The second code doesn't work :(
First code Doesn't work now i test the second
I got this, but it doesn't work 5RXM-EB0W-K3P2Q 92N3-RU1W-JA13M 3GGM-HV4D-RM79D KP4E-EUNU-32ZKK
that code is for other region. So, can anyone port that code to PAL and can somebody give me code to play as lion Sora
Thanks for the codes :D
Thanks for those :) and, can anyone give me code to drive without party members
Can somebody give me code to Mickey replace Donald, please
Here Demyx replace Goofy EQ9H-66VM-JWCGP R9J8-MKXY-ERTJQ FZDV-5UKN-021VD
Can somebody give me Kingdom Hearts 1 PAL ID
Here slow form consuption QV2Y-D661-XHMVD GBVR-2Y27-R18D3 9RYT-EAPW-379RP R54G-WUFA-03KR8
Those codes should work
I have only these height mod for various things R9HB-0746-CVV2X 6H9B-U7B8-7U0KR make things vertical D0EX-ATT4-FX4WW TN3Y-BCKH-GM9K6
I can't play that Kingdom Hearts flash game
I can't play that game:(
Can somebody tell that Mickey's blade code
can somebody give me code to have Mickey's blade, please
I want that "Goofy can use his abilitys"
Thanks for those, but can you give me Goofy's and Donald's weapons too?