Rat has been banned. inb4 "hurr durr talking about banned members is naughty" that's a bullshit rule and you know it
how curious... I believe you said the same in an earlier discussion with ben. It must've stuck with me.
Tempting to become the believers again. Though I suppose it would make me a faux-believer. I am so confused.
h- bye enzy
Why is the voice of reason always labelled the bad guy, subject to personal attack and mockery even though it's proven every one of their points wrong? It's wearing me down.
lol wut r u doink
not to mention all the **** threads would get bumped by Spoiler Amaury.
suddenly I question my motives.
sadly I don't. I'd probably suck now. Bet I can't even tbf anymore ;-;
none of the above. Play GunZ. A game for real men.
how then is it they they are the protectors?
John McClane "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!"
but who then, is the enemy, and what distinguishes them from us, and more importantly, from those who protect us from them? Who watches the watchers? and what separates them from the enemy, what makes them not the enemy?
that fap master one? I remember planning to read that at your suggesiton but I forgot. damnit.
she reminds me of myself years ago
but think of the lulz oh how I would laugh.
Oldies but Goodies - Hideki Naganuma
rob a charity shop, donate the money to a rich person.