Er...I think there was a mistake with the pin for me. I attended, and didn't get it. D: You guys apparently gave it to someone who's been inactive but has the same name as me, just without the fancy "e". Congrats anyway.
This was rather violent. D: Byron seems brutal too. ;__; I liked it. You should have told me sooner that you wrote this. ;~; Either way, I really liked it. It took me a while to read it. <<;;; I hope you write the next chapter soon. I really want to read what's going to happen next. I feel sorry for Damon. He got his ass handed to him. >< Anyway, write the next chapter soon. ;_;
Oh look, another story I'm writing I'm probably going to give up on. lololololol. Anyway, yes, something new. In all honesty, I don't know what people will think of it. I haven't written anything in a good while until this came out so I do think it's rather crappy. This has been in mind for several months now and it took a lot of time of planning and getting the things I want for this story. I have a lot in mind with this one so I'm hoping I don't get frustrated and give up on it. I must warn you though, this one will be a little more...violent compared to my other stuff. I hope whoever reads this becomes interested. Enjoy. --- “Only with strength can one endure suffering and torment.” -Nyx’s Avatar, Persona 3 “You can‘t trust every single person you meet.” “I don’t know who you are, but you’re messing with the wrong guy!” “We can do this if we stick together!” “Please, don’t leave me…” “Give her back!” “I’m sorry.” --- Part One A bell. That’s what everyone seemed to have heard before there was a bright light. Confusion, disorientation, dizziness - All symptoms people felt while they were in that unknown place and after they woke up. All they knew was that something had happened; someone had done something to them. Sad that not all of them were able to find out who. So many of them went insane. They either killed themselves or killed others to survive. Either way, that’s what it was. Some sick game of survival. Chapter One There was always something about dreaming of a fantasy world when I was younger. I constantly daydreamed about traveling and seeing new places. I guess it kept my hopes up for something. I was never sure. I used to have nightmares all the time, but when my mother started reading me books to ease my mind before bed, I grew some sort of a passion for it and, in some way, related to it. I remember dreaming of this odd world with strange creatures and people who can do magic. I guess it was just those normal fairytales children think of. I was never sure. I stared down at an open book that sat on my lap, my eyes moving side to the side as I read the book my mother always read to me when I was younger. I could feel the wind brush against my body as I sat in an open field that was right behind my house. I smiled before closing the book and raising my head. I brought my knees up to my chest and held them close, staring at the trees in the distance. The book was always able to ease my mind; it told of a world where people believed in a goddess that granted wishes to those that needed it the most. However, it spoke of a man who wanted to use the goddess’s power to have eternal life and power. But when he approached the goddess, something happened; the higher being suddenly disappeared before the man’s eyes and shattered into pieces. Ahead of him, a statue formed in the appearance of the goddess. The goddess had somehow broken apart and could only be awakened if her other half was found and brought back. The book continued on with the world becoming filled with darkness, but towards the end, the goddess’s other half is brought back and peace was restored to the world. The evil man was sealed away in an place called Realm of Eternity; only the goddess would be the one to break the seal. However, she was sealed away herself so no man would try to bring havoc back into their world. My father used to say the book was a bit too dark for me whenever my mother read it, but I never did mind, and neither did my mother. The book was always able to draw my attention and I couldn’t help but love it each time I read it. A smile formed on my lips as I stared down at the cover of the book, tilting my head a little. I’ve always wanted to travel to places. The only problem was that I was too afraid to leave my parents behind. Before I knew it, I was frowning and staring blankly at the grass in front of me, holding my knees tightly against my chest. As much as I wanted to leave, I was never able to have the courage to do it. I remember I was so close to doing it a few years back, but like now, I became too afraid. I closed my eyes tightly and squeezed my legs, biting down on my lip lightly. “Maybe it is time for change,” I muttered to myself, my eyes narrowing as I averted my gaze towards the book by my feet. Sighing quietly, I rose up to my feet and dusted myself before raising my arms into the air, stretching them as far as I could. I let out a loud grunt, dropping my arms down on my sides as I leaned forward a bit, staring ahead of me. The meadow that sat behind my house was a place I always loved to spend my time in. The only thing I disliked was that not too far away, there was a forest with trees that looked like they could touch the sky. They were amazing to stare at but they always hid a sunset. I picked up the book by my feet and turned around; when I dusted the book off and looked up, I saw my mother watching me from a distance, a small smile on her face. I smiled back and quickly made my way towards her. “Reading again?” she asked as she extended her arms towards me. I nodded my head in response and took one of her hands. “Of course. You know I like to read out here.” My mother’s smile grew as I gently squeezed her hand, taking a couple steps closer as I watched her turn to walk away. “Dinner’s ready, dear,” she said, pulling me with her as she headed back to our house. “I hope you’re hungry.” I nodded my head in response and ran ahead of her, opening our back door. As soon as I walked in, I saw my father sitting at one end of our table, which was filled with delicious looking food. The one thing that caught my eye, however, was a small cake that sat in front of my father. I cocked my head and walked towards the table, my eyes staring intently at the cake. It had white frosting, with swirls going around it on the top, and on the edges sat strawberries. “What is this for?” I asked, looking at my father and then to my mother, who was getting forks and knives. “Don’t you know?” my father responded, his elbows pressed against the wooden table as he held his hands close to his mouth. “Today was the day your mother and I found you.” I blinked several times before nodding my head and smiling at my parents, who now sat next to each other. “I remember now,” I said, clasping my hands behind my back as I averted my gaze back down at the cake. “But I thought you said you wouldn’t ‘celebrate’ this day anymore?” They both laughed. I wasn’t sure what was funny; I remember they said they would stop considering this day special three years ago when I asked them to stop. I frowned and pulled out the chair in front of me, sat down and stared at my parents. “We couldn’t help it, Sienna,” my father said as he lowered his arms onto the table. “We found you thirteen years ago on this day. Your birthday is coming up and you’ve grown up so fast.” “We love you like our own, and we couldn’t be happier to have taken you in,” my mother added in as she gently placed a hand over my father’s hand while the other was extended towards me. My brows furrowed as I frowned once more, tapping my fingers against the table lightly. I stared at my parents for a bit before sighing and lowering my head. “Fine,” I said, looking back up at them with a smile on my lips. “But this will be the last time!” I quickly added, raising my index. They nodded their heads in agreement and laughed. My smile grew as I lowered my hand and averted my attention down on the cake in front of us. I was beginning to forget that I was not the biological daughter of my parents as soon as they stopped celebrating this day. I guess in a way it brings back the pain of not knowing where I came from when they found me in an alleyway half dead; but I still loved them. “Honey?” My eyes fluttered as my train of thought was cut short; I looked up at my parents and saw them staring at me with concerned expressions. I laughed nervously and leaned against my chair, clasping my hands on the table together. “Sorry,” I said. “I was just thinking.” It was time to move on. It was time to do so the moment they brought me into their home. --- I wasn’t sure what it was, but after dinner, I would always sit outside and stare up at the stars. I wasn’t sure why I would do it, but I guess it always relaxed me and helped me clear my mind. I sat quietly on a bench just outside my house, my head leaned back as my eyes gazed from one star to the next, each one looking brighter. “Sienna?” I blinked as I lowered my head and turned around, seeing my mother standing in the doorway of our house. “Yes?” “Don’t stay out for too long. It’s cold out.” She gently smiled at me before heading back into the house; she was right. I hadn’t noticed that I was freezing until she came out. I breathed in deeply and wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my hands against my arms to keep myself warm. I was freezing, but I wasn’t ready to head back into the house. “Well, well.” My eyes grew wide as I gasped loudly, stumbling forward as I turned around, seeing a man sitting on the other side of the bench. My breathing was heavy and my heart was racing; where did this guy come from?! “W-Where did you come from?” I stammered as I tried regaining my breath. He had a faint smile on his lips, his eyes staring down at a red rose as he slowly plucked each pedal off. “Tell me,” he began, dropping the rose and turning his attention towards me. “What is it that you seek?” I leaned back a bit as I shifted where I sat, staring at the man in complete confusion. “What…?” “There’s something you deeply yearn for in life, questioning every aspect of it, even if you don’t think you are,” he said before looking up at the sky, his