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  1. Mvalentine
    Profile Post

    Heya how are you?

    Heya how are you?
    Profile Post by Mvalentine for Sakura Angel, Nov 16, 2010
  2. Mvalentine
    Well using your examples it would probably be "Deciding to following J.D, Roxas realized he was angsty as hell." and drowsy "here's"
    Post by: Mvalentine, Nov 15, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Mvalentine
  4. Mvalentine
  5. Mvalentine
  6. Mvalentine
  7. Mvalentine
    Mr. Golden bird that toilet is not for YOU!

    Why oh why must you make me lose the game? (mwar har har har)
    Post by: Mvalentine, Nov 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mvalentine So awesome they killed them before they could even describe them! beezygee...You are now realising you are a complete bender.
    Post by: Mvalentine, Nov 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mvalentine
    i was...well according to my friends mom i was an 'ooooooooooook then' according to my friends...i was edward cullen...makes me wanna have a german sparkle party
    Post by: Mvalentine, Nov 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mvalentine
    Ready for blast off!
    Post by: Mvalentine, Nov 1, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Mvalentine
    now at your mention of the end of the universe people will start freaking that the universe will be destroyed lol
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mvalentine
    This is common there really are snack bars in space just just look like stars, how do you think astronauts get by?
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mvalentine


    I've been here for years...the most I saw of you was your username at the bottom of the screen...Welcome back
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 28, 2010 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  14. Mvalentine
    So I haven't posted any poetry lately...So I shall start posting again woopie ^^ Comments and criticism are encouraged but please just enjoy the poetry

    The passion of a breaking heart,
    the sweet smell of denial in the air,
    you turn your head hoping to see,
    but you only lay eyes on the dead body.
    Blood stained hands, a ruthless murder.
    You can wash away the blood but never the guilt.
    If you're wondering who I am look at the body.
    yes, you killed me, slow and painfull.
    I showed you NOTHING but kindness and affection,
    you repaid me with drugs and poison.
    You took the knife, the shining blade.
    It hit my neck, it didn't kill, you go for the heart.
    And then you sat down with your head in your blood stained hands.
    You lift your head, tears streaming down your pathetic face.
    Turning to me again "SHUT UP! LEAVE ME ALONE!" nothing short of shreaking.
    You grab the knife, aim it right.
    Into your heart, you lose your life.
    Justice is served I can finally move on.
    This light is beautifull, so warm and welcoming.
    So ends my trip to heaven.
    Thread by: Mvalentine, Oct 28, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Mvalentine
    Thread by: Mvalentine, Oct 28, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mvalentine
  17. Mvalentine
    fixed the power problem turns out the charger was shot, despite it seeming to be fine, thanks Patman I'll try that and see if it works thanks alot
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Technology
  18. Mvalentine
    no what stops me from getting to the essays is the power problem...I dont know if i can get a hold of a cable or not but it's worth a try
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Technology
  19. Mvalentine
    I'd tried 3 antivirus scans before the it died came up with nothing, and believe me...I have been playing with the charger
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: Technology
  20. Mvalentine
    mp3 rocket is most efficient and has most songs you'd search for...The only problem with it I've seen is that Justin Biebers normally on the front page
    Post by: Mvalentine, Oct 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone