Username: Rem Character Name: Bai Xing Gender: Female Appearance: Bai Age: 20 Personality: Ambitious, curious, independent, rebellious and rather stubborn. She refuses to take no for any answer and at times prefers to be alone. There have been several occasions where she has joined groups, but usually leaves them within a day because of her desire to be independent. Weapon: None. Nation of Birth: Omashu, Earth Kingdom Current Whereabouts/Residency: Outskirts of Ba Sing Se Bender: Yes. Bai has mastered Earth Bending and is very close to mastering metal bending. Background: Bai was born in Omashu and lived there for about two years before moving to a different city. She comes from a wealthy family and as soon as she was born, she become the heir to her family’s wealthy. Because of this, she was raised to be very lady-like. She was an only child and the only person in her family that was an Earth Bender was her grandfather. She would constantly watch him teacher his students earth bending and on several occasions, Bai would attempt and follow her grandfather’s instructions on the sidelines. Eventually, she earth bended, surprising her grandfather but only infuriated her parents. She was banned from learning earth bending any further, but she was able to convince her grandfather to show her in secret. When she was fifteen, she was very close to perfecting earth bending until her home was overrun with Fire Nation soldiers. Watching her grandfather attempt to protect her home and being told to run away with her parents, Bai refused and quickly fought along side her grandfather. Her fear overtook her and she and her family were quickly captured. When she and her grandfather were going to be killed on the spot, her grandfather metal bended, breaking the chains around her wrists. He quickly told her to run and when she did, she only saw her grandfather for a brief moment before he was killed. Current Life: Bai mainly roams around the outskirts of Ba Sing Se, however, before she lived just outside of her hometown. She would constantly plot ideas on how she could get her hometown back and see her family again. On several occasions, she would sneak in and start riots. Some would follow, but with very little people, she was caught quickly. She would stay in prison for probably a day or so before metal bending her way out. Eventually, she traveled to the outskirts of Ba Sing Se and has been living there since. I hope this is okay. I just really got into it. <<;
Euphemia's eyes stared down at her reflection in the water, the bucket already filled with enough that would probably last a few days. She had been living in Athens her whole life, and all she could do was watch it turn into a chaotic place because of the God-Emperor. She felt a chill run down her spine, causing her to sit up straight and breathe in deeply. Just the thought of it bothered her, and seeing it only made it worse. Returning her attention back down at the water, she reached down and touched the water gently with the tip of her finger before watching a ripple form and soon enough, the water turn to ice. Gasping loudly, Euphemia quickly moved away, her hands covering her mouth in confusion and amazement. "What did I...?" She slowly lowered her hands and stepped closer to the frozen water, leaning forward as she tapped on it. "It's..." Inhaling deeply, Euphemia looked down at her hands, opening and closing them into fists as she tried figuring out what she had just done. She'd never done that before and seeing it now only confused her. Her bottom lip quivered as she quickly picked up the bucket of water and turned around, running home. She was lucky that nobody was around, but she'd rather not be in the area whenever someone does see it.
Naoto stumbled to the side as soon as Arashi let go of her hand, surprised he used flash step of all things to get to the Fifth Division barracks while drunk. Regaining her balance, the young woman stood up straight and cleared her throat, placing her hands on her hips as she turned her attention to her captain. "There's little time to do anything because you always wait until the last minute." Sighing quietly, she turned her attention ahead of her before feeling Arashi's hand on her head, causing her to frown and only end up a little more mad. "I was not worried!" she exclaimed, reaching up to grab his hand and move it away from the top of her head. She thought for a moment as she squeezed his wrist before letting it go and turning away from Arashi. Naoto crossed her arms, feeling her face heat up a bit. "Do you honestly think I'd worry about you?"
Naoto flinched slightly as she felt Captain Hikauru's arms around her waist. She wasn't one to disrespect those that are a higher rank than her, but in several cases, she felt the need to disrespect her own captain whenever he was out getting wasted. Inhaling deeply, Naoto gritted her teeth and forced a faint smile, attempting to pry herself away from the captain's grip. "I'm sorry, but no. I can't join. I'm only here to get my captain," she said, momentarily looking down at the small captain before her and then shooting a glare at Captain Arashi. Once she was able to pry herself away from the tiny captain, Naoto quickly made her way to her own captain, the smile fading as she quickly glared at him, her hands clenching into fists. She pressed her hand against the table and bent forward, her eyes meeting with Arashi's as she placed her other hand on her hip. "Get up." She quickly stood up straight and turned her attention towards Iggy, stepping to the side a bit. "I'll be taking him back now, if you don't mind. He needs to be sober again before he can do any work." She smiled faintly once more at Iggy before turning her attention towards Arashi, crossing her arms and waiting for him to stand up.
Naoto's eyes stared ahead of her as she listened to the sound of her footsteps, quick and heavy while her hands clenched into fists tightly. She stormed through the Seireitei, leaving the Fifth Division barracks and off towards any of the bar places she knew of. She would usually spend her days inside or taking walks around the Seireitei. She was planning on sleeping in(which is something a lieutenant shouldn't even do), but she felt like she needed to. Plus, she was told by her captain he was going to be with the Head Captain so it only gave her even more of a reason. That is, until she actually found out his true intention. I'm going to end up killing that man one day. Naoto huffed out as she left one bar, being told her Captain, or the Eleventh Division's captain wasn't around. As she stood outside of the bar, she noticed some of the members from the Eleventh Division watching her. Many of which were large, muscular men, something she really despised seeing. When she found out a girl, a young girl to be exact, was taking over the Eleventh division, she had taken in a bit of joy from that. The only thing she did not take joy from was the fact the girl was practically a drunky who seemed to take along her captain for a drunk night from time to time. She figured a couple of times she should just loosen up and let her captain go off and get drunk with another captain. The only problem was that whenever she did try, she usually ended up really angry; really, really angry. Leaving the area she was in, Naoto finally thought of another bar was not too far from either of the Divisions' barracks. It was practically close to the center of the whole Seireitei. Wanting to quicken her pace, she jumped up onto the roof closest to her and flash stepped. Soon enough, she was finally at the entrance of bar she was aiming for. She heard the laughter of some other Soul Reapers, and quickly realized her captain and the eleventh division captain was inside. Breathing in deeply, Naoto attempted to open the door calmly but instead practically pushed it open with a lot of force. Her lips pressed tightly together as she saw Captain Arashi and Captain Iggy right across the room. "Captain Zanshou!"
"O-Oh." Sienna closed her book and picked up her tray, throwing her trash away before returning back to Scott. "Well, they should either be in the morgue in this hospital or in any of the other ones nearby. If you want, I can try checking to see if the person is in the hospital. What's their name?" She opened her mouth to speak once more before quickly closing it, looking around as the lights shut off and then back on. The girl's brows furrowed as she saw several doctors and nurses rush out of the cafeteria. My mother told me things like this tend to happen. "It isn't, but things like this can happen," Sienna replied, returning her attention to Scott. "For all we know it might just be like a normal blackout or something." She smiled nervously before collecting her things, overhearing some of the conversations among several staff members. A murder? Maybe it's the victim this man is looking for. Pressing her lips lightly together, Sienna reached her hand out towards Scott. "I'm Sienna, by the way. What's your name?"
A low sigh escaped Euphemia's lips, her eyes slowly opening as she sat up, her legs tucked neatly underneath you. "I pray to you, help us overcome this tragedy," she muttered under her breath, her lip quivering lightly as she turned her attention towards her mother, who laid in a bed not too far away. She lowered her hands down onto her lap, listening to her mother wheeze in her attempt to breeze. "Give Greece back to the people, so we can no longer suffer." She returned her attention towards a small-like shrine she kept in her small home. She had to share rooms with her mother and barely had much of a living room or a kitchen, but she didn't spend too much time in her home. Whenever she was home, Euphemia was either looking after her mother or off looking for food and water to keep herself and her mother alive. Anything besides those things, she was most likely praying to the Gods, hoping for some sort of miracle. Hunching her shoulders forward a bit, Euphemia sighed once more and rose up to her feet, walking over to mother. She pulled at her dress as she knelt down beside the bed, placing the back of her hand against her mother's forehead. "No," she murmured, moving her hand away as her brows furrowed. Her had spiked a fever from the last time Euphemia had checked up on her and she was already running out of water. Frowning, she grabbed the towel by the bucket and dipped it into the water, before ringing it out and setting it on the woman's forehead. "I wish I didn't have to leave you, but I need to get more water." She smiled faintly at her mother and kissed her cheek lightly. "I'll try to come back quickly." Grabbing the bucket, the young woman headed out of her house, her pace quickening as she began to worry over her mother more than usual.
Sienna took a bite out of the burger she was eating, her eyes set on a book she had right beside her tray. Due to her volunteering, she didn't have enough time anymore to study for any of her classes or do much of her homework. She usually did most of it on the half hour break she had while working. She was told she should just not volunteer while in school, but she didn't want to fall behind in her work either. Finishing the rest of her burger, she ate whatever fries she could and looked back down at her book, before she raised her head and saw someone standing beside the table and looking straight at her. "Um..." She swallowed and looked towards one of the exits in the cafeteria. "You can just go down there. Keep going down the hall and make a left and walk through that small hallway. You'll get to the front of the hospital and the exit will be right there." She turned back towards the male and smiled. "Is the person you're looking for a patient or a part of the staff?"
There's nothing wrong with having a small chest. I have a small chest, and yes, I do wish I was a size C or a B, but they will grow. I've been told eating onion helps make them grow but I won't even try that since I hate onion. Pretty much what the guys said, in order for a woman to be sexy, she must be comfortable in her own body. It's the confidence and attitude a woman has that can make a man think she is sexy. They will grow. Whether it's as you age or as soon as you have kids. Having children will make them grow, my mom told me this since she apparently was kind of small too before she had my brothers and I. It doesn't sound like your boyfriend really cares about what size your breasts are. If he doesn't complain about it, then he's happy. I can understand why you can feel bad because I tend to feel the same way with who I'm dating right now. Just give it some time. They'll grow. Just be confident with who you are.
Sienna continued taking in patients while her supervisor took care of the man with the large gash on her arm. She hadn't been at the hospital for long, but she was already beginning to feel tired. Then again, she wasn't surprised. Sighing quietly, finished with one last patient, taking them to a room where one of the doctors will treat them. Closing the door behind her, she placed the patient folder in a plastic container that hung against the wall right by the door. "Sienna? What're you doing here? You're supposed to be on break." Sienna turned around to see one other med student she knew. She opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it, looking down at the watch on her wrist. She bit down on her lip and laughed nervously as she returned her attention towards the student. "I guess I forgot." The girl shook her head before taking off, Sienna doing the same. She hadn't realized it, but she was rather hungry, and she was even more surprised she didn't hear her stomach growl while she was working. It would have been embarrassing if it was in front of a patient, but at least it would have reminded her she needed to eat. Now her main priority was to eat so she could function the rest of the day.
I have to agree with this. FES has another playthrough called The Answer. It's basically a playthrough about the events after the original game. I haven't played it, but I've heard it can be difficult. P3P is basically the same but you can choose the gender(Just without The Answer). But I guess it's mainly for the female protagonist's point of view. It's fun, but it doesn't have the anime cut scenes like P3 and P3FES has. You have a few different social links and new ones that the male protagonist didn't have. The gameplay is a lot easier. It has the same style as Persona 4 of being able to control what your party members should use as an attack and whatnot. It's less frustrating, to be honest. XD I say just choice between one of these.
I was actually thinking of making one after I finished the first part yesterday. >>; As much as I agree with Machina about it being centered on one person, I think it'd be a bad idea to kill off the Avatar. The whole show was/is about the Avatar so it'd be a little difficult to do an RP based off of the show without the Avatar. ...If I'm even making sense. Spoiler If an Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State, the line of Avatars will be destroyed permanently and there won't be anymore reborn. If you decide to go with Machina's idea, I suggest not killing him/her permanently. But I still think it'll be a little hard to find the Avatar and stuff since it'll only be a baby if you start it out like that. I also think that maybe an OC based RP would be better because the show is rather popular and I think a lot of people would want to be related to the characters. << I don't know. I was still pretty much brainstorming since I thought of the idea as well, but I also wasn't sure if I'd do it.
I did at one point simply see them as entertainment, but it eventually turned into both entertainment and art. I agree with Deadpool. Video games are wonderful ways to tell a story. They're much longer than a book, a show or a movie, so there's more detail added into a video game. I guess that can be a reason why people might say the games that are turned into movies aren't very good because they miss out on some of the details they might have seen in the game. Definitely. Again as Deadpool said, people put so much work into making a video game, that a person should consider it art. It's the same thing as with animated movies or shows. Some of the amount of work I've seen is just astonishing. Very rarely. So far, I guess there's only been two or three that really made me emotional and attached to the characters. It really depends on the story. If the story is amazing, I'll be hooked. I don't think I have. I guess it can just be a way to calm down and relax if you've had a long day. And to be honest, it's an amazing stress/anger reliever. There have been times where I have been so angry or stressed out that I would usually end up playing a game to release that anger. I have a habit of releasing my anger onto the wrong people, so going off and killing things in a game really helps me. I hate it. To be honest, it's stupid. If your kid is becoming violent because of a game, take it away and give him some children's game. I don't even like the fact my 11 year old cousin plays Call of Duty or any other shooting games. Why even let a child play those type of games in the first place? I really dislike that argument, and it's never the kid's fault, it's the parent's. They might. I don't really know. Nowadays, barely anyone can really afford anything, and I'm one of them. There have been quite a few games I really, really want but I don't have the money to buy them, and neither does anyone else I might ask the games from. It's really hard now. I think that maybe 60 dollars for a game is a bit much. Those Barbie games, and other things like that are for children so I can understand why they would make those. But I don't really see an issue with any of it to be honest. I guess an equal amount of those games, both for children and those for adults/teens, are being made. Too many sequels, and the game gets played out, but it also depends on the story itself. I guess an example would be Assassin's Creed. The games are amazing, but the amount of sequels they're giving it, with practically the same things over and over happening in the game, it can get a bit frustrating. But the games are still amazing. <<;; So I don't complain. The story and a bit of good graphics. But the story also has to get me emotionally attached to characters. << I'm serious. Or just make me like them at least. I've played some games(Kingdom Hearts specifically) that made me like the game, but I had little interest in the characters. It was difficult to really get into it and talk about a character someone might like or not like. The only game so far with the Kingdom Hearts series that made me like the characters is Birth By Sleep. If I don't feel attached to the characters, I'll feel as though something is just missing. Oh yeah. Persona 3 really made me think differently about a lot of things. So far, this has been the only game to make me so attached to the characters, the storyline, everything. Persona 3, for the above reason. To be honest, it was the first RPG game I actually played so I was really clueless about it all. And when I first started playing it, it didn't seem that special. I was told constantly by friends from high school that the game was amazing and that I would like it. I doubted it at first but when I got further into it, I just couldn't contain the amount of emotions it brought to me. My obsession with it might dim down a bit after a while, but it always just comes right back up. The game really made me think twice about life and friendships I made(as cheesy as that sounds). This really weird dirt bike game. I don't know why but it's just really fun watching my brother play it. XD
