Yeah it'd great if it could last
Yeah...I'm hoping it's more long term than the usual bursts of happiness
Well kingdom hearts 3 is s'posed to be last in the Xemnas saga...In other words there are to be other games and story lines (All revolving around Sora if i remember rightly) So it's all good...unless they do try high school musical or hannah montannah or something...but for now I'd assume they plan on using sequels to the disney movies...And theres a possibility of pixar movies
yeah...First time Ive had time for breakfast in months first time I eat breakfast with my family in has been unbeleivable
best day ive had in many months ^^
Yeah but personally I find it gives the fans plenty to guess and makes many theories come along...and from whats said...all the main characters are pretty much the same person...Must be awkward for Roxas 'I'm eating ice cream with my best friend!...Who is...Me?'
Yeah...We didn't go in the end...Her mom had a few drinks and couldnt drive us...however we sat, watched movies and messed around on the internet...
Looks pretty cool smashing up random boxes with the keyblade Hate to bust your bubble but they're ds buttons
It looks quite funny it made me laugh I shall be watching it when it comes out...I lol'd at the black eyed peas comment
hope you have a nice day too ^^
hankyou I may have the morning...I'm going to have a movie day with my best friend and then tonight me and her are gonna go watch twilight eclipse...
I guess anyway im packing it in for the night ill speak again later...if not tomorrow
I find that unlikely since zexion is dead...where are you could argue he uses powers from the others while we wore the armor..He only used their weapons not their powers
is it not the reasonable thing to do?
I always wear socks and normally I have a pair of jeans, a shirt and a jumper to sleep in aswell as a fluffy blanket (This is england...way too cold) I never remember my dreams unless theyre really really bad or weird
Wish I could, however mom cant afford it and if i were to move in with dad it would hurt her so much...theres no way i could do it...and yes they...
Im surrounded by jerks in this town...Sometimes I get a punch to the face for looking at people without permission...A town like this isn't worthy...
My friend was being a bit of a perv one time...he asked a stranger for asl the response you ask? '65/hermaphrodite/prison you?' he was only doing it because I was getting 16 year old girls from many places
Thank you perhaps it's my location...I've been alone up to 3 or 4 years ago...Any memories before then...I've been with my mother or...
is the world ending yet? you have 1 minute left of being in the future enjoy it