For those of you not tuning in on the drama, 4chan seems to be planning a "raid" in which they will bait and switch users by including "calm-down" site links that actually link to gore and pornography, "hacking" into certain user accounts, and filling popular tags with more of said gore and pornography. This is apparently in lieu of the amount of "social justice" and other "troubling" aspects of Tumblr itself, and the sheer quantity of users that appear to have transferred from Tumblr to 4chan. I'm not taking sides, just letting all of you know if it concerns you.
If you were held at gunpoint, knowing that the gun was void of ammunition, yet the person holding you at gunpoint had another semi-fatal weapon (knife, tazer, club), what would you do?
Dare. ToD to below.
You're starting to look a lot like Freddie Highmore. In other words, I'm in love.
Doesn't that pretty much add up to like... one person? Or three-quarters?
Oh my God you're so cute. They will want to break you. I will protect you. Hello! Welcome to KH-Vids. You've most likely already read the rules since you've been here for about 2 months, as you've said. You happened to join right around our User Awards' first cycle, so now would be a good chance to get to know some of our Users. Anyway, make sure to have tons of fun in the Forums, because that's what we're here for! It's a pleasure to meet you, Pei. I MEANT IT. HANDS OFF. SHE'S MINE.
Make a post about the post, quoting multiple 1,000th posts of other Premium users who made a big deal out of their 1,000th post in their 1,000th post. Make sure to make the post not full of spam, yet enough solid material to make the post a post worth posting about.
I already threw him into the brig with Most Overrated.
You guys act like Makaze was subtly castrated from the time he left to his return. And I have no idea how I've changed, guys.
Holy ****. I'm glad to have touched the hearts of at least some of you. Inspiring? What....?
Ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......
Truth or Dare?
We'd chain smoke around a burning pile of bad manga. Nah, you're right.
I'd actually much rather do that. Can I do that instead?
Oh! Well I haven't seen him either, in that case. We still have Nova...
In Florida? I had him on Skype for a bit, and the last I heard from him, he was still here in FL.
You, Ghetto, Nova, and I should finally meet up instead.
Dare. Truth or Dare?