...I thought it looked like Zoe (Ichigo) from Tokyo Mew Mew..that's why I put Zoe on the shirt........I think it's pretty good...I kinda had a problem with the ears a bit (tried using white out to fix it then re-draw the ears again which didn't work) also K.R. are my initials.and 1997......that's the year I was born in (my dad used photoshop to edit where I put my name)..any way what do you people think .......a video I made.....yesterday (or this morning) it's okay I like it.... I was kind of repetitive with one clip -__-' I just like that part of the episode....anyway what do you think Yes I have a youtube account...anyway a bit plain...but I think it's okay...I just haven't made an AMV in a while
I know this might be old (or it is) I like this song it's better than the others I've heard (do not judge me for listening to Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana songs)
This is for a science project -__-.....anyway this is for the research part and I want to see what you think. I know the poll says yes or no........That part is just to see how many people say yes it does or no it doesn't........ Yes the jar is closed
It's an awesome song if you haven't heard it here is a link
I watched it and it was funny........but for some reason I wasn't able to laugh at the funny scenes.......anyway it was really funny
What is the weirdest nickname anyone has ever given you............Oreogirl.............there is another one....but it's to long...and I can't remember it.....though it involves the word Emo......I'm going to hurt Lucas for that......there was a another one which was Dr. Fluffenstien but that was Steve's nickname
It is better to have loved and have lost than have......... add to the quote you can't add what was originally has to be funny........which ever person has the best quote remake..gets to choose the next quote people have to add to.........I was thinking of a show when I made this thread
I actually think both of them are awesome
name at least 3 ways
Never Heard of them a song they remixed.....Yes I'm Mexican..and Puerto Rican...they are the only Hispanic Artists I listen to...they are awesome
A bad excuse for a robber? easy....someone who robs burger king but only for the food ... who would rob burger king for the food I used rascal flatts cause I never really made a video with one of their songs...I love to match clips with parts of the song
If you were to die in 2 hours what would you do to in those 2 hours? .I have no Idea ......XD XD to inform you this video was made when all of my effects and transitions where gone except for 2