Search Results

  1. Shadow_Rocks
    Since I can Only draw sunsets I'm just judging I'm letting 2 other users judge they have to be one of the first ppl to reply also they can enter their drawings now I wanna see what u can do then print out one of them to make my friend jealous (not that isn't the prize I just want to see what will happen)
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 6, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Playground
  2. Shadow_Rocks
    Anime Academy sign ups

    I was very very very bored any way this is like the highschool academies where u can be an anime character or make your own anyway it's just like any other highschool except u learn different things 4 ppl get to be teachers but I'm not one of them also u can be from an anime if u want here is the character form:
    Teacher or student-
    Important info-
    Anime (Optional)-

    Characters created-
    Name-Sam (real name samantha)
    Teacher or Student-Student
    Important Info- Is the smartest student in her hall
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other-She's really good at singing she loves animals when she was little she was put up for adoption because her mother didn't want her

    Username- Zeonark
    Name- Xen Takzumi
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- Student - Student Concil Member
    Important info- Thinks everyone around him is a utter moron, He detest coming to school but was force
    Anime (Optional)- (Confused on this.)
    Appearence- Younger Zexion
    Other: Gets along with people....Barely.

    Username- Entity
    Name- Kin Shino
    Age- 18
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Thinks of himself as optimistic at all times, but never likes to show his darker emotions towards others.
    Anime (Optional)- (Confused on this as well.)
    Appearence- Guys/hot_anime_guy.jpg
    Other: Is always smarter than the average bare, and loves to do a balance method of his.

    Username- Labomba
    Name- Ankoku Yagami
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Cool, smart, athletic person and he is the "reincarnation" of Light Yagami.
    Anime (Optional)- note-ish
    Other: very smart but doesn't usually show it and he tries to keep a low profile.

    Name-Ryu Kitamura
    Teacher or student-student
    Important info-slacks off alot during classes
    Anime (Optional)-
    other- tends to act out

    Username- Twister
    Name- Mikutsuku Yukari [Miku]
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- student
    Important info- she could be called one of the top students but because she doesn't really care about academic studies and think it's a waste. But when in tests and other quizes she nails them... unfortunately. She loves listening to music and playing it too. She skips classes when she can.
    Anime (Optional)- -
    Other- she's got the punk/rock/goth style

    Username- LilRice
    Name- Hero
    Age- 14 (Freshman)
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Hero likes listening to music and just having fun in live Hero is just an average guy with average grades just trying to get through the year with no troubles
    Anime (Optional)-
    Other- He was very awesome! but has no friends, first you must be nice and to him and maybe you shall be his friend.

    Username-Azure Flame
    Name- Hiku
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- student
    Important info- New student, doesn't know anyone. Looking for friends.
    Anime (Optional)- N/A
    Appearence- [​IMG]

    Username:[/B] Rainbow Stoner
    Name: Rai Saki
    Age: 27
    Teacher or student: Teacher
    Important info: Rai's a open teacher and treats his students well. He's fun to be around, and listens to everybody. He lives alone, with a ferret and hamster.
    Anime (Optional): N/A
    Appearance: Rai

    Username: Rainbow Stoner
    Name: Fayth
    Teacher or Student: Student
    Anime (Optional): N/A
    Important Info:Fayth can be immature at time because of her appearance. Loves to wear wings, he backpack is full of artistic things, and notebooks, along with her laptop. She plays guitar, that she keeps beside her bed.
    Appearance: Fayth

    Username- Roxas Sora51
    Name- Zack
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Zack is very cheerful, and always willing to help others
    Anime (Optional)-none
    Other- none

    Username- Roxas Sora51
    Name- Daniel Morgan
    Age- 32
    Teacher or student- Teacher
    Important info- He trys to make himself avalible if students need help
    Anime (optional)- none
    Other- none

    Username- Entity
    Name- Akumura Shinze
    Age- 38
    Teacher or student- Teacher
    Important info- Akumura is an open teacher, smart enough to teach anyway. He listens on anyone, listens to most of anyone. Even laughs like a kid himself.
    Anime (Optional)- none.

