [00:58] Tomha:

    <<< not the slightest. I still hate his guts and wish ill will of him.>>>but not hating someone is /better/ than ahting them
    [00:59:32] Aylah ღ: it is only natural to strive for /better/
    [00:59:38] *** Autumn added Kenneth ***
    [00:59:45] Aylah ღ: supkenneth
    [01:00:56] Kenneth: ....Risk......Retro....please stop treating Autumn and all them badly...please
    [01:01:04] Aylah ღ: we aren't
    [01:01:15] Aylah ღ: i can't believe you're saying we are
    [01:01:18 | Edited 01:01:36] Tomha: Hating people comes more naturally to me then most. People I know who are horribly wronged say they struggle to hate that person who wrongs them. That makes no sense to me but that just means I'm the hateful type. Plain and simple. Hate doesn't take effort on me because it comes all too naturally. Forgiving on the otherhand. Well that's extremely tough, it's as tough to me as it would be for that person to actually hate someone.
    [01:01:59] Aylah ღ: but hate is an emotion without which enjoyment is much easier
    [01:02:05] Aylah ღ: ergo it is /better/
    [01:02:16 | Edited 01:02:30] Aylah ღ: is it not therefore better, when possible, to try to get rid of it?
    [01:02:31] Tomha: That is highly debatable
    [01:02:36] Aylah ღ: one day I shall learn to type properly
    [01:03:09] Aylah ღ: hate is a negative emotion, it is much less desirable than others therefore it should be, if possible, replaced with said others
    [01:03:15] Aylah ღ: as they are /better/
    [01:03:20] Aylah ღ: i.e. more enjoyable
    [01:03:20] Kenneth: actually I was told to open my eyes
    [01:03:25] Aylah ღ: [01:03] Kenneth:

    <<< actually I was told to open my eyes >>>
    [01:03:26] Aylah ღ: kenneth
    [01:03:28] Aylah ღ: tell me
    [01:03:29] Aylah ღ: please
    [01:03:32] Aylah ღ: how I have been rude.
    [01:03:43] Aylah ღ: I would love to see your long list of citations
    [01:03:52] Kenneth: you were calling Autumn a *****
    [01:03:56] Aylah ღ: actually I didn't
    [01:03:57] Aylah ღ: try again
    [01:04:06] Autumn: Griffin did
    [01:04:16] Aylah ღ: these 2
    [01:04:19] Aylah ღ: have been a lot worse to us
    [01:04:20] Aylah ღ: A LOT WORSE
    [01:04:24] Aylah ღ: than we have to them
    [01:04:26] Tomha: Who says I don't enjoy hating people? When something horrible happens to them it makes it all the better
    [01:04:29] Aylah ღ: and you have the NERVE
    [01:04:35] Aylah ღ: you tell us to stop being rude to them?
    [01:04:54] Kenneth: whaat did they do to you Risk
    [01:04:58] Aylah ღ: [01:04] Tomha:

    <<< Who says I don't enjoy hating people? When something horrible happens to them it makes it all the better >>>that happens less often than they do not
    [01:05:03] Aylah ღ: v
    [01:05:04] Aylah ღ: [01:04] Kenneth:

    <<whaat did they do to you Risk >>
    [01:05:06] Aylah ღ: appela to ridicule
    [01:05:08] Aylah ღ: appeal to spite
    [01:05:15] Aylah ღ: reductio ad ridiculum
    [01:05:22] Aylah ღ: general ad hominem
    [01:06:16] Tomha: Being the forgiving type isn't me okay? Asking me to forgive is to ask fire not to burn
    [01:08:20] Kenneth: risk you never answered my question
    [01:11:55] Griffin: Afk, I have to eat dinner
    [01:13:10 | Edited 01:13:23] Kenneth: if the question isn't answeered in two minutes then I'm siding with Autumn
    [01:13:57] Autumn: and... you know, everyone else...
    [01:16:10] Kenneth: well it's been two minutes...where's your answer
    [01:16:26] Tomha: What was the question?
    [01:16:49] Kenneth: the question to Risk was "What did they do to him"
    [01:17:28] Tomha: Risk is griffin right?
    [01:17:38] Kenneth: no thats Aylah
    [01:17:52] Tomha: oh (I'm not good with names)
    [01:20:58] Aylah ღ: [00:03] Tomha:

