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  1. Shadow_Rocks
    This boy I know has a mom that had a whole bunch of girls gone wild videos then he and his dad watched them 0_________0
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 14, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Shadow_Rocks
    Found a site with a whole bunch of yo mama jokes but I forgot what the sight was called *bonks heads* stupid me
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 14, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Shadow_Rocks

    Random video that guy is awesome
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 13, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Shadow_Rocks

    Random Saying

    Remember kids Yakko spelled backwards is OKKAY
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 13, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Shadow_Rocks
    mine are New York Giants,Dallas Cowboys,and TEXAS LONGHORNS
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 13, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Shadow_Rocks


    yes Santa the one person most ppl debate about yes I still believe in him some boy is doing a signature test but it seems the box he left for santa to sign in wasn't there well what do u think is santa real or not also don't judge me
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 11, 2008, 113 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Shadow_Rocks
    The language books are much harder than I thought even if they are small the reason I know: I kept hitting my head on the book when it was open my head always feels heavy everytime I stretch it back man my head still hurts
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Shadow_Rocks
    Just like the sign ups said okay just wait A while for me to get all the characters on here ok Characters: Username-Shadow_Rocks
    Name-Sam (real name samantha)
    Teacher or Student-Student
    Important Info- Is the smartest student in her hall
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other-She's really good at singing she loves animals when she was little she was put up for adoption because her mother didn't want her

    Username- Zeonark
    Name- Luke Fon Fabre
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- Student-Student Council Member
    Important info- Was kidnapped before and has no memories of his childhood. He was kept into a mansion untill now.
    Anime (Optional)- Tales Of The Abyss
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other- Completely Ignorant.

    Username- Labomba
    Name- Ankoku Yagami
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Cool, smart, athletic person and he is the "reincarnation" of Light Yagami.
    Anime (Optional)- note-ish
    Other: very smart but doesn't usually show it and he tries to keep a low profile.

    Name-Ryu Kitamura
    Teacher or student-student
    Important info-slacks off alot during classes
    Anime (Optional)-
    other- tends to act out

    Username- Twister
    Name- Mikutsuku Yukari [Miku]
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- student
    Important info- she could be called one of the top students but because she doesn't really care about academic studies and think it's a waste. But when in tests and other quizes she nails them... unfortunately. She loves listening to music and playing it too. She skips classes when she can.
    Anime (Optional)- -
    Other- she's got the punk/rock/goth style

    Username- LilRice
    Name- Hero
    Age- 14 (Freshman)
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Hero likes listening to music and just having fun in live Hero is just an average guy with average grades just trying to get through the year with no troubles
    Anime (Optional)-
    Other- He was very awesome! but has no friends, first you must be nice and to him and maybe you shall be his friend.

    Username-Azure Flame
    Name- Hiku
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- student
    Important info- New student, doesn't know anyone. Looking for friends.
    Anime (Optional)- N/A
    Appearence- [​IMG]

    Username: Rainbow Stoner
    Name: Rai Saki
    Age: 27
    Teacher or student: Teacher
    Important info: Rai's a open teacher and treats his students well. He's fun to be around, and listens to everybody. He lives alone, with a ferret and hamster.
    Anime (Optional):N/A
    Appearance: Rai

    Username: Rainbow Stoner
    Name: Fayth
    Teacher or Student: Student
    Anime (Optional): N/A
    Important Info:Fayth can be immature at time because of her appearance. Loves to wear wings, he backpack is full of artistic things, and notebooks, along with her laptop. She plays guitar, that she keeps beside her bed.
    Appearance: Fayth

    Username- Roxas Sora51
    Name- Zack
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Zack is very cheerful, and always willing to help others
    Anime (Optional)-none
    Other- none

    Username- Roxas Sora51
    Name- Daniel Morgan
    Age- 32
    Teacher or student- Teacher
    Important info- He trys to make himself avalible if students need help
    Anime (optional)- none
    Other- none

    Name- Alice Stanley
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Senior
    Anime (Optional)- ------
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other- Nopeeee.

    Username-robert the yogurt
    Name-Light Yagami
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info-Smartest person in all his classes
    Anime (Optional)-Death note

    Username- ♥ Momo ♥
    Name- Cressa
    Age- 16 1/2
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- Cressa is quiet and s attention. She doesn't open up to people easily and is clumsy around boys.
    Anime (Optional)-
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Other- Quite Forgetful

    Username- Roxas-Chick
    Name- Luna
    Age- 17
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- She use to be a very social , but when her boyfriend, who she loved very much, broke up with her she just broke and hardly speaks anymore
    Anime (Optional)-
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other- She is Lilly's big sister (my other character)[/COLOR]

    Username- Roxas-Chick
    Name- Lilly
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- She can be social if she feels like it. She's very worried of her sister, but still a bit annoyed because Luna does so much better in school. She loves gothic music and style
    Anime (Optional)-
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other- She is Luna's little sister

    Teacher or Student-Student
    Important info-Was in the same Orphanage Sam and was let out when she turned 17
    Anime (Optional)-
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Other-Is a good singer loves animals loves to draw has won 8 Gymnastic medals

    Username- Labomba
    Name- Gokudera Hayato
    Age- 16 (changed)
    Teacher or student- student
    Important info- Gokudera is one of those punks that likes to do bad stuff, but he really sticks up for his friends... And he likes dynamites.
    Anime (Optional)- Reborn
    Other - hes actually smart O.o...

