Ah that's great to hear! :)
I can go find one just bear with me quickly ill see what i can do :)
HIHI! I know I missed you too! I've been...ok i suppose? how about you?
Aww thanks :3 if its aything i can help with...anything at all...lmme know id be happy to help
I like many instruments...but not many sound as good alone so i has lotsa favourites :3
its not your fault i have mountains of work so you needn't apologize xDD so how about you? how are you doing?
Thats great to hear I hope it works super quickk :3
hey im back sorry i didnt reply sooner...i has coursework...then for the last 3 days no internet...But hey s'all good now :3 you feeling any better?
xDD yeah im definitely happier :) Even though my coursework is starting to catch up on me
I actually really like those...my friend has one but she won't let me steal it xD really we're not even a part of europe we're british...and i want one of those bags! ^^
Aww I hope you feel better super soon! As for me...Things appear to be looking up
Nah I think the worst phase is over...I shant be resortin to drugs or self-harming ever again xD
Well in truth...Life sucks for me too...if you ever wanna talk about it im here for ya
DD: its lame...So how are you?
HIHI! thats ok ^^ at least were talking now huh? I have been good lately ^^ how about you?
You'd be surprised how addicting your eyes can be *stares*
Really? gee whiz that sucks!
they couldn't even make it sound good...they ruined the song and disgraced the entire even ths disgracing thousands maybe even millions of people including themselves...the maker of this remix should be ashamed of himself...very ashamed
Nope...Wait what posts were deleted?