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  1. Excasr
    Huuummm, not sure but, I've been using the original one and singing along. Then before rendering I mute the original and only let my vocals lines. o:
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  2. Excasr
    Lines sent. Lemme know if you didn't received or need anything elseeee. Aaaaalso, you still have mine image for the chorus, don't youuuu, dear Jayn? >:
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Excasr
    Thank you!! ^-^

    Oh, hey, thank you very much! ^-^
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 21, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Excasr
    I still remember your cool accent as it was yesterday õ/
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Excasr


    Where did the letter go? Is it in Leanna's hands now? May the letter be in safe hands

    that's cutie, cutie. [​IMG]
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Excasr
    Woo sorry for the wrong information, then. :x

    Spamzone doesn't like us so that's why.
    Beat my answer now
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Excasr
    Oh dat weird typo. ç.ç

    The Pizza Kindgom of Narnia
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Excasr
    Profile Post Comment

    Heh, I'll try to. :3

    Heh, I'll try to. :3
    Profile Post Comment by Excasr, Dec 17, 2012
  9. Excasr
    Let's go there now, I'm not doing anything at all.

    I like mozzarella.

    What kind of pizza do you guys like?
    Thread by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Excasr
    Thank you, Person-I've-never-actually-talked-to-but-I-ALSO-DO-remember-and-who-adapted-my-avatar-c:!!!!!!!
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  11. Excasr
    You modus don't get the GoogleAdChoices thingy, that's the why. ~
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Excasr
    KH-Vids is trying to look more awesome obvsly
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Excasr
    Welp, will you give me the ones you didn't choose, then?
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Excasr
    Psycho got a high kick
    Collect and select
    Show me your best

    "Crystals, blisters"
    It's all over now
    Psycho cane
    You're so keen
    I need more candy canes

    "Cold cake, cold break"
    Freak got a high kick
    Mr. Twister
    Moist with roistering

    Stick it up
    Take it up
    Step aside and see the world
    Effect has defects
    "Take a bow to the moon"

    "Brain wave, main wave"
    Psycho got a high kick
    Collect and select
    Show me your best

    "Crystals, blisters"
    It's all over now
    Psycho cane
    You're so keen
    I need more candy canes

    "Cold cake, cold break"
    Freak got a high kick
    Mr. Twister
    Moist with roistering

    Stick it up
    Take it up
    Step aside and see the world
    Effect has defects
    "Take a bow to the moon"

    "Morning rays, hairspray Queens"
    "Get on their way to their nests, the west"
    "Honest, they once had a dream"
    "Belles of society, in the shells of their unity"
    Cornet 'n spinet
    "The sound flows, follows till they're home"
    Dragged by the power of dreams
    That power is yet unknown

    "Morning rays, hairspray Queens"
    "Get on their way to their nests, the west"
    "Honest, they once had a dream"
    "Belles of society, in the shells of their unity"
    Cornet 'n spinet
    "The sound flows, follows till they're home"
    Dragged by the power of dreams
    That power is yet unknown

    "Brain wave, main wave"
    Psycho got a high kick
    Collect and select
    Show me your best

    "Crystals, blisters"
    It's all over now
    Psycho cane
    You're so keen
    I need more candy canes

    "Cold cake, cold break"
    Freak got a high kick
    Mr. Twister
    Moist with roistering

    Stick it up
    Take it up
    Step aside and see the world
    Effect has defects
    "Take a bow to the moon"

    "Brain wave, main wave"
    Psycho got a high kick
    Collect and select
    Show me your best

    "Crystals, blisters"
    It's all over now
    Psycho cane
    You're so keen
    I need more candy canes

    "Cold cake, cold break"
    Freak got a high kick
    Mr. Twister
    Moist with roistering

    Stick it up
    Take it up
    Step aside and see the world
    Effect has defects
    "Take a bow to the moon"

    "Morning rays, hairspray Queens"
    "Get on their way to their nests, the west"
    "Honest, they once had a dream"
    "Belles of society, in the shells of their unity"
    Cornet 'n spinet
    "The sound flows, follows till they're home"
    Dragged by the power of dreams
    That power is yet unknown

    "Morning rays, hairspray Queens"
    "Get on their way to their nests, the west"
    "Honest, they once had a dream"
    "Belles of society, in the shells of their unity"
    Cornet 'n spinet
    "The sound flows, follows till they're home"
    Dragged by the power of dreams
    That power is yet unknown

    That power is yet unknown

    "Brain wave, main wave"
    Psycho got a high kick
    Collect and select
    Show me your best

    "Crystals, blisters"
    It's all over now
    Psycho cane
    You're so keen
    I need more candy canes
    Thread by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Excasr
    Profile Post Comment

    Right away!

    Right away!
    Profile Post Comment by Excasr, Dec 17, 2012
  16. Excasr
    Crash Bandiclaus was last seen: Viewing thread Glitch?, 4 minutes ago
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. Excasr
    It's so cute, it might kill you so be careful.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Excasr
    I remember I really used to type ::L:

    Sigh man, I miss the old times. Still got it memorized?
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Excasr

    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Excasr
    Oh, good an' ol' times. I remember when I was addicted to that. [​IMG]
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 17, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone