I just love that movie....it's so awesome...have any of you ever watched it...I've seen 3 times..it's better everytime
http://www.onetruemedia.com/otm_site/view_shared?p=5ef86e435ede2bd6ba88cc also I made this one onetruemedia...also I know I repeated the pictures I couldn't find alot
http://www.dailymotion.com/knuckles01/video/x7jhlu_hinata-hyuuga-eternal-snow_shortfilms I always put this one part with the fading (overlapping thing) effect you'll see it
It's a replacment fo the one that was stolen......don't ask what happened to the other phones I have trouble answering that
Pikachu is a bad name for a hamster
ever heard of it I just started watching the anime today....I'm on epsiode 9 anyway.have any of you heard of it (yes I know I asked that), if you haven't here's an episode(part) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu6agXSC97s&feature=related
Does anyone know about this show......I love this show I have volume 2 and 3 it's so awesome. Yakko ,Wakko (the warner brothers),and Dot (the warner sister) are the characters and there awesome other characters:Minerva Mink,Dr.SratchandSniff,Mr.Plotz,Hello Nurse , and many more I don't feel like nam,ing anyway here's a cartoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAmerpKdt58
.............uhhhhhhh......I'm not gonna go there
Like the title says this is a Talent Contest it can be any kind of talent...also if you think playing a video game is a talent the only video games you can play as a talent are : any Guitar Hero games and Rock Band. the first 2 ppl who post can be judges (I'm one too) judges can enter too if they want to......I'm still figuring out somethings though.........anyway any talent is fine......just make sure it's a video so everyone can see it.......if your talent involves drawing.just show a video with you drawing.....or show the drawing
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElM3dmMQDQ8&feature=related I like this song it sounds cool
What should I do.......
http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=yX1FK5llvXA&feature=related and it still is
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIx9U-U-k9w I like this song Actually much better than most of her songs
Why do so many people hate I mean I'm not that big of a fan myself........I have a few songs of hers on my Ipod..........She has a good voice....but why to people hate her
That Winston ChruchHill has been reincarnated.......INTO A BULLDOG......I posted hear because it sounded funny.........Who's that guy
Be filled with joy........*looks at you*.......you not filled with joy.....WHY AREN'T YOU FILLED WITH JOY
to by pass the time limit system :p
That song makes him sound Like a stalker well these words do: He knows when you are sleeping he knows when your awake he knows when you've been bad or good so be good for goodness sakes Just think about the song
making a remix for "Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer"
Title says everything I iz a LOLCAT LOLCATZ SIDE Kingdomheartsgirl200 gintasthebest Nightdream mokeyman q MasterNightmare LOLDOGZ SIDE Sora March The war will beginz soon yes we really really would