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  1. Te Deum

    Really though, give the man some material to work with instead of scolding him for unfortunately common misconceptions.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Te Deum
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Te Deum
    No one shouldn't, there's nothing going against it. It's all sound.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Te Deum
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Te Deum

    okay so


    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Te Deum
  7. Te Deum
    Jesus Christ, what have I done...

    Yeah, neither am I. Not anymore. I honestly, really, don't have any clue as to what I was on about. Maybe I was just a bit irked by how stupid the side of Tumblr I have seen has been in response to flooding of popular tags.

    No one has to accept anything. That's the beauty of free will as well, and why the internet is so full of diversity. Diversity comes from the individuality of each person, and the internet has a lot of people.

    The whole "triggers" ordeal has just gotten out of hand, and I'm struggling to find out why. Did anyone ever out-rightly state that Tumblr is a safe haven for those who are sensitive to most things we consider pretty much non-existent or minute? No. This is where diversity comes in; so many people with so many backgrounds have occupied Tumblr - it's not the small "hipster" site it used to be.

    It's almost like cultural appropriation. Almost.

    These people took the technique of tagging pretty much everything for their comfort. Now they're used to it, and demand that everyone go out of their way to adhere to their spoiled attitude.

    Do you know what one of the popular triggers were for the posts reprimanding the Tumblr April Fools video were? Let me name a few:

    • #moving objects
    • #skin
    • #people
    • #scopophobia (more understandable, but no one was directly looking at the camera)
    • #hair
    • #light
    Like, really? Are you ****ing kidding? If you're afraid of skin, you might wanna get that checked out, buddy.

    I was told this had happened years ago as well? Before I joined.

    When I had made that post, I had no clue as to what was really going on. I had heard things, but I'm not going to act on just one account. I hadn't seen it yet. Now I have.

    I was really just fed up with all the **** I had seen on my dashboard about "Fandoms unite against 4chan!!!!" I was fed up with the fact that they were falling for this.

    But hey, that's just supposed to be a small portion of Tumblr, right? I sure hope so.


    That's what they do? I don't think anyone uses "#tw:" anymore.

    Not until recently. Doesn't excuse the fact, I know, but....

    I want to say it was my mistake by just writing "4chan" as a generalization, yet I hadn't known that it was just /b/ that was in charge of it all.

    Then again, it's not like /adv/ or /m/ is gonna join in. Please. Now /v/, on the other hand...

    I never said that. My fault for assuming that when someone mentions "a raid on Tumblr by 4chan", everyone should automatically assume it's /b/.

    Okay, true.

    Yet it depends on what kind of people you're following.

    It's.... it's not all feminism....
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 7, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Te Deum
  9. Te Deum
    That's the point.

    Through all of this, I've been rooting for 4chan more and more.

    @muff monkey Seriously. I'm so ****ing tired of tagging everything. Reason I remade. Twice. I have half of the followers I used to have because I don't really tag my stuff.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 6, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Te Deum
  11. Te Deum
  12. Te Deum
  13. Te Deum
  14. Te Deum
  15. Te Deum
    Only then shall you be ready to become the Keyblade Master...

    Edit: Here's a good explanation of why this is happening.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Te Deum
    Beautiful. You're making quite the set up!

    I haven't seen what was planned after my last post in Post Here, Get a Stand, so most of this is me going in blind.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: Written Works
  17. Te Deum
    Looks like they're collecting the IPs of Tumblr users now.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Te Deum
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Te Deum
    Most of us are, though. Unfortunately.
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Te Deum
    I didn't know about this.

    That I would expect. I didn't think it was the entirety of 4chan anyway; most Tumblr users think that a majority of 4chan is like /b/.

    What do you mean with this?
    Post by: Te Deum, Jul 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone