you're confusing communism with fascism considering a communist/socialist society is generally run by the mass populous, I should think they have free speech Communists are not against free speech at all, but they think people should be held accountable for statements made, especially in a public manner. same .
... What? Do you know anything about communism?
>attempt to join group >ignore entirety of group when they criticise you/tell you to gtfo >bring a friend to the group so you can circlejerk each other I don't understand.
. .
... what?
Lunchbox - Marilyn Manson
The Death Song - Marilyn Manson
Antichrist Superstar - Marilyn Manson
Both . But mainly about specific persons/threads
I have had multiple posts concerning my opinion deleted within the last 2 weeks. On a related note, I managed to argue an admin so far back into a corner they essentially had to say "it's right because I said so and I'm staff"
Sweet Dreams (cover) - Marilyn Manson
I lol'd
Cruci-Fixion In Space - Marilyn Manson
I think I'd rather be called rude. Sadly I then feel the need to seek justification of the claim.
often the dictionary definition and the working definition are different. See: anarchy.
I never understood why swear words were taboo, there is nothing harmful about saying **** to someone, it's much more harmful to see "go kill yourself you fat miserable pile of scum" but alas, for some reason saying shit is viewed as worse.