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  1. Excasr
    Profile Post

    Nice to see you again!

    Nice to see you again!
    Profile Post by Excasr for . : tale_wind, Dec 5, 2014
  2. Excasr
    Ew. No.
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Excasr
    Or not, eh. Haha. I got back faster because I've arrived at home earlier than expected today, so I was able to finish the-things-for-tonight. I don't think I'll be able to come online tomorrow because I'll be back home around midnight, but I'll try to come here more often, yes. (Although I've said this already a few times and have not done it, aagh).

    I reminded of Teddy when I hit the shut down button from my computer and I wouldn't turn it on just to add him to the list, huehue. Oooh Hero of Time, of course.

    I'm very glad to read this. :D

    Ooh I see. I've been increasing my volunteering at my church as well in the past few years, haha. Whooo, two part-time jobs now? Looks great, as I remember you got only one in the past. Just be sure to don't overdo, though! You gotta rest, don't forget that!

    i jelly as any other brother would be, haha. Tell him I said hi. I know you'd choose someone very nice so I don't need to ask him to take good care of you. :P

    Sweat! What will you be studying?

    Haha, it's very fun to run a blog. I hope you enjoy it and show us whenever you feel it's ready to be seen. ;) Prolly it should already be, eh. xddd

    I don't want A LOT for Christmas, there's only one thing I need...
    I don't care about the presents underneat the Christmas Tree...
    I just want you for my own...
    More than you could ever know...
    Make my wish come true...
    All I want for Christmas... is you

    It brings me memories, haha. I've got most of these downloaded to my computer, but I haven't added them to my cellphone.

    I don't have many presents ideas... mainly because I've got no money ,so meh. I'm trying to find some job, though. But, gosh, it's been harder than I thought it would be. I really want to get some job next semester.

    Haha, I see. It just won't be so surpring as it should be if you already know what you're getting, huheueh. xddd

    Wooo, Cheers! *raises Pepsi* õ/
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 5, 2014 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Excasr
    Haha, I've just finished KH II for the 192038891284 time this week, huhauhua. I couldn't resist saying that. :P

    Ooooh I gotta go to sleep now. It's almost 1 AM and I'll have a loooong day tomorrow. Luckily, vacation is soooon to be reached! I can feel it already, haha.

    Good night, o-nee-chan. <3

    Taaaaale! How are you, mate? I've missed you too!

    Update me with your life, yes, please. Haha, I'll try to log in soon again if I get the time to. But I'm sure to come here again, so don't worry. ;)

    I'll check what you post updating me with your life next time I log in, I'll try to schedule it to be soon enough. Now I'm very sleepy so my English is going to keep breaking, so asdjkasdlkajsdlkasjda. I better sleep. I was hoping to see you, DT-chan and specially our Loxare, Midny and [insert people I might have forgotten SOORRY here] around tonight but I guess I got a bad day to come online. Or perhaps Brazil's timezone was never the best one, haha.

    That's it, mates. I'm going to sleep. Sweet dreams, you all! I promise I'll be back. :D
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Excasr
    Onee-chaaaaaaaaan. <3
    Yup, I've been good myself. Just a few end-of-the-year-stresses, but hopefully it'll be gone soon enough. Actually, I'm almost done with most things. From this weekend on I should be free to enjoy my vacation until the end of January... although I do still got a few things to do during vacation, haha.

    Yeah, I was thining about you and everyone else the other day, too. Can I assume it was the same day you were remembering about me? Haha. One sky, one destiny, raighte? Hence I decided to check up how things were going here. Too bad I don't have the time to check here too often, but I'm glad to see most part of my friends are still active. :D

    I'm very glad you'll great. Keep me updated. ;)

    Oooh, by the wayyyyy. I still have the one song you recorded for us, and the video we've done for you a few years ago. Whenever the song you recorded plays in my cellphone while I'm out of home, I think of this place and you all. I don't think I'll ever delete the recording from my cellphone, haha.

    "Of all the money that ever I had,
    I spent it in good company
    And of all the harm that ever I've done,
    alas, it was to none but me" ♫
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Excasr
    I'm unsure if I'm derping on something here, but...
    PS: That view is from Profile posts.