    [Username- #8 Axel
    Name-Claire Knight
    Age- 16
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info-can be energetic at times, shy when it comes to meeting new people but loves making friends...
    she happens to eat alot...she spends her time training and practicing
    Anime (Optional)-
    Appearence- [​IMG]

    Username- Labomba
    Name- Lelouch Lamperouge
    Age- 18
    Teacher or student- Student
    Important info- the prince of britannia and posses the ability to force people to do his bidding he is also very smart, but he doesn't use it.
    Anime (Optional)- Code Geass
    Appearence- [​IMG]

    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 10, 2008, 762 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Shadow_Rocks
    I knew my life was wasted
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 10, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Shadow_Rocks
    [​IMG] u just got PWN3D
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 9, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Shadow_Rocks
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 9, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Shadow_Rocks

    Are u Smart

    if u said yes........... Definition of Smart: Sexually Molestered And Raped Twice

    *Laughs* now do u think your smart after awhile I'll tell ppl why I said this
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 8, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Shadow_Rocks

    Funny cat pic

    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 7, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Shadow_Rocks

    Santa Cat


    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 7, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Shadow_Rocks
    Has a belt named Bob
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 7, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Shadow_Rocks man I can't stop laughing (that will happen If I laugh to much one time Ikept laughing in the middle of 2 boys constantly)
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 7, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Shadow_Rocks
    My life is becoming boring I need something to laugh at
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 7, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Shadow_Rocks
    shadow pwns sonic

    told u so
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 7, 2008, 66 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Shadow_Rocks
    Yes I know this sounds y but I was thinking of angels and I was looking at pictures of anime angel s seeing If I can find one for a character I made up named angel well she's in this story
    Angel is and angel who has recently figured out her sister has turned evil and against every single one of them now she must stop her sister from taking over the realm of the angels if Cassady (her sister and no I'm not her anyone can claim cassady) does take over the realm the world will no longer be in peace Angel and her friends must stop Cassady they are trying to gather other angels to help them while Cassady and her friends are doing something quite like that

    the rules: NO GODMODDING
    Romance at PG-13
    well lets just say as long as it doesn't get y
    and PM me if having any trouble with other ppl

    Character form:

    Male or Female-
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side-
    Important Info-

    Characters Made-
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Angel's
    Male or Female-Female
    Important Info-Is the leader of the Angel Heros
    Other-Is a sweet angel and wants to keep everything at peace

    Male or Female-male
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- angel
    Important Info-lost my loved one ._.
    Other-will only use if i have to

    username: darkblademaster 907
    name: Cassady
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Side: Evil
    Important info: Cassady has become the queen of hell after becoming evil and she despises her younger sister Angel.
    Other: She wants to rule Heaven (to turn evil), Hell, and the Earth.


    Username: ♥ Momo ♥
    Name: Crescent
    age: 18
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Male or Female: Female
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side: Cassady
    Important Info: Strangely, unlike many other angels she has black wings. This is what made her an outcast. Despite her many rs she just ignores them and goes on with her life. She is a a music lover.
    Other: Doesn't care about he war going on. She just goes wherever the wind takes her (Momo u said u'd be on cassady's side)

    Name: Kitsuné
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male.
    Side: Rogue
    Important Info: Carries a sword everywhere he goes. He was raised by monks who looked over his wings and superhuman strength. He has a HUGE respect for religion and animal life. Even with this respect though, he will not hesitate to kill you. The monks taught him how to controll mind over matter, meaning he is Psychic and can control the elements. He's VERY strong and can fly very fast. His reflexes are VERY sharp and he is VERY good with the sword.
    He wears black and can be quick to anger. Looks emo but isn't.
    Appearance: My character.
    Other: Being a rogue he cares when it involves him. He assasinates ppl for money.

    Username-Spunk Ransom
    Name- Allison
    age- 17
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Male or Female- Female
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Neutral, her opinion could go either way.
    Important Info- Uses a bow and light arrows when things seem troublesome.
    Other- Also uses light magic. IE light beams, and healing.