    Name- Alice Stanley
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Senior
    Anime (Optional)- ------
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other- Nopeeee.

    rules:Romance PG-13 (as always)
    violence is a total minumim
    and please not to many cuss words
    PM me if any problems with other ppl who join
    also u can play 2 ppl
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 6, 2008, 89 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Shadow_Rocks

    I told u so I was so so so so scarred my friend's brother would've liked that even her friend would too 0_____o
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 5, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Shadow_Rocks
    What is the Big question in life?
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 5, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Shadow_Rocks
    This is my first pokemon roleplay anyway here's what it's about: Ash and his friends and other trainers are on their Journey until Alice and Tonyo (Idon't know how u spell his name) suddenley arrive saying that Dark Rai has Disappeared the new's is somehow has spread around every single region many people think someone or some people have captured DarkRai for there own plans and many trainers are willing to help so has Ash,Brock,Dawn,Alice,Tonyo,and Their Pokemon are willing to help to here are the characters:

    Ash (and Pikachu as well): Labomba
    Dawn (and Piplup): Shadow_Rocks
    Wabaphat: robert the yogurt
    Nurse Joy (from anywhere):
    Officer Jenny (also from anywhere):
    and if u want to make a character here is the form u have to fill out

    Important Info-

    the character's that have been made:

    Name-Nikki (or nick real name Nichole)
    Pokemon-Raichu,Pichu,Eevee,Poochyena,Beautifly,and Lucario
    Appearence- [​IMG] (no I did not make it)
    Important Info-Is the champion of all regions but just once all of her pokemon are skilled in different gymnastic tricks
    Other-She loves to sing and also likes contests and gym battles her pichu is always on her shoulder and her raichi is in her back pack

    Name-Howl Jenkins.
    Age- 17
    Pokemon-Raichu, Umbreon, Charizard, Dragonite, Kyogre.
    Appearence-N/a for now. he wears black and very loose clothing. he carries only the things he needs for his pokemon in a pack on his back.
    Gender- male.
    Important Info- very powerful. Caught Kyogre to keep team Aqua under his thumb (he's the leader of Team Aqau) has become the leader of the E-four but is not the champion.
    Other- besides very strong, he won't attack someone weaker then him.

    Username: Rainbow Stoner
    Name: Fayth
    Age: 16
    Pokemon: Eevee, Espeon, Mudkip, Dragonite,
    Gender: Female
    Important Info: Fayth can be immature at time because of her appearance. Loves to wear wings, he backpack is full of artistic things, and wears a poke' belt. She plays guitar, that she keeps at home.
    Other: Loves Dragon type Pokemon.

    Username-robert the yogurt
    Pokemon-Lucario, Bulbasaur, squirtle, charmander
    Important Info-He is a very serious trainer that worries about the safety of other pokémon, he overheard about the dark-rai disappearence and vowed to do whatever it took to help.

    username: Dexnail
    appearance: he wears black jeans and white hoodies. He has long brown hair that covers his right eye and its short in the back. also wears an gold chain that has an dragonite tooth as an pendent.
    importent:he likes to ride on his arcanine. He plans to have only 3 pokemon to travel with him. Surprissingly he caught the ghost in his house and that would be his gangar
    other:he sleeps a lot

    Username- Labomba
    Age- 16
    Pokemon- Eleckid, Tyranatar, Salamance, Garydos, Lucario
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Gender- Male
    Important Info- A boy that likes to help people and he is very hyperactive and once he starts battling he gets into it. He doesn't care if he wins or loses he just likes to have fun.
    Other- nope

    Name- Ryo
    Age- 17
    Pokemon- Charizard, Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Gallade, Luxray, Lucario
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Gender- Male
    Important Info- The previous undefeated champion who retired so he could explore the world some more

    Rules: 1. NO GODMODDING. that stuff's as icky as cyber .
    2. speaking of cyber , let's leave that to PM's and the spam zone, meaning romance is PG-13
    3. Swearing. let's not have too much.
    4. Violence AT A MINIMAL.
    5. You can have these lengendaries: Kyogre,Dialga,Palkia,Mesprit,Entei,Jerachi,and MewTwo
    6. HAVE FUN
    7. we will not tolerate flaming! that means NONE! Rules made by Sorcerer_Jenkins (I changed # 5)
    ALSO PM me if having any trouble with any other person who is in this role play (yes u have to either that or just give me a visitor message)
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 5, 2008, 234 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shadow_Rocks