smile growing. “The stars. They bring comfort yet confusion.” “Who are you?” His lips parted as he raised his index finger to his lips before rising up onto his feet. “Pardon me!” he quickly said, moving an arm behind him while the other move in front as he bowed. “My name is Lirot.” The moment he looked up and into my eyes, something hit me. I wasn’t sure what it was, but something about him took my interest. I opened my mouth to speak, but he quickly motioned for me to hush. “I already know your name, Sienna.” I was officially freaking out. I was ready to yell for my parents until he jumped onto the bench and stood on it, his attention set towards the field I always sit in. “Wishing for change can lead to both good and bad. Those that want it, never seem to make that change.” He slowly turned towards me, that strange smile still on his lips. “You might just get your change, Sienna. I must warn you though, you will realize it was a big mistake.” I perked an eyebrow as I moved forward a bit, my hands pressing against the wooden bench. “What do you mean?” “I am sorry, but I must bid you farewell for now.” He bowed once more and jumped off the bench. “We will meet again, Sienna.” “Wait!” “Sienna?” I gasped quietly and quickly turned around, seeing my mother at the doorway once more. “Who are you talking to?” she asked, that concerned expression back on her face. “Uh…” I breathed in deeply as I lowered my head, staring down at the dirt beneath my feet. “Sorry. I was just thinking aloud.” I laughed nervously as I returned my attention to my mother, her concerned look quickly disappearing. “Well, alright. Come inside now.” She headed back inside as I let out a sigh of relief. I stood up from the bench and looked around; I frowned and sighed again, seeing that he was gone. Lirot. Where did you come from? Chapter Two For thirteen years, I was given a life by two people who had simply found me in an alleyway and could have left me to die. Instead, they took me in and raised me as if I was their own. Now, I’m twenty years old and the seven years I do not know of have been haunting me, leaving me to question whether my biological parents simply didn’t want me, and hit me up side the head so I could not remember them. It left me bitter for years until I was ready to escape out of that misery and anger. However, it still left me wishing for something to change in my life; something that would give me an idea of who I was before being found. I laid on my bed, my hands resting on the back of my head as my eyes stared up at the cracks on the ceiling, my mind wandering about. It was already morning, but I didn’t want to get up, I couldn’t. I felt uneasy and confused about the man I had met the previous night, and what he meant by the change I have been waiting for. I couldn’t help but be interested, but also afraid. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure what I should feel. One minute, I felt that maybe the guy was just crazy and somehow knew what I wanted; then again, if that was the case then he would be considered a stalker. “What am I thinking?” I muttered, quickly sitting up straight as my brows furrowed. Maybe it was just my imagination. A random guy pops up out of no where and suddenly talks about the things I’ve wanted; that sounds more like my conscience more than anything else really. Frustration began to build up and I immediately came to one simple conclusion - I need to stop focusing so much on my past. “That’s it.” I feel like I just had some sort of epiphany or something. My current life is what matters, not my past. If my biological parents really did just “throw me to the curb” then I need to forget them. That’s all I need to do. A faint smile graced my lips as I slowly sat up. “Yeah….That’s all I need to do…” --- When I was growing up, people always though I was weird so I was picked on a lot. Somehow it never phased me. The people that picked on me always figured I’d crack and go crazy; that was never the case. Whenever I was picked on, I never felt angry or sad. I think the only thing I did feel was annoyance, and I never even showed that. That was when I was little; as I got older, I began to realize I was different, but mainly because of my background. I was found in an alleyway with amnesia. Eventually the need to know who I was started settling in. that’s where the large meadow behind my house came in, which was where I was heading now. That meadow became my sanctuary; it was where I could brood or just be left alone for a large period of time. My eyes immediately settled onto the large trees off in the distance as I slowly lowered myself to sit on the ground. Whenever I was out here, I spent a large portion of my time staring at those trees; I could never bring up a reasonable answer whenever my parents asked why I did. I guess it was one of those things you could never explain. I bent my legs as I brought my knees close to my chest, my eyes narrowing as I noticed something odd. I don’t know if I was seeing things but I could clearly see the shape of a persona at the entrance of that forest. “What the…” I rubbed my eyes, assuming