Hi, hi, hi, Oda!!! :] I used to be a pretty active user here, since the moment I register until around November of the last year, I'm not that...
Happy Valentine's Day. <3333
OMFG YOU'RE RIGHT FFFFFFFF THE SCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!1!11!!!1!!1!!!!!1! /late /carnival break Thanks for the message, whoever it is from. c:
Thanks! (;
Thaaaanks c:
I'm trying to but school h8888888888888888888888888s meeeeeh D:
I always loved Courage. Idk the original title, but you know what I'm talking about. ;p My favorite until now is Tom & Jerry, though.
I've never watched this, but it sounds interesting. my condolences -leaves thread-
I have a friend who is 16 and he gets drunk frequently. He insists talking to me whenever he is drunk via call on Skype. " SO WHUT DID U DO TODYA, BRO. I FINK I LITTLE DUNK ERE, BUT THATS NOFING IMPORTENT *hic* " I hope Llave isn't as bad as my friend.
what is this
"As a kid, I never stopped... looking for a map treasure"
I'm not suprised, it's something only you would, eh. HEYA so I am pitifully having problems with school and I'm not being able to log in here everyday, yes. Glandly, I could today, so how are you guys doing? :D
HIIIIIIIIII. :DDD Agora nem tá dando para eu entrar sempre por causa de escola e essas coisas. >_< ôôh coisa chata. D; Thank you very much!!! :D
I wonder if someone misses me...
Because we need a thread like that every year. Yes. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO. now I gtg, I just steped by to say this. Be good boys and gurls until I come back, I'm still going to send everyone a Christmas VM. I don't care if this thread has been created b4
WHERE REAPER GAME LKASDLKSADJSAL hi wandering around the forums
I've done that and nothing happened but the fact my keyboard was set to EN. t.t Even after I restarting the computer, it was still in PT and the keyboard was in EN. ç.ç Oh, sowwy, Operating System is Windows Seveeeeen.
How2change my computer's language to English? I manged to get my keyboard to EN, but it's not advantage for me since I'm used to the PT keyboard. I want the system langauge such as right click button and etc set to English. A friend of mine said he some kind of program to change his computer to Spanish, but he doesn't remember what program he did. Thank you in advance! ^.^ #Edit: Windows 7
Loxareee!!! :3 Yup! I gotta clear somethings here I'll officially come back there later tomorrow, probably. Ugh, Christmas problems. x.x But I can't wait to come back to the ship!!! Thank you for don't forgetting me. <3
Oh ffffff o-o I missed that part. Welp, I'm going to try the instrumental when I get the time now, I'm somewhat busy but hopefully I can sent the lines again now timed to the instrumental. ...I hope #Edit so I checked the INST with the original song and apparently they have the exactly same timing. ^.^