    I'm familiar with other XF forums and to fix that, I would simply go to the avatar editor, hold the right button from my mouse and simply drag the image to the position I want it to be. However, it behaves differently.

    The avatar editor window itself is different from the one I'm used to use:

    I'm sorry if my question but how can I fix this?

    Thank you very much in advance.
    Thread by: Excasr, Dec 4, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Excasr
  8. Excasr
  9. Excasr
  10. Excasr
    Yo, reporting.

    Back from some ol' endless tale of galactic adventures. Just temporally, though. I've got to keep up my jorney through space and time.

    Got 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 pirate coins to deposit in our crew's munny chest.
    I adquired 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 of xp during this whoooooooole time off.
    I've level'd up a lot. Improved my English skills, filled life mixed with high school and works gauge. Yeah, I've changed quite a lot.

    I just thought I could pass by to say I might not be here on Christmas, but I still do wish everyone a very, very merry christmas, yup. My first internet family forever and ever. Man, I miss the ol' times, still got it memorized?
    Post by: Excasr, Dec 4, 2014 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Excasr
    *throws homework @ wall*

    GREETINGS. I actually haven't had much time to do anything at all. As some of you might know, World Cup will be held in Brazil this year. Is this good? Oh yea no. Thanks to the World Cup I'll have -1 month of school and there were a few strikes at my high school, so this means around -1,5 months of school. For some unknown reason, they're also adding a three weeks long break on October. So basically -2 months of school.

    This is great, yes, but this means everything I should do in 9 months I'll have to do in 7 months, which is bad. I'm full of homework, school works and projects. I'll have longer vacations but I prefer to have time to breath, haha.

    I'm alive, don't worry, and if everything goes well I'll have time to visit a lot of other sites I used to, and this includes KH-Vids! Thank you for the thread and birthday wihes. :]
    Post by: Excasr, Mar 20, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Excasr
    Profile Post Comment

    Oh, lazynessssss. A'ight. Soon.

    Oh, lazynessssss. A'ight. Soon.
    Profile Post Comment by Excasr, Jan 16, 2014
  13. Excasr
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Excasr, Dec 12, 2013
  14. Excasr
  15. Excasr
  16. Excasr
  17. Excasr
  18. Excasr


    Yup, nothing. I wish my profile could be funnier, but meh.

    By the way, my friend also have the same birthday as yourself, Miss Loxare. :3
    Post by: Excasr, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Excasr
    Can someone cry with me.
    It's kind of fast now. No one else is using my internet and I have only KH-Vids tab open.
    Brazil's internet sucks, though. For what I've heard, it's the most expensive and slowest in the world. And I do think it's true.
    Post by: Excasr, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Technology
  20. Excasr
    Oh how much did I miss?

    Well, I don't know what to say. I'm just really proud and glad for you, Mike. I remember last year's threads and the other ones, too. I remember how you were feeling and everything. I wanted to say how much I found myself in your position, I wanted to say I was kind of feeling the same you were but I couldn't find a way to say so (mainly because my stupid English, but gladly it's a lot better now). I wanted to say how much your videos helped me think about a lot of things back then. Regarding friends, regarding what really matters at the end of the day, regarding my depression and what I should do next. It was/is/has been hard, yeah, but I think I made my decision. You are an important piece in my life regarding sexual orientation and growing up with it process. I think after thinking for a long time, I've decided I'm not gay. Until now, though, I think about it over and over, I still make myself confused and maybe I still don't know who I am, although I've done so many things... but I think I've made up my mind, but... Agh, well. There it is a loooooooooong story and I can't write it here.
    Well, enough about me because I know we aren't getting anywhere (but we sure could chat more later!). It's a looong story and this paragraph isn't even 1/10 of everything I've been through.

    Learning who you are is a difficult step in someone's life. I'm sorry I probably wasn't here when you needed, but I'm glad everything is great now. Taking a new step forward everyday is the way to go! I'm really happy you've found and accepted yourself. Your boyfriend is a lucky guy. I wish the best to both of you!
    Post by: Excasr, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Help with Life