I was simply seeing things; who would even be over there? From what I can remember nobody has ever tried entering, or possibly even thought of entering. When I moved my hands away from my eyes, I was expecting the persona to be gone; however my expectation was quickly proven wrong. I quickly rose up to my feet, turning my attention towards my house then back at the forest. I wasn’t sure who the person was, but for all I knew, the person might need help. My parents should know…right? As I debated whether or not I should say something, I noticed the persona turning away and heading into the forest. I quickly turned to the side, stopping for a moment as I gave myself second thoughts. Biting down on my lip, I inhaled deeply before taking off running in the direction of the forest. My mind was blank; that split moment I took to question myself had given that person the chance to disappear into the forest. By the time I reached the entrance, my heart was pounding in my chest, my face covered in sweat. I guess it was just the sudden adrenaline, but soon enough I felt something quickly hit me; what was I doing? I took off running into a distant area I didn’t know and for all I know the person I saw could have just been my imagination. “I’m an idiot.” Sighing loudly, I placed my hands on my hips as I turned my attention towards my house. I blinked as my attention shifted back to the forest; my mom would probably be upset with me but it wouldn’t hurt to just take a look around. Giving myself one last though I turned back towards the forest, making my way into it. It wouldn’t hurt to take one look, right? My eyes automatically scanned everything around me. It looked like some sort of rain forest; everything looked so fresh, and as soon as I looked up, I was overtaken with astonishment. I could feel a smile forming onto my features, my eyes gazing up at the enormous trees I once admired from a distance. The admiration I was giving this forest suddenly cut short as I felt my feet bump against something hard, and found myself lying face down in the dirt. I grunted as I pushed myself up, looking back up to see I had tripped over a log. “I think that’s enough for today,” I muttered, picking myself up and dusting dirt off of me. Once I was up on my feet, I took a look around, assuming I’d still be able to see my house in the distance. I was ready to head back home, however all I could see were trees and bushes. I looked in every direction, hoping I’d see my house, but instead I saw the exact same thing over and over. I could feel my heart begin to pound in my chest as I felt a wave of fear and panic consume me. “Damn it!” I had gone too far and now I was beginning to regret even entering. I cursed under my breath and took a couple steps forward before turning around. I was lost. I heard a crack of a stick, the sound of guns being loaded following afterward. I turned to find several men in uniforms surrounding me. “Freeze!” Their guns pointing at me, I took a step back as I raised my eyes slightly. What had I gotten myself into? I don’t even know who these people are; they came out of nowhere, only to make me terrified and confused. Maybe I had stepped into a restricted area; then again, I didn’t see any signs saying it was. Whatever the case was, I had done something I wasn’t supposed to do. I was forced onto my knees and to put my hands behind my head; a man with a gun stood behind me as I scolded myself for entering the forest. “We’ll have to take this one quickly.” What? I looked around, my breathing getting heavy as I moved forward a bit. “Where are you taking me?!” “Shut up!” I heard the one behind me shout. I felt a sharp pain suddenly run across the back of my head, causing me to fall forward. I laid still as my vision began to blur and my mind began to fade; I could barely hear the murmur of a voice, my eyes slowly closing as I could no longer keep them open. As soon as I heard I was being taken somewhere, I realized I had done nothing wrong; I entered an open area that was never off limits. I was just being kidnapped. Mom, Dad, I’m sorry… --- Dong. Dong. Dong. The sound of church bells rang in my ears, my eyes fluttering open. With each sound, a light flashed for a split second before disappearing, leaving me in darkness until the next light flashed. I felt like I was suspended in midair - or more like in outer space; my body felt lighter than ever. I knew I was looking around, but no matter in what direction I looked, I only saw darkness. “W-Where am I…?” As soon as I spoke, I felt dazed and as if something was holding onto me. Before I knew it, I saw a light slowly growing in the distance. I don’t know what it was but my eyes were so fixated on it that I couldn’t turn away. It flashed brightly before disappearing like the rest. I could no longer hear a bell; just silence and darkness.
Anime Expo in the Los Angeles Convention Center. I've been going to that one for three years now. This year is my fourth. I was going to go to Comic Con, but the lack of money prevented me from doing so. << A friend is going though and she's going to be a Star Wars character.