    If u smoke

    You will lead a very bad life your teeth will be yellow you'll probablly get cancer you won't be attractive and no one will want to date u what do u think about smoking and other tobacco related items and what the consequences will be
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 5, 2008, 70 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Shadow_Rocks
    I was thinkin of makin this thread for ppl to make request on anyway this is a video request thread I use wmm I can only use mpeg 2 clips (or mpeg 4) I'll sometimes use pics only if I can't find clips or u can give me A link to some clips also give me the link to the song that u want on the vid also I don't do many videos that involve real ppl also make sure the clips are pg-13 so that way I don't get in trouble also plz move if I put this in the wrong place
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Shadow_Rocks also where should I put a thread for video requests here or some place else
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 1, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Shadow_Rocks
    I regret ever being able to read 0____0
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 1, 2008, 55 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Shadow_Rocks
    There will be three judges the next to ppl to post will be judges anyone can participate if a judge u can't give yourself more points then your video is out of the contest also if we think your vid is cool we'll give u bonus points just incase one of us judges gives u a bad score u can raise it up with the points u got here is mine now I wanna see your videos don't just sit around get started
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 30, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Playground
  11. Shadow_Rocks this 7 year old is Awesome and Braver than My 8 year old brother it's amazing how the is able to talk and walk still though
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 30, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Current Events
  12. Shadow_Rocks

    Heh heh heh

    Just keep watchin this Icarly vid just keep on watchin till u find the banana
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 30, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shadow_Rocks
    I was really really really bored then I was thinkin of animals and how I was tryin to get pictures of my pets on here in an album but they keep movin I just want to see your pets or pets and also u can close this thread if no one replies in a week
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 30, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shadow_Rocks
    I got the idea after watching a video that my friend on dailymotion made I'm not using all the KH or KH2 charcacters and I'm putting the character from Sonicx that I know or u can make your own

    KH Characters :
    Sora: Billy G Man
    Kairi: darkblademaster 907
    Riku: Entity
    Leon: Entity
    Cloud:Roxas Sora51

    (I might put other characters if u ask)

    Sonicx Characters:
    Sonic:Billy G Man
    Cream and Cheese:
    Eggman:Billy G Man
    Becoe( I think):

    Character form:
    Sonicx or KH-
    Powers,Abilities,Or if they have Keyblade and what name-

    I will edit everytime someone asks to be a character also u can play up to 3 characters
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 28, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Shadow_Rocks
    State Test,Benchmark,regular test,exam,or just any other assignments

    I've gotten in math assignments a 0 in time (doesn't like time) and somewhat below 40 though the state I got B and C on the other one

    Reading well I've gotten good grades in reading mainly cause it's M y best subject

    That's all I know also I always get somewhere's in the 70's in the nechmark but A's Or B's in the state tests
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 28, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shadow_Rocks
    I was real bored when making this thread any way it can be any kinda video as long as it's PG-13 also the video doesn't have to be a user kay like this

    I dedicate this video I made to all Full Moon wo sagashite fans on this site
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 28, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Shadow_Rocks
    CHIUAHUAS ROCK "WERE TINY WERE MIGHTY WERE #1" U can also be random on this thread I was just bored and thinking of chihuahuas
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 27, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Shadow_Rocks
    Plz watch these videos and tell me wat u think and also the other thread like this u don't have to watch the videos
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 26, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Shadow_Rocks
    Tell wat u know about the user above you if u say something about me I really don't care wat u say u can even say I talk think about emos to much well specificly this one emo (I hate it when ppl call me goth or emo )
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 26, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Shadow_Rocks


    sometimes when i make videos and save them to my computer some of the music starts but then it mutes all of a sudden and i always have to delet some clips or my ending or title which makes the sound come back on how can i keep the sound on without deleting anything and don't tell me to switch wat i'm using to make my videos i use wmm
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Nov 22, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Technology