A loud sigh escaped Sienna lips as she chugged a large amount of water from her water bottle, her thirst finally being quenched. She drank a bit more before setting it down at the counter, putting the cap back on it before looking around the hospital she was in. She had a day off from school and ended up being called in to help out several nurses at the local hospital. Her sat at the counter, taking in patients while Sienna helped other nurses, occasionally taking blood, which was the only thing she was practically allowed to do. It was either that or file papers, she chose blood taking. "If you're just going to stand there, why don't you help me with these papers?" Sienna frowned and turned towards the counter, seeing her mother holding a folder filled with patient files. She smiled faintly before waving at her and taking one of the files on the counter. She quickly took off and headed towards one of the doctors that were supervising Sienna. She opened the folder and quickly noticed that this patient had a bite mark on his arm and a low fever. "That's odd," she muttered before handing the doctor the folder. "Patient has a bite mark and a fever of 99 degrees." The doctor nodded at her before the both of them entered the room, Sienna immediately noticing the man was shivering and holding a bloody cloth over his forearm. "I'm Doctor Jones and this is my assistant, Sienna. How can we help you today?" "It came after me!" The two quickly leaned back a bit by the sudden outburst, Sienna perking an eyebrow as she averted her gaze on the bloody cloth. The man began shouting about an animal-like thing biting off a large part of his arm, something that the two figured that it might have just been a large dog. The doctor removed the cloth and Sienna cringed, something she rarely did. The wound was rather large and they could clearly see part of the bone. The bitten area also looked as though it was infected. "That doesn't look as though it was a dog," Sienna said, turning her attention towards her supervisor. "I agree. Get me several bandages and a sedative." Sienna quickly nodded and went over to the drawers off to the side, taking out everything she needed before heading back to the patient and doctor. Sienna put on gloves and injected a sedative into the man so he'd calm down. She could feel the body heat coming from him and noticed he was beginning to sweat. Her eyes narrowed as she quickly took his temperature, seeing it had risen from 99 degrees to 101. "I think he should be admitted." She turned her attention towards the doctor who had briefly looked up at Sienna before going back and cleaning out the gash. "Go ahead and work with other patients. I'll finish with him." Sienna opened her mouth to speak but quickly closed it before nodding her head and walking over to the door. She momentarily looked over at the patient and the doctor before heading out of the room. She wasn't sure why, but she felt slightly uneasy. OOC: Long post. <<;
Username: Rem Name: Euphemia Age: 21 Appearance: Euphemia God: Artemis Emotion: N/A Weapon: A dagger she keeps strapped on her leg. Personality: Kind and slow to anger, Euphemia believes violence is not a way to solve anything and carries a deep hatred for the God-Emperor. She’s faithful to the Gods and can usually be found praying just about anywhere. She dislikes the idea of how her mother constantly tells her to not pray in public, but does it anyway, which has gotten her into trouble several times. She has made remarks many times that the Gods will punish the God-Emperor and give Greece back to the people, both simply to her mother and in public. Regardless, Euphemia is not afraid to voice her mind, even if it means risking her own life. Original Life: N/A Current Life: At a young age, Euphemia has always been one to worship the Gods. Her parents were part of a temple and she attended it regularly, becoming very religious as she grew up. Once she was old enough, she helped her parents out, and after they became too old to be in charge, she took over, becoming a priestess. And soon enough, she was the one responsible for keeping hope in the people of Greece. Her father died a year before it started and when it broke out, Euphemia tried her best to help those in need and constantly prayed to the Gods. However, the God-Emperor refused to let people be inspired and quickly destroyed the temple, leaving Euphemia and her mother distraught and in anger. Although her mother believed no matter how much they prayed, the Gods would not help them. Euphemia, on the other hand, knew that the Gods were not dead, and refused to give up on them. Other: She’s sometimes called Euphie by other people.