    Username-Death Twister
    Name- Arixia
    age- 14
    Male or Female- female
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Angel
    Important Info- Even though she's on Angel's side she can be alittle "evil", like an angel's devil. She enjoys people in pain when in battle, but still cares for the people she likes. She lives for the thrill of danger, she loves life or situations especially when you live out on it. She's kind of rebellious but does have a warm side.
    Other- She has Earth powers and specializes on using thorned vines/wips.

    Username- clawtooth35

    Name- Thomas

    age- 17

    Appearence- A tall angel with auburn hair and sea green eyes (can't find pic) wars an outfit a bit like Clouds in AC but in white.

    Male or Female- Male

    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Angel

    Important Info- Thomas was a participant of the Angels and Demons wars when he was but 14 years old, he knows about war and s it. He lost a brother to the demons whose name is Adrien. Thomas's body was destroyed by the demons but his mind left intact, when Adrien saw that he was about to be killed, he used the last of his streanth to transfer Thomas' mind into his body before it died (sorry if this is hard to understand). With the Demons defeated shortly after at the battle of the Seraph Plane Thomas pleaded with the elders to restore his body, which they did so. Thomas' mind and soul then were transfered into the restored body and Adriens body was buried. Thomas does not want other peopl to have to go through the same things that he did and so has joined with Angel to stop Cassady.

    Other- Hw weilds a Sifine an ingenious weapon which is specialised for his use. It consists of a pole which can change leanth and a curved blade. This is interesting, however, because the blade is parrallel to the staff itself and it liked with a smaller circle and spokes to make it look like a setting or rising sun. this shape also allows it to beomce a small crossbow if needs must and a boomerang like wepon, however, Thomas finds these slightly temperamentl and so doean't use these other forms ofthen.

    Username- Entity
    Name- Kino Flemmings
    Age- 18
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Male or Female- Male
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Cassady's Side.
    Important Info- Unknown File, Data Corrupted. He is no one, a soul casted into the abyss of darkness, the abyss of nothing, the eternal hatred of Hell and Earth, he is anger itself, he was freed by Cassady from his cage, casted by Heaven into the Abyss of Darkness, he is eternally grateful and with it, his chance to do the evil he has lost time with his darkness of life. He wishes to help Cassady with her plans in order to take care of Heaven's light, creating darkness upon the lands. [/COLOR]
    Other- Secretly, he has feelings for Cassady and her power.

    Username-robert the yogurt
    Male or Female-male
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side-Cassady
    Important Info-Alreay has a reputation as a bad angel thats why he only has one wing.

    Username- Friendly_Heartless
    Name- Kaylee
    age- 16
    Appearence- [​IMG]
    Male or Female- Female
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Unknown (is lost at the moment)
    Important Info- The sweet lovable and caring . Very interested in many things and loves to learn daily. She is also very loyal to her friends... that is... if she gets any. XD Suffering from amnesia, but she's slowly getting her memories back one by one. She can be very aggressive if she wants to.
    Other- Has the ability to summon a staff and use light powers to defend herself.[/

    Username- Deathsight44
    Name- Hori
    age- 20
    Male or Female- male
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Angel's side (is more of a neutral player really, but at the moment, he chooses to be with the angels)
    Important Info- Is very nuetral, very hard to tell what he is thinking, and never really shares with the groups that he is with. He usually seems more like he is scheming, and uses his mind more then his abilities to fight his enemies.
    Other- Uses darkness as his main element, even though he is an angel

    Username- Kekeira
    Name- Kentaro
    age- 19
    Male or Female- Male
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Angel
    Important Info- Loved one turned over to dark side, trying to convert her back to Angel's side. xD
    Other- Nice angel........yeah

    User name- Kekeira
    Name- Hira
    age- 18
    Male or Female- Male
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Cassady
    Important Info- Kentaro's loved one, does not wish to convert back to Angel's side.
    Other- A very confusing person. Her reasons for joining the Dark side is unknown.

    Username- Kekeira
    Name- Annie
    age- 12
    Male or Female- Female
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Cassady
    Important Info- Loves to fight, and cause chaos and bloodshed between mortals (humans). >:-P
    Other- Ignorant brat, delinquent in other words.

    Username- Kekeira
    Name- Kurenai
    age- 16
    Male or Female- Female
    Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- Angel
    Important Info- Won't rest until there's peace on Earth. Likes having fun. Very interested with the lives of mortals.
    Other- A sensitive, shy, but yet cheerful young angel

    also u can make 4 characters
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 6, 2008, 554 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Shadow_Rocks
    Okay if u figure out the person's name u have to figure the next person's Middle name then nickname then last name (though it has to be the person above u not the same person) U can give them hints but not very good ones so lets get started
    Thread by: Shadow_Rocks, Dec 6, 2008, 183 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone