TWO WINNERS NOW It was never enough for you gluttons. What's shakin'?
T-truth or Dare? >threads in new post queue are either SZ, RP arena, or code vault >half of them are dead >no LPTP you guys are making it so hard for me to shoot up to premium within a month
You guys still recruiting? Heyo. Popping in for my scheduled visit.
If there's a bit of an interactive bit I want to embed, how would I do it? Particularly, this: HTML: <iframe src="" height="225" width="171" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style=""></iframe>
<iframe src="" height="225" width="171" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style=""></iframe>
Oh! Shame we're not going onto 13. Imagine every regular poster getting Org. names. That'd be sweet. Have I missed anything besides this sparkly new skin?
W-what is... this new site layout? Couldn't find the current LPTP thread, so. Hey guys.
You(we)'ve apparently reached a wide audience in all the time before The Change. 767 notes and counting. If you have xkit, look at the tags.
Gonna stop lurking and post some old pics. Pardon the eyesore. Spoiler As you've noticed, I don't age. Give me an honest guess of my age based on this pic: Spoiler
You can never be as tired as someone who is tired of being tired of tiring themselves out.
(i'm just seeing this now) LIQUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID
Oh. Woops. Good. If you need any sort of help on handling tropes/moving along with plot, I'm your guy. Just shout.
Bro, I can't find the KHV/JoJo crossover fic. Where is it/what happened to it?
Am I the only one that thinks that around 01:18 is a blatant copy of the Stray Sheep restaurant/cafe/bar? Catherine is starting to turn into "P5 Beta" in my eyes. The protag is almost just Vincent with glasses. And even when "locked up", he looks almost just like him!
Is someone I have never seen on this site before even though they hold seniority. Welcome back?
I'm fairly surprised that no one has mentioned her connection(s) to the original trio, primarily Terra. Since that one cameo in KH3D, Sora's conviction to save/help Terra, Aqua, and Ven, and purely by the power of No Delays for the Wicked, Maleficent (as well as the BBS trio), will have an appearance in KH3. Maleficent singlehandedly planted the seed of doubt in Terra's heart and mind -- she gave him a reason to believe he could not control the Darkness within him. (Remember, Terra thought that he had taken sleeping Aurora's heart, and we really know what happened.) Truly, honestly, I don't see how they could have cast her out of KH2 if it wasn't for that vote, because that would have been 1) a bad choice in regard to plot pacing and structure and 2) taking away from the whole essential "Disney element", which some of you have already pointed out. With the final battle between Light and Darkness, I think that Maleficent is essential to showcase the "lighter" side of Darkness, as someone had said (I speed-read this thread, I'm sorry for being vague), and with Misty's "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation, it would all fit really well. If Maleficent doesn't appear in KH3, I won't be mad, but I'll definitely be disappointed. I don't see why she shouldn't be included.
Can't believe it either. Thought I'd stir the pot, but nah. What's up with y'all?
KHV Username: Te Deum Time Zone: Eastern Time (UTC-05:00) PSN PSN ID: royal-mind (ALSO isohemato, yet less frequent) Consoles you play on: PS3 Games you play: MULTIPLAYER BioShock 2 LittleBigPlanet 2 Metal Gear Soiid Peace Walker Multiplayer (HD Collection Edition) SINGLE PLAYER Dragon Age (Origins and 2) BioShock series Metal Gear series Deus Ex: Human Revolution Catherine Hotline Miami Nintendo Network 3DS Friend's Code: 1504-5737-5196 Games you play: SSFIV/SSF4, Fire Emblem: Awakening, Kingdom Hearts 3D, Animal Crossing: New Leaf
I come back to find out that Makaze posted dickbutt and got zapped? Damn. KHV has become a bleak, empty shell of its former self.
They're bits of you in your prime. How have you been?