Username: Rem Name: Naoto Ozawa Gender: Female Alliance: Soul Society Age: 982 Appearance: Naoto Division: 5th Rank: Lieutenant Bio: Naoto joined the academy at an early age from the persistence of her guardian. She was homeless for a large number of years before being taken in by an old man, who noticed Naoto had a knack for fighting. During the time she was out in the streets, she was approached by countless people, figuring they could over power her and cause her harm. However, regardless of her appearance, Naoto proved those people wrong by constantly fighting back. It was at one point where she would challenge random men at fights so she could win money. When she was taken in, he taught her how to control the urge to fight and now mainly uses kidou unless she knows she must use her Zanpakuto. Personality: Naoto normally comes off as a serious person, but really isn’t. She’s quiet and calm, but can lose her temper fairly easy. If someone persists on irritating hr, she will fight back, but prefers to ignore them. She dislikes talking about herself and tends to avoid it. She was never really comfortable showing her emotions or opening herself up to someone. Not many people really know of her background because of this. Other: When wanting to release a cero when she has the mask on, Naoto points the palm of her hand towards the direction she wants to send it, releasing a red cero. Zanpakuto Name: Rensa-gatana Sealed Appearance: Rensa-gatana Spirit Appearance: Rensa-gatana Release Command: Multiply Shikai Appearance: Two swords that are chained from the end of their hilts. However, on the chain there are small daggers attached to it that hang loosely. There are about 15 daggers attached to the chain. Shikai Power: when Rensa-gatana is first released, it looks like it can’t do much, but the daggers on the chain are able to disappear and grow into the size of a normal sword. When those daggers separate themselves from the chain, they remain invisible and Naoto can control those daggers with a flick of her wrists. She can also make the size of the daggers either grow to the size of a normal sword, or stay the size they were when attached to the sword. Bankai Name: N/A Bankai Appearance: N/A Hollow Mask: Vizard Accept me now, Jeffreyleloserface. >B| Please? ;-;
Jesus Christ, this. That's one reason why I dislike the ocean, and also because of sharks. I prefer lakes now. And for blood, even if it's my own, I cringe. It's just horrible. I've been close to throwing up before just because a show had far too much blood. I have phobias of clowns, heights and lightning/thunder. They just scare the living hell out of me and I tend to just stay put somewhere, or I cower behind someone, which I did in public once. I kind of regret some of the crap that's happened between me and a few other members here, and I wish I still kind of spoke to those who I simply drifted apart from. I have a tendency to want to go back and redo some of the crap/mistakes I've done in my life. I really want to start a family now. I sometimes wish I was married already. I've become a bit indecisive about what I want to do with my life. I have a strong dislike for crowds and people, the reason I hate parties so much and just prefer to be in my room when my family decides to throw one. I'm pretty sure I have a severe case of claustrophobia. My family doesn't know about my depression, and I don't think they will ever know. My family thinks I only speak to my irl friends whenever I'm on the computer. I'm also pretty sure they think I'm on facebook all the time too. I cannot stand men who do drugs, drink excessively, and don't know when to pull their pants up.
Spoiler Otis died because Shane wanted to save himself from being killed by the Walkers. Remember it was Otis that accidentally shot Carl, and was even risking his own life to get the things Carl needed to stay alive. Shane shot Otis on the leg so he couldn't run away and leave him while the Walkers had something to distract themselves with while Shane ran away. I don't see how it's Carl's fault there, and same with Lori's pregnancy. It's her own fault for sleeping with Shane and then sleeping with her husband after he came back. Shane died because of Rick. Not necessarily his fault, but Rick was the one that killed him. Shane came back as a Walker and Carl killed him again. I already want it to be fall so I can see how the next season will go. I'm kind of excited to see the girl with the two dead Walkers on chains. I forgot her name but she seems pretty damn cool. I don't know who I want to die or who I'm expecting to die. Seeing as how the characters I wasn't fond of or just didn't care about are gone, it can be just about anyone now.
>B| >B| I don't know why I'm leaving you this. XD I'm bored and exhausted and you'll probably never see this. But... HI. XDD
The ending to season 4 really was heartbreaking. First time I cried in the show. ;__; And then season 5 just makes everything worse. I'm currently on season 6 and so far it isn't depressing.