Tiger Mask. It's amazing.
Are you playing hard to get? Do you really like me that much?
WEED, YO Holy hell Lar. (Pic or it didn't happen although i totally know you pulled it off)
in that case, i have something for u to read http://www.mangareader.net/tiger-mask/1
Oh, I remember Akaz's pic. Right down to the Cloud 9 shirt.
Terror in Resonance. That's all.
Since Plums will never give me mine, Dare.
Did he comment on your tan?
Petition to get him to strip.
There's literally no point to this thread now. @Plums can u lock dis shite down
Sexy as all hell.
bruh i mean the mj Aww. Who did you cosplay as?
Oh nice. Brah talk to me about more stuff
It was never meant to go this far, Harold!
Well.... Then don't see it that way, is alll I can say. Like you said: This is what I'm really trying to say. Most people shoot down the ideas of feminism as soon as they even hear the word, feminism, mostly because they always think of the feminists that are hardcore advocates of misandry. The best way I can put it is that those feminists (which they are, as I said, feminists) take it too far. Think of the brony fandom. They get so much **** because their more popularly known group is the basement dweller with a neckbeard and a fleshlight in every one of his plushies. I'm aware that there is a much more lighthearted side to them, but people oft try to forget they exist. It's almost the opposite of this situation here. Then by all means, they should correct it. I'm waiting for that breakthrough.
Not that it sounds unreasonable, you just seemed to be complaining more than pointing out your own beliefs. But let me just correct this. Feminism =/= More rights for women than men. Feminism = Equality. Feminists strive for equality among men and women both in the workplace and among society in general. Those "feminazis" that you associate with feminism? Those are misandrists.
Nah. I don't share his ideas, no offense Chad. @Chad Thundercucc I got you somebody to talk to.