SO IT WAS YOU! *points finger* Therapist = The rapist
You say your not old enough to move out...But I think you'd find a million ways you can...For example if your struggling to look after a baby the government SHOULD be making sure you get money and a nice enviroment for the baby to grow up (at least that's how things work here) even if you have to move in with someone else.
They're amazing i can't say I can criticize it. Maybe if there was more going on (More pokemon, a background anything like this) and it would be even better. but really they're great
so much proof to back up evolution...but still...never ending cycle of what started it...what started evolution? the big bang. What started the big bang? An exploding star. Where did the star come from? So personally...yes evolution happened...But I also have my beleif there was a god to start it all
Both my parents taught me...their methods however...Involved re-arranging stickers
For a start have youu ever considered giving the child up for adoption? Maybe that could help, also would moving away be an option because I'm sure if people got to know they'd love you so maybe if you move you could find a place you can be happy and meet people you won't be shy to
members of KHV
I know I know I've been showed how a million times I just never get of my friends had this cool little thing where she'd do it with opposite colours s there'd be an odd dot in the middle
Oh god I love me some rubix cubes...thing is I cant solve e...I can do 5 sides out of 6 but thats all :\
Well from your description of home...It doesn't sound like your family can get much worse with their disliking you...My question is if you do choose to move out...Would you ever be able to go back? If not try negotiating, tell them if things don't change then you will move out and see what they say
Happy birthday!!!
That's ok it happens to us all...It's helped a bit I guess thanks, sorry I didn't reply yesterday I was at dads
I asked before...their only suggestion was 'just move in with dad like i did' And that doesn't really sort anything since I'd still have to go the same hell which is school...I mean if anything I need to learn how to open up to my parents
You're so right I should but with so much stress from work, my sisters and my step-dad...I dont think she could take me having a breakdown in front of her. Things were all good till me step-dad came along...6 years...6 years of all this stress, only recently I met sisters on my dads side...and they seem the only eople I can open up to...But I get so stubborn and wont let them tell anyone...I'm such an awkward person when it comes to myself, I'm always refusing food or drink, even when im extremely hungry or thirsty..theres just been no way of me opening up to anyone properly over the years
I don't know...I can try...But I hardly think I'll be able to do life has made me shy to the point i don;t tend to tell anyone about my personal problems unless I think they may be indifferent...I can be afraid to sed emails sometimes let alone talk
It's been a long time...I don't really remember...I just know she'd over-react at the slightest thing and I HATE the shouting and screaming, I do remember that her temper as never exactly been controlled. And granted normal doesn't exist...But the people around here...If they didn't look slightly different you'd swear they were clones
I know people are like that...they're jackasses anyway...You see around here...I'm not what you'd call normal...I've been picked on for as long as I remember...I've alays been scared stiff of moms reactions, so nowadays...I find it hard to talk to her about anything...And I only met my dad at christmas so things are hard at the moment