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  1. Excasr
    Woo, back to action!!!
    I'll come back at night and when I do so I'll check if I did choose something which was already full. ;)

    Thank you. ~

    [7] Come on all, it's Christmas time

    [23] Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Ameythst]

    [28] Shake it up (shake it up), shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness

    [31] Shake it up, shake up the happiness
    Wake it up, wake up the happiness
    Come on all, it's Christmas time [Janson]
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Excasr
    I was about to sign me up to the Christmas one again this year, however, they were closed when I checked. :C

    But I'm look forward to be in the next one, count on me as we used to! [​IMG][DOUBLEPOST=1355771458][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh I am so dumb there is a new one today kajsdhaskljhsjakdhskdkjsdajsd brb signing up
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Excasr

    That's the why I'm going to keep posting thoose as emotions. [​IMG]

    Hope you like them, I have a lot. [​IMG]
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. Excasr
    Oh good, I'm enjoying my all-day-raining-whence-12/21/12-is-coming kk. :C
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Excasr

    acid cat

    Its cuteness is killing me kkk halp
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Excasr
    Pretty much what axel91 said. People could see her as many forms depending on what's in their memories. Xion is a really interesting being, after all. Among with all nobodies, it can assume any form depending on its strenght, such as the closest to the original (to a human form), the stronger it is. This is one of the principles of Nobodies since the beginning, too, proving she was more than just a puppet, she is actually a Keyblade Master as Roxas.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Excasr
    Around level 50. I never really did try to defeat him without Ultima Weapon and some Elixirs, though. But I find it really fun to defeat him in Kingdom Hearts II, I also have a special file just for this.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Excasr
    Throw the Cheese.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. Excasr


    Let's be bored together.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Excasr
    That's even better than I thoguht.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Excasr
  12. Excasr
    Strrrrrrrfruittttttt. C: -hugs back- great to see you again! Thanks! [​IMG]

    Hi, KHRocker8495!! It's nice to meet you too, thank you very much! [​IMG]
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Excasr
    Ugh, I woke up really late today. I shouldn't be playing Persona 4 for so long.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 16, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. Excasr
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Excasr
    See you there .
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Excasr
    Profile Post

    Hi, M A C H E E Z

    Hi, M A C H E E Z
    Profile Post by Excasr for Machazo, Dec 15, 2012
  17. Excasr
    Interesting you comment this since I don't think likewise or otherwise. Actually, I don't really have a good family, but that doesn't mean friends are more important. So I'd like to add that my opinion (it is just my opinion kk :3) is that the people you love are the most important, since you can love someone more than you own family.

    Oh, be aware I did not see from where did your post came of where it went after it.


    My guess would be their parents would get pretty worried, but they didn't have anything to do, so they only waited until they come back. But anyway, it isn't important to the game itself, and I honest think it shouldn't come up to the story. ;;
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. Excasr
    That moment when my browser gets closed due the ammont of gifs at one post.

    *stares at Teddy*
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. Excasr
    Hum, this sure sounds interesing.

    1. Are there any particular instances that stick out in your mind of either observing bullying online or being the target of it? Can you talk a bit about them?
      I normally play online very often. I play a game which has a lot of communties. From all theese comunities, the biggest one is the BR (Brazilian) community, which have around 30k of players online playing, when the second biggest one has 12,5k always online. The BR community from that game sucks, people keep calling each other names over no reason, and most of them are greedy and extremely rude. It kinda reminds me how people suddenly fight each other with no reason, like their color or likes and all this racism and xenophobia which sometimes look inevitable to have issues with. I have been target of Cyberbullying in a lot of online games but I don't care, I just use the ignore feature the game has and done. However, that's not enough since it is pretty normal to watch and find theese kind of discussions all around the internet and even outside the internet, in the real world.
      I remembered once I was browsing a site and there was a person with the avatar of a black person. It was when someone just posted saying how ugly and son of a **** he was. Since I'm part of the Staff of the site, I deleted the post and went to talk to him. He said me each one has their own likes and his likes weren't black people. I just can't believe in theese people, they "dislike" black people because of their color? Ugh, I hate people who thinks like that.

    2. What are the typical insults you hear thrown around? Do you find there is a particular group slinging them (e.g. people on the losing team)? A particular group targeted?
      I pretty much always hear things about racism. All over the internet the all time. Racist people all over the online games and everywhere you can think of. That's the most typical problem I see around the internet nowadays.
    3. Do you, or does anyone you know, shy away from online gaming (especially with strangers) because of the often hostile environment?
      Yes, a friend of mine stopped playing an online game we used to play because he was frequently targed of racist people.
    4. Have you ever been the aggressor, or sexually harassed someone while playing online? What made you stop, if anything?
      No. I never had, never will.
    5. Do you believe we can (or should) eradicate bigoted language, harassment, or bullying from the online environment? What can companies like Microsoft, Sony, or game developers do to meet the challenge?
      Pretty much what everyone else said.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: Discussion
  20. Excasr
    Nah, maybe. But I wouldn't count that much with my age. I can look more mature then my age says, at least comparated with some other teenagers from here.

    Oh, btw, avatar changed. Credits to Llave and Zeldaqt.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 15, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone