Yo khv can anybody help me? My laptops been having...Alot of trouble lately its an Acer aspire 1 netbook with windows 7 starter, now lately alot of times ill try to close a program, or copy and paste something..And all that happens is windows explorer stops responding and restarts...Not sure if it's to do with the main problem which is this: the laptop rejects my charger...It still sparks when I plug it in however i pug it into my laptop and theres just...nothing...I really need the laptop because it has a few important essays on there...due next week i dont have the time OR resources to start again so please can someone help me? I'm desperate.
well at forst ot refused to run google chrome or close skype...then it wouldnt do file transfers (copy and paste) then it died and wouldnt charge...
it'd sorta keep you awake wouldnt it?
^^ another problem has arose..my laptop has commited suicide...it refues to charge or anything..its scary since it has a bunch of essays which are...
Might be a while...I won't even start until I know I can be active tough :\
Catch it quick!
Aww thanks ^^
I want it all...But I have no money...and he hot topic in the UK doesnt sell kh merch D:
I know it used to be so much fun...Oh well next year I should have some more time
I have my uses I suppose xD Oh well I'm sure things'll get better somehow :)
Ah that's cool...I haven't had the time to rp in years D:
but of course :) being there for my friends is about all im good for xD im such a useless person ^^
yeah :3 so you been up to muches lately?
its been pretty good thankyou :) a little depressoing since my friends have been having a hard time, but we're all pulling through ^^
:glomp: but of course, your my friend, I'll do whatever I can to try and make you happy :)
hehe boring ol' stuff, I cant wait til this years over then ill have mor free time...more time for khv :D
:3 glad to know! *hugs back* happy to have helped...if you ever wanna talk about things or relieve some stress im always around
If it's of no use to you I'll find another...if not another...ill find 1000 if necassary :)
Nah coursework, housework, helping my friends...bout it really xD how bout you?