You can just attach the file but as far as I know you'd have to do it one by one
Thank you for that it means alot to me :) it makes me wonder what I do wrong in person...people on the internet seem to like me...i have what 3...
Perhaps He used the darkness of roxas (nobodies are made up of light and dark as said in CoM) and manpiulated it to make them appear as heartless
Alot better thankyou...I slept till :30 this afternoon....first proper rest in ages ^^ how about you?
sure thing alex
yes, yes we can pretend as long as I get the first wish
suddenly a thread entitled 'divorce' appears posted from misty just kidding go misty go go go!
one video on the internet or one sexual tv show or movie and one kid will try a sexual way...others will follow I can see many ways of it turning kids into slluts too bad it wasn't miley cyrus herself
I really have to see that guy
Just live through it and be glad they arent as bad as my family trust me I go up to dads...when they set up lips I dread my sisters and brothers singing...especially my brother actually...hes only 8 and he doesnt really sing...he shouts and dances badly
Oh lord it's been years since i saw beyblade I loved it...Until it stopped showing on tv...
...Oh my god...that looks amazing...Would the graphics actually be that good?
Sure thing, if you need any more help or advice I'll help if possible just try to stay strong yeah?
But of course I'll always help if I can and I am so sorry for not replying to the previous VM I never even saw it D: How are you anyway?
I am sorry to hear that...It sounds like you have many problems...You seem intent on imagining things that are not human such as aliens...And you seem to hate human contact in general...Can I ask what it is about people you hate so much...I mean why...Because I think thats what causes the hallucinations at night and the number plate thing, to the fact your so desperate to get away from humanity. Until you resolve your issues with humanity i doubt your hallucinations...And is eating a chore because you have to eat with other people too? And the stress from simple math happens to us its a case of normal stress, for example my sister she runs out of the classroom crying if she cant get a question right. It seems the only thing that could solve this is if you fix your issue about hating peoploe so again...why do you hate them, what is it you cannot stand? do you hate yourself and your own voice too?
spongebob squareppants for some reason everyone i know hates it saying its just childish and pointless...Personally I love it
she should take a test...and even if she doesnt want er parents to know...In a few months im pretty sure they'd find out, or if she doesn't want to have the baby she could always get an abortion
but you are the rapist D: well theres no sense crying over every mistake you just keep on trying until you run out of cake Anyway I have this problem...I keep telling the rapists i have problems