... Pun unintended.
SNiper rifle on tits. Literally all I remember of it.
Don't do it. It's a trap.
Think of the exact opposite to captain america. [video=youtube;WzKKjJuujSs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzKKjJuujSs&feature=player_embedded[/video] "You know.. I'm glad your mother rejected my advances all those years ago. At least I KNOW you're not MY son. There aren't many who can say that."
Bat Country - Avenged Sevenfold "He who makes a beast of himself loses the pain of being a man"
I don't know, for either one of them "I didn't put you in a prison ____, I just showed you the bars"
Ignition - Trivium Raise the guns At every self-made suspicion Build the bombs Corrupt policy's decision That's the sound of integrity breaking its back In a country founded as a thievery act Times are dark with our children spoon-fed ignorance Inheritance of an anxious trigger finger
oh **** it's THIS. all my emotions. Spoiler don't judge me
Watch the World Burn - Trivium If we break their hold We open our arms to fight Unleashing the light If we stand our ground We become the enemy The revolution sounds If we break their hold We're faced down by everything Challenged with a war If we stand our ground We're sacrificing ourselves To save so much more
I've posted it multiple times before in image format:
A gunshot to the head of trepidation - Trivium
go to work, send your kids to school follow fashion, act normal walk on the pavements, watch T.V. save for your old age, obey the law Repeat after me: I am free
Holy **** it's SJ. sup?
intersex? or gender fluid?
you're a camel's foreskin? good to know.
Sounds kinky. Spoiler and nostalgic
and that is when it is the fault of the irritated for not making one aware. Of course if the reaosn they are irritated is completely unjustifiable then that becomes a weakness in their character.
when one is oblivious to one's irritation one can't be deemed as a bad person for it, though though can be made aware of it (which some people seem to see as being the same thing for some reason), it's when they aren't oblivious and therefore intentionally thus that it damages their character seriously. I myself have often discovered that I am irritating people.