ignore engrish mistakes im sleepy kk
Sure have. Thanks heaven the semester's done and I'm in a break in school, tho not gonna have a vacation from the job so soon, haha. What about...
Glad to hear it.
Can I finally expect allies not to use 15 potions, 5 curagas and 18 elixirs at the same time to heal Sora while he is casting cure on himself? Fffff yessssss.
Hey there, Odama! I've been good, thanks. What about yourself?
I had played some of these Mega Man games long, long time ago, but to be honest the one I'd really love to hear a remake collection is Mega Man X and maybe Mega Man Zero. Battle Network was also one of my favorite when I was a kid, so I'd really be excited for it. I miiiight consider getting this one for my 3DS. Not too sure. But, yeah, either way the farest I remember it's a good game. Mega Man style is good overall.
Oooh, for some reason I read btw as brb, hue. Glad you liked. That part in KH is certainly one of the most dramatic onesss.
I've been pretty tireddddd, but I'll survive, haha. New theme? A new version of The Other Promise??
Feliz cumpleaños, amigo. I hope you have a nice day. ~
Heyyyy. Thanks for the welcoming, haha. How have you been? Missed you!
Reason#1 I don't watch too much series. wink wink
I'm also excited for it. I had already made my reservation and I'm looking forward to it. Mainly because I really want to restart things in my computer from the zero again. Looks like it's going to be released on July 29th or so, but maybe it'll take a while for it to be avaliable in every computer that had made the reservation. When and how did it say some devices might not work? Just wondering because when I reserved mine it didn't say anything. I might be wrong, but I wouldn't be too worried about it because "might" might not as well as be a good possibility. At any rate, I'm sorry for not being able to help much. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable about the subject will show up and provide more help. 1. Click in the arrow pointing up next to the icon. 2. Click "Customize". [x] 3. Change the icon's behavior to "hide icon notifications". 4. Click "OK". You can also manually go there by accessing Control Panel \ All Control Panel Items \ Notification Area Icons. I believe that icon will vanish once Windows 10 is released. Before that I don't think you can get rid of it completely, but I suppose have it hidden might satisfy you.
Not to mention the Cups are supposed to be an extra in the game so although those take place in Auron's world, it's something apart from it. It doesn't have much to do with storyline itself and whatnot. So those factors are excluded and good thing they are. I prefer it this way rather than having Auron, Jack, Aladdin et al.
Late thank you cuz i can Thank you, both of you!
Well, at least New Year's here so it's a little closer to 2015's Christmas now! Just, like, 11 months and 24 days, rite. View attachment 41080 Long time no see! Glad to see you around, too. :] And Happy New Year, everyone! It's 12:27 AM in Brazil right now. .:. Edit .:. Spoiler > Gets on Oh, coool. Castle's Oblivion. I have missed the riddl "Ends on January 1st" Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
I smell Tales. To be honest I can't see myself taking online classes. I know they're not for me so I'll go to it, haha. There are some people who loooove it. Or perhaps they love more staying at their bedroom rather than waking up earlier to attend to the college, aksldj. Or so my friend told me once. Congrats on your graduation, Tale. :P Seriously? That sounds cool! I hope you have been enjoying the choir so far. I hope to get to see you singing someday, haha. I know it'd be great. Aah, I see. Well, you're not alone in the searching-for-part-time-jobs or actually jobs boat. Hopefully this next year I'll start to work... and if I don't, I'll focus on studying mostly. Great! Yeah, I log in every morning and sometimes via cellphone during the day. Won't miss a post. :^) I always have this "I hope they'll love it but they might not anyway" feeling everytime I buy something for someone. For some reason I simply feel like it's not going to be today. I do try, though, and as result it takes me the whoooole day/week looking for presents, haha. I did try to find something to my friend and since I don't like purchasing virtually, it took me three visits to my city's centers and main shoppings (and therefore three days in a row). I sent the present via mail and my friend got it sooner than what I expected. I'm glad he really liked it, though. I got him a Pokémon neckchain and he told me he's gonna use it, so I suppose he liked me. I'm very glad he did, as he's something very dear to me, haha. Everything went just fiiiine! Too bad up until now there aren't any videos yet. My friend is trying to upload them but they don't have internet around nor chances to get it in order to upload, so I suppose it's gonna take a little bit... lol. I was trying to log in before Christmas and, yay, I did! It gives me good memories to stay here around Christmas, like our party three years ago. ;) It looks like there are things I won't simply forget, haha.
I see. Thank you very much, everyone. I'll do as suggested.
Hahaha, I see, yes. Well, at the very least whatever you do you'll get experience and that's always good. :p Regardless it'll be some good stuff or not, you can always add to your CV about where you've worked, huehuehe. Computer thing looks coooooool. I wanted to learn who to code myself, but I have failed in every single way for the last 913892018 tries I have given it in the past few months. Every now and then I get on this my "needs to learn how to code" mode and then starts to look for different tutorials etc., but eventually all my codes break, end up in failure and I give up again. xddd I have always liked this kind of stuff, though. I just don't seem to fit it as I wanted to, lol. I once got a very good opportunity to work with this office programs like Word and whatnot, too, but unfortunately the assignment was from 5 PM to 11 PM, so it would be tooooo late for me to go back home considering I live far away from everything. If only it was closer to where I live, I could take that job. It was the best I've been offered so far. But, agh, either the job pays low or it's not within my reach due to hour and the such. This kind of stuff interests me, so once you feel like link me to it just say so. :P We're from different denominations (I'm not sure if that's the word for it in English) but we're all Christians. I'm not sure if you were aware by the time I got inactive here, but I've became a catechist at my church last year and then this year I was pointed out as leader of the Pastoral of Confirmation alongside a friend of mine. Since last year I've been studying a lot theology with my friends. Speaking of blogs and jobs! My friend was also looking for a job and she found an announcement on the internet there was a blog looking for people to hire. As for the money, it was said "profit sharing", which means whatever they get from that month, they'll share. She was accepted for the interview and during the interview... she found out there are month when there is no profit at all, rofl. So basically there'd be months she wouldn't get anything and maybe she'd need to pay for the blog. xddd Awww. That sucks. :[ I hope you get better luck with this job of yours. It's always good to work with something you enjoy specially when it pays well. I'm kind of going through the start of everyone's life when you find yourself in the "need" of buying your friends presents and the such, hahaha. Well, kinda. I'm not really into giving or receiving gifts as I never really receive them at all most of time. Speaking of Christianity, Christmas and capitalism... well, you realize one of the most important events for your has been turned into a massive season to just spend money on giving people things. Haha, that's funny! It's a step closer to read people's mind which's a step closer to world domination. Well, you might know what your sister is giving you but at least the mug is great. xddddd All the others also look good, so I'm glad you're getting fine things from fine people. :) I also would pretend to know not about the present your younger sister is going to give you, heuheuehue. xdd And do you have ideas as of what you're giving to them? Whoa, it's almost 1 AM here so I better sleep. Tomorrow and Wednesday I'm going to have my circus and streetdance final work to be shown to my friends, so I better get myself some rest. I'll tell you and everyone how it goes once I'm back. xd See you later. ;D