But???????? Aren't you living in Macedonia? Or are you making an express visit just for SuperCon? I can't go anyway. I'm broke and have no...
Jesus Christ. I haven't used dogecoin in years.
Listen, you don't know hell until that thing is covering your dash. I had to remake.
Burn in hell, you generic Shiba Inu.
What is it now? Site's back up if anyone is wondering.
Didn't you make one a looong time ago? somebodystolemyurl? Something like that.
I was just on mobile, and, although for some reason they took it down a moment later, Support said that reblogging and posting will not work as they update the site and the app. In the meantime, let's criticize tumblr memes. "Doge" is by far the worst.
D: One thing is hypocrisy, but this is an entirely new level. I'm sorry... What is it like for you and your brother now?
You'd be great playing Team Fortress 2. Describe yourself in the second person, as if you were caught in the middle of a robbery, and had a switchblade on you. What thoughts are running through your head? What is your plan of action?
Care to explain? You don't have to. As you said, it's personal. I'm just curious.
Makaze would be an evil wind, a storm caused by the Devil, or diabolic forces. Kamikaze would be divine wind, powerful blow, something or other.
Verbatim? Well, you said that Ma, was bad/malignant/evil, and Kami (from Kamikaze) means divine, holy, powerful. Or maybe the powerful applied to kaze, which would then mean strong wind. Am I close?
I'll never forget what the meaning of your username is, or the way you explained it to me. I can't say Kaze, because then it just feels like saying wind.
I've been watching this, on repeat. This is the 3rd time I'm watching it. I'm in love. Is anyone else excited for MGSV?
what in the hell is going on
Squeeze the Russian right out of your dad, for my sake.
You think so? I'll take your word for it.
No, I mean we're writing English words using the Macedonian alphabet. For example: Го хом = Go home. Basically. It's helping me memorize how...
It is done.
I'll delete the photo part if you want me to. I'M SORRY A majority of it, yes. I've gotten my cousin to learn it too. We're using it to write in...