    <<< Maybe that's why Autumm and Crayons dislike you then Aylah[00:16] Tomha: >>>

    <<< ***** all I've been hearing from you all day is you siding with Griffin and trying to Rationalize everything>>>[04 July 2012 23:21] Tomha:

    <<< Yeah I act like an ass to you, that's true, and that's because I hate your guts. You've always been a thorn in my ass in this group which really doesn't help change my opinion of you. And it's all the more annoying I got Crayons trying to convince me to "Be nice to Griffin." because it's not going to happen.>>>[04 July 2012 23:24] Autumn:

    <<< You're nice, unlike Griffin~>>>[04 July 2012 23:28] Tomha:

    <<< I could give a rats ass with what you have to say because it doesn't change my disposition about you.>>>[04 July 2012 23:28] Autumn:

    <<< But yknow, some people just are *******s in general and always will be...
    What a shame.>>>[04 July 2012 23:36] Autumn:

    <<< Oh, right, because he had his head up his ass, too. But you realize that was AFTER you fired me.>>>[04/07/2012 23:37:05] Aylah ღ: protip: logs
    [04/07/2012 23:37:13] Autumn: Either you have a bad memory, or you're intentionally lying to make me look bad.
    [04/07/2012 23:37:17] Autumn: I'm going with the second one.
    [04/07/2012 23:37:22] Tomha: Oh yeah, like either of them really wanna surf ALL these logs at this point
    [04/07/2012 23:37:32] Aylah ღ: how rude
    [04/07/2012 23:37:54] Aylah ღ: I was simply stating that logs are the only way to prove which side of the empasse is true
    [04/07/2012 23:56:11] Tomha: While we wait for Kenneth. I want to ask this now. Aylah, are you dating Griffin?
    [04/07/2012 23:57:05] Tomha: Well that any woman would want to date you is impressive all by itself but she acts like she's into you which is why I asked.
    [00:03:40] Griffin: Give it to Kast
    [00:03:43] Griffin: He won't abuse it
    [00:03:52] Tomha: We certainly can't trust Griffin not to
    [00:04:33] Tomha: I'll admit it, if I got it, first thing I'd do is get rid of Griffin permanantly. That'd be fun
    [00:16:10] Tomha: ***** all I've been hearing from you all day is you siding with Griffin and trying to Rationalize everything
    [00:17:25] Tomha: Griffin isn't rude because HE'S griffin
    [00:17:29] Autumn: Yeah
    [00:17:32] Autumn: Griffin is boss
    [00:17:34] Autumn: >.>
    [00:17:35] Tomha: And you just love him so
    [00:17:38] Autumn: yup (mocking me)
    [00:20:36] Tomha: Of course it is. Griffin has always been the ******* to abuse his power whenever possible
    [00:20:57] Tomha: He's just a complete jackass and he doesn't know how to act any better because his head is so far up his ass he's got **** for brains
    [00:30:30] Griffin: I know I have provoked you first a few times, that was wrong, yes. I apologize.
    [00:31:02] Tomha: I don't want your apology because your probably just lying.
    [00:34:33] Aylah ღ: stealth insult
    [00:34:34] Aylah ღ: stop that.
    [00:34:51] Autumn: stop that.No.
    [00:37:52] Tomha: I don't care about being the "Bigger man" that doesn't answer my question Aylah
    [00:40:05] Autumn: I'm so tired of both of you... and don't bother, Tomha, both of them are too far up their own asses to even care about anyone else.
    [00:40:20] Tomha: Why should I: Tomha Domizoko give Griffin a chance? What exactly makes it that he deserves one? Why should I try making peace with him when I flat out hate his guts?
    [00:41:01] Autumn: I know, I really dislike people who defend another person who's clearly an *******...
    [00:41:15] Autumn: But, you know what they say, *******s tend to flock together.
    [00:41:54] Autumn: Don't bother, Tomha, she's going to dance around it.
    [00:41:55] Aylah ღ: raising the bar
    [00:42:02] Aylah ღ: >dance around it
    [00:42:15] Autumn: Anything to make her darling Griffin not look bad.
    [00:42:17] Aylah ღ: >only one giving direct logical answers than aren't just emotional outbursts full of fallacies
    [00:42:30] Autumn: This convo's just full of egoistic people. So sad.
    [00:42:52] Autumn: Goodbye, egoistic *******s.
    [00:43:05] Autumn: Except Tomha and Ragnarok, you guys are awesome <3
    [00:44:16] Tomha: Miss Logic over here
    [00:56:16] Tomha: I wanted you gone but unfortunately not everyone agreed with me, despite my hatred for you. I still don't see why I should do much of anything, much less believe a single word you just said in your little speech there.

    I never said I don't refuse to let stuff go. I'm not the forgiving type. I hate people so natually it's like breathing.
    [00:56:41] Tomha: The most I'm willing to 'try' to do is just ignore Griffin. And even then that wont be a very easy task.
    [00:58:22] Tomha: Though bear in mind this doesn't mean my feelings or opinions changed, not the slightest. I still hate his guts and wish ill will of him. BUT I'm willing to try and ignore his existence.
    [01:21:02] Aylah ღ: so kenneth
    [01:21:13] Aylah ღ: please continure telling me how retro and I are the ones out of line
    [01:21:43] Aylah ღ: >ignoring my answer because it took longer than you could be bothered to wait
    [01:21:49] Aylah ღ: sigh.
    [01:21:51] ℜagnarok:
    [01:21:58] ℜagnarok: Look at my badass fleet
    [01:22:13] Aylah ღ: you could see hat I was typing in the bottom bar yet you refused to wait and hear me out
    [01:22:22] Aylah ღ: and you claim that I am out of order
    [01:23:04] Tomha: He could just be reading it
    [01:23:09] Tomha: it is quite abit to read
    [01:23:20] Aylah ღ: [01:08:20] Kenneth: risk you never answered my question
    [01:11:55] Griffin: Afk, I have to eat dinner
    [01:13:10 | Edited 01:13:23] Kenneth: if the question isn't answeered in two minutes then I'm siding with Autumn
    [01:13:57] Autumn: and... you know, everyone else...
    [01:16:10] Kenneth: well it's been two minutes...where's your answer
    [01:23:26] Aylah ღ: he's not bothering.

    And they still maintain that retro(griffin) and I are the *******s.

    Even after this

    [01:27:07] Kenneth: look..idek who to trust or believe right now
    [01:29:02] Tomha: Basically everyone argued, insults were thrown and then silence
    [01:29:38] Aylah ღ: I challenge you to find a single insult thrown by me.
    [01:30:06] Tomha: And if I actually can? xD
    [01:30:17] Aylah ღ: then I'll say "well ****"
    [01:30:41] Tomha: [7:44:29 PM] Aylah ღ: >give answer twice cause your stupid
    [01:31:00] Aylah ღ: hm
    [01:31:04] Aylah ღ: whereabouts is it?
    [01:31:05] Aylah ღ: for source
    [01:31:07] Tomha: I'm just kidding xD you didn't say that xD
    [01:31:07] Aylah ღ: to check
    [01:31:09] Aylah ღ: mkay
    [01:31:10] Aylah ღ: thought not
    [01:31:29] Tomha: Nah I don't think you did throw any insults xD
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. rikusorakairiown
    >halo on dislike.

    What's it like being a newgen KHVidian?
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 4, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. rikusorakairiown
    I'm going to ****ing stab someone O_O
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 4, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. rikusorakairiown
    threads need a voteban feature
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. rikusorakairiown

    I'm going to be unnecessarily defensive! That'll make me seem reasonable!
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. rikusorakairiown
    That's not the point.

    The point is you haev come into OUR thread. Annoyed the **** out of US. and then acted as if WE are the bad guys. Not only that but you have an obscenely defensive attitude that just screams "I'm a close minded idiot who has no capacity for reason".

    You then claim that you're trying to avoid us.

    Protip: to avoid us FUCK OFF.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. rikusorakairiown

    that's some nice 2yearold logic there.


    If you want to avoid us, WHY THE **** ARE YOU POSTING IN OUR THREAD?
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. rikusorakairiown
    I am aware.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. rikusorakairiown
    This has been the case for several days.
    Post by: rikusorakairiown, Jul 2, 2012 in forum: The Playground