Have u ever had the feeling that someone is watching you
Guess How old my cousin baby john after i think enough ppl answered which will be along time i will tell u the correct one unless someone who answered already answered correctly
ok here is a vid with me singing in the backround and random pics http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_sit...a11ec60abd908&source=category&category_id=all u can watch the others if u like i don't care though i'm not singing in most of them well i only have 2 vids with me singing
wat were he pbs ppl thinkin when they made the telli tubbies really no one wants to watch it before and wat makes it worse their is another show just like it
well i really don't have many reason other than their evil they will destroy the minds of the children well the telli tubbies will and i made an anti telli tubbi group also barney sucks the wiggles made me think that the world was about to end wat are the ppl of pbs kids thinking anyway post your reasons why u hate the telli tubbies barney and the wiggles
what is the funniest thread you've ever seen if u knew me I'd be laughing to anything i think is funny or for no reason at all i was looking at this one thread and i couldn't stop laughing my dad had to come check on me just because of that
ok i want to know wat u think of these 8 videos i made i'm a really curious here are the links for the 8: http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=70deafb14b30adb8364197 http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=7414040904ec2ed75a9738 ( i can sing the song in this one) http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=70fbcc2760591ab5556d55 http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=71596b4573643a7fcc4e54 ( this one boys don't have to watch or girls who don't like tokyo mew mew or cheetah girls) http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=6e1fb7b13f3121ff6f2062 http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=696cbeb68427b89cb87fdc this is a kh video but i used the ending http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=695b65fa3a1a438e5357bb ( same warning as video # 4 except this song isn't cheetah girls) this vid is for all of u selena fans http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=5ef86e435ede2bd6ba88cc so tell me wat u think kay also u don't need to watch all of them
ok here aare some clues it's the home osf the sooners and the cowboys ( not the dallas cowboys) my town starts with an l and the football sign that all of the ppl living in the state or are sooners and cowboys fanz is the TEXAS LONGHORNS SIGN WOO HOO GO TEXAS :woohoo: also you can find out where i live by lookin at one of my videos on my dailymotion user www.dailymotion.com/knuckles01
Ok i wanted kow your answer for these 2 orochimaru question these question are not on his persinality or how he look or anthing about him here are the ?: Do u think orochimaru is just the animated version of micheal jackson ( ppl fanz of orochimaru do not answer that one) and What would u do if someone at your school ,neighborhood ,etc. wanted to look like orochimaru and act like him boy or girl? (the second question i came up while a girl told me someone at her school started look like gaara)
what is your fav avril lavigne mine are i'm with you innocence nobody's home fall to peices keep holding on when your gone and happy ending
this manga is awesome the anime is ok but it never is like the manga anyway i made this thread to boost pplz memory if they almost forgot also because i like it alot plus i made a role play in the roleplay arena for it also plz any one who is mods or admins plz move it to the anime/manga rp also i made a group for it too if u want to be in the role play i'm mitsuki any way i am close to her age also u have to be the exact gender of the character and u can also make a scritp and let me add this u can make a character kay any this thread is to talk about this manga and i would like to see your drawings of the characters
Okay so were gonna do this from the show anybody can be any character if u want i might let u make ure own character any way u don't have to play a girl character if ure a girl same thing with boy for example i'm playing shadow because SHADOW ROX The character: Sonic-Videogamecrazyman Shadow-Kingdomheartsgirl200 Tails- Vector- Charmy- Espio- Amy- Crean and cheese- Vanilla- Chris- Knuckles-Pielover316 Cosmo- Eggman- Decoe- Bocoe- Rouge- Silver-Supersonic14 Remind me of other characters k also i don't know the robots name so don't ask me why they are called robot 1 and 2 they're nicknames also any one can right a script so pm that to me also if any mods or admins plz move my full moon wo sagashite roleplay thread because it should be in this subject
this role play thread is based on one of my favorite animes FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE so here's how it is gonna go were gonna do this from the manga or if u have any script ideas the u can right a script and pm it to me but from then we'll do the manga also u can't make the songs song must stay the same so ppl who want to be in it i will change the person who plays the specific character also i won't add the boss or death master till we get to volume 6 or 5 also u can show the picture of the character u'll be eichi is temperary character which means he'll only show up in parts of the role play untill someone decides to make a script here is the character list : Mitsuki Kouyama/ Full moon - Kingdomheartsgirl200 (me) Takuto- Izumi- Meroko-crazyaxelfangirl Wakuojii- Ooshiga- Madoka- Naichi- Eichi- Tanaka- Grandma- Jonathan- plz remind me of other characters other than death master and the boss kay also plz tell me if this in the wrong section if it is plz anyone who has the power to move threads to different topics plz move it to the right topic because i'm becoming confused now these days If u wanna make your own character here what u have to fill out Name: Age: Bio: Appearance: Other: singer or not: so far the only person who is in it and made a charater is darkblademaster907 this is her character Name: Ayaka Nishikiori (A-chan) Age: 12 Bio: A-chan is an old childhood friend Mitsuki's. She moved when they we're 6 but came back 6 years later. A-chan is one of the few people who know about Mitsuki and her alter ego. A-chan is a mysterious little girl who has angel like powers but doesn't know how to use them properly. Appearance: A-chan has short black hair and blue eyes. singer or not: A-chan likes to sing but not in public. (basically... no)
this is thread that ppl don't have to reply too but if u believe in ghost u might want to i wanna know the reasons ghosts might exist for and why do they possess ppl for i think it is because they are trying to tell us ( the living ) how they died and where they died so they can rest in eternal peace in heaven with god if they did confession, never murdered, steal, or commit suicide, and if the were the good person if ppl met ghost thaT NEVER KNEW ABOUT GOD I THINK THEY MIGHT HAVE GONE TO HEAVEN though what are the reasons u think ghost exist and possess ppl for also tell me if the thread is in the right place if not can someone put it in the right place if they have the power to do that plz plz plz plz plz plus i halfway believe in ghosts and their is a 50/50 chance they exist so don't ask me if i believe in them or not
if u spell light yagami's name backwards without light spelled backwards is i am a gay light. a girl from a different middle school told me this she said she was bored so she spelled his name backwards when she figured it was i am a gay light she tried telling her friend but she ended up yelling it to him because he couldn't hear her and everyone in the class was laughing some of them like the boy from the misadventures of flapjack even the teacher was laughing she said the teacher looked like she was banging her head on the desk
Lets see this is another video contest an the subject is pokemon it doesn't have to be a specific pokemon or pokemon show you can do all of them if u like the next two ppl who post are the judges including me, judges can enter their video if they want to but they can't make their video the best if they do their video might be still in but with a lower score each person can enter 3 videos i don't know the date me and whoever the other judges are will see who is the winner anyone can help me with that and here is my video:http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=6e1fb7b13f3121ff6f2062
This Arena is where u can battle as any naruto character u can show pictures of their attacks if u want to first one to post plays me and i choose hinata because she's my favorite character
this is another amv contest i made but u can have any topic u want since some ppl are young like me on this website no mature content in videos i need 2 judges not couning me as the second judge also the judges can enter their videos also but they can't make their videos #1 because they are the judge also if i am to make sure u didn't just post a video from a differen't user u probally have to give my your profile url just to make sure
this is a digimon battle arena you can use pictures of the digimon cards or just the digimon and this is optional u can show a picture of you're digimon using the attack if u want u can switch digimon if u want to
This is the Pokemon Battle Arena where you can play different pokemon the first person to reply battles me ok good luck to who ever subscribes to this thread .