Oh my God. I need this game right now. The obsession with Assassins Creed seems like it just won't end. ;_; I'm seeing this everywhere on tumblr so I'm just all asfislguhafladfg at the moment. I'm kind of hoping he'll still have the hidden blades because those were my favorite weapons in the other games. <<; That's the only thing I honestly really used. But the fact he has a tomahawk just seems a little better than the hidden blades. To be honest, I don't really care if it's in the damn American Revolution. I still think it'll end up pretty damn good, which I'm hoping. I'm really excited. I really cannot wait.
Joan came to a halt and turned around, looking towards everyone that was still with Risit and Merik. She saw a dragon she wasn't familiar with and cocked her head, placing her hands on her hips as her eyes narrowed. "I probably shouldn't have snapped, huh?" she asked, turning her attention towards Orchid, who had been following behind. The dragon simply stared at her rider before looking away and towards the direction she and Joan were heading. "I guess so," Joan muttered, biting down on her lip as she looked around, spotting a tree a few feet away. Sighing lowly, she made her way towards the shade and sat down at the base of the tree, turning her head as she watched the group from afar. You do know they will probably see that you never left, right? Orchid asked as she laid down close to Joan, turning her attention from her rider to the group as well. "What are you talking about?" Joan leaned her head back and stared up at Orchid. "I'm not in the group so I did leave." Orchid huffed out and shook her head, which made Joan laugh in response. Leaning against the tree, Joan brought her legs close to her chest and rested her arms on her knees. "I just want to know what'll happen now. That's all."
Risiel let herself loose from the rope keeping her to the ship and rushed forward, swinging her keyblade upward as she knocked a Heartless into the air. She raised her keyblade once more into the air, shouting out her spell as the weaker Heartless were destroyed around her. She sighed out loudly and looked around, seeing just a couple more Heartless to go. Almost there. Risiel inhaled deeply and knocked another Shadow into the air. Taking a step forward, she looked down and noticed a black small portal-like beneath her feet. She quickly stumbled back as she saw a Neoshadow jump out of it and into the air. Cursing under her breath, Risiel swung her keyblade at it as soon as it landed, sending a small heart into the air as it was destroyed.
Your voice sounds familiar. D: Your giggling cracked me up. XD
That's not too bad. D: I'm assuming it's for the PS2?
Sounds like an interesting game. How old is the game?
I've never heard of the game. D: What is it about?
Interesting song. @-@
To be honest, I'm not sure. I was using this somewhere else and I was told to use it here since it went with my theme.
Risiel huffed out and destroyed several more shadows that ran in her direction. She tightened her grip of the rope that kept her steady and raised her keyblade into the air. "Thunder!" she shouted as strikes of lightning appeared and struck several heartless, destroying some of the weaker ones. Breathing in deeply, she looked down at the rope tied around her waist and pressed her lips tightly together. It's hard to do this if we can't move around so easily. Risiel bit down on her bottom lip and raised her keyblade into the air once more, shouting out a spell once more.
GOOD. That's how it should be! And it'll probably be the most depressing game you play too. ...You're already ahead of me! ;_; I never beat P3FES...
sirgbrguibgiurbgief WHY? I regret watching that ending. It was far too depressing compared to the actual ending you're going to get. Keep playing....
Risiel quickly grabbed onto a nearby rope and tied it around her waist, twirling part of the rope around her wrist as well. She cursed under her breath as she watched everyone struggle to keep themselves where they were. She looked towards Risit's direction and saw him struggling. She opened her mouth to yell at him but stumbled as something crashed onto the ship. She looked towards the deck of the ship and saw a rather large hole. She gasped as soon as she saw the heartless rush out of the hole and rush in every direction. "You've got to be kidding," she muttered as she slightly undid the knot around her waist. Risiel quickly summoned her keyblade and swung at a heartless that lunged in her direction.
AADGKKEVMYD NO. DON'T. JESUS NO. THAT ENDING WILL JUST FFFF- I saw the ending after getting too curious and it was just....possibly the most...
SFJKHDSNKHD RYOJI BROKE MY HEART ;_____; His social link was just asfjkhdtjgdn I did that too with P3P since it was easier. XD Where are you now?
He is. ;_; I really hate him. It made me happy though that he was shot and fell off the roof of Tartarus. <<; I'm surprised you're so far in the...