Naoto kept her eyes forward as soon as she heard Captain Toresai start the meeting. She already had an idea of what was happening, only by what her own Captain had briefly told her. However, she and many others were needed and she was not about to reject her. With all of these disappearances, I just wonder if someone else is going to end up disappearing. The young woman bit her lip lightly at the thought; she was afraid of what might happen, however, she couldn't show it. She didn't want to show it. As soon as she heard Arashi be named second in command, Naoto's brows perked up and she quickly turned towards her Captain. Her lips parted as she wanted to say something but quickly closed it and faced forward again. She was incredibly surprised, but then again, she figured she shouldn't be. Besides his manner, Captain Zanshou was strong and smart. A small smile formed on her lips, kind of happy to know her captain was second in power in the group, however, the smile quickly faded, seeing Captain Toresai approach Arashi. The low tone peeked the girls' interest. Her eyes narrowed as she watched Arashi quickly walk away; she momentarily turned her attention towards Sano before quickly following after Arashi. "Everything okay?"
Joan's feet pressed against the stone hand, listening as the rest made their landing as well. Standing up straight, the young woman looked around, listening to Lucifel as she began to walk towards the edge of the hand. As she listened, a frown formed on the girl's lips, slightly upset at the idea of "mopping up" the other Fallen. Her eyes narrowed as she gazed beyond the area they were in. A sudden tug on her hand surprised her, cutting off her train of thought; lowering her gaze, she saw an ordinary looking sword and made herself appear rather confused as to why it was even in her hand. Looking towards the others, Joan already saw what she needed to do. Inhaling deeply, the girl turned her attention towards the ring closest to her. Gripping the hilt of the sword with both of her hands, she clenched it tightly and charged forward, swinging the blade with as much force possible. With a loud clank, Joan stumbled back and shook her arm lightly, lowering the sword back down to her side.
Hazel eyes slowly opened as the figures before Joan jumped to their destination. The cloth covering her mouth lowered to the woman's neck, her lips parting as she made her way to the edge of ground beneath her feet. She wasn't hesitating, but she knew by jumping she'd only end up seeing the things she disliked greatly. She wasn't sure how things would start, but she already had a bit of an idea on how it would end. Sighing lowly Joan turned away from the edge, crossing her arms around her stomach as she eyed the few that stood left. The thought of returning to Earth never came to Joan's mind; she figured she'd stay up with the Angels forever, but even the thought of returning to Earth slightly scared the poor girl. It made her think of a couple things she only wishes would wash away from her memory. A chill ran down the girl's spin, making her arch her back and tremble slightly, her arms hugging at her stomach slightly tighter. "Jump." Oh, how much she wanted to refuse that simple word. A small frown formed on the girl's lips before she suddenly turned back and ran forward, following after those that had gone before her. Her lips pressed tightly together as her eyes closed, her hand bringing the cloth back to her mouth.
Sienna's eyes grew wide as she watched the "zombie" continue to struggle with a syringe through its forehead. she stumbled backwards, covering her mouth with her hands as she attempted to hold in a scream. A sudden yelp escaped her lips as Scott drove the syringe through the person's eye. "Oh God," she mumbled, turning away from the body and Scott. "H-How do you know all of this...?" She managed to say. She opened her mouth once more before quickly turning her attention towards the door, hearing people screaming on the other side. "W-What about you?!" She wanted to run, but she was too involved with Scott now.
Naoto shook her head lightly and pulled her hand away from her Captain's grip, rubbing her forehead as she looked around. He needs to stop doing things so sudden. Sighing out lowly Naoto took a step away from Arashi and looked around, seeing the three of them were the only ones there. She clasped her hands behind her back as she stood beside Arashi before a frowned formed on her lips as she looked up at her Captain. "I am not getting you any food," she stated, glaring at the man before averting her gaze elsewhere. "The alcohol you have in your system should be good enough."
Sienna bit down on her lip as she listened to everything Scott told her. She remembered hearing about that story, but she figured it must have been just been a severe case of tuberculosis. She didn't think it would have been something that turned people into what this man looks like now. Inhaling deeply, Sienna stepped closer to Scott when the door closed, her attention shifting from the syringe in Scott's hand, to the man on the table. If Scott was right, then they could tell the rest of the hospital. However if he was wrong, this would be seen as murder and she would be considered an accomplice. "I don't know..." Sienna took a step away from Scott and covered her face with her hands, closing her eyes tightly as she attempted to make her mind. The snarls and growls coming from the man scared her and only made the situation even more difficult for her to decide. But it wasn't normal. "Prove it!"
You are not a virgin. >B| ...<<;; Spoiler
M = 4.35 F = 5.9 I'm not surprised that the femininity is kind of high. >> But the masculinity...a little.
Bai covered one ear with her hand, barely being able to hear what the King was telling the group. You've got to be kidding me. She didn't really have many belongings - well, actually, she had none. However, she wanted to rest for a bit. She wasn't technically tired from the fighting earlier, but she wanted to get her mind set on how the Fire Nation invaded Ba Sing Se so quickly. Sighing lowly, she watched the group head off and stayed put for a moment, wondering if she really should join them or not. She wasn't one for groups, and seeing how large the group was, it actually kind of bothered her. However, she knew she couldn't stay in Ba Sing Se. She needed to leave. The woman's lips pressed tightly together as she gave herself one last thought; the next thing she knew, her feet were moving forward towards the group, following after them. The one thing that actually peeked her interest were those scrolls the King spoke of. I wonder if they'll have anything I don't already know.
Sienna's eyes narrowed as she stared at Scott, wondering what exactly this boy knew. "Can you at least tell me-" Sienna suddenly gasped and turned in the direction the scream had come from, watching Scott take off before quickly following after him. Coming to a halt, she watched the scene unfold, covering her mouth before pushing her way through the crowd. She caught a glimpse of the nurse's wound, quickly realizing it was the same...depth as the one she had seen earlier on the other patient she took care of. She looked towards the one that caused it, noticing there was something off about that one. She turned around and watched Scott take off in the direction they had taken the man. She looked around, watching several nurses and security guards attempt to calm down everyone in the hospital. Biting her lip, Sienna turned around and went into the room Scott was, momentarily turning her attention towards the man. She shivered slightly as she slowly made her way around him, quickly grabbing Scott's arm when she was close enough to him. "What're you doing?"
"As much as I agree with what," Bai paused and looked at Aria, straining to figure out whatever the girl's name was until she realized they never met before. Clearing her throat, she crossed her arms and lowered her head. "She said, we're too large of a group." She rubbed her chin thoughtfully and stared down at the ground, thinking back on what the few had said. They pretty much had someone belonging to every nation and with that alone, they could possibly get far. However, she believed not very fair. She believed the only one who could not bend any of the elements would be Aria for being an Kyoshi Warrior. But she never doubted those women. They were strong and she has seen them first hand before on what kind of damage they can do. They were fast and strong; bending an element won't always get a person too far. "I suggest we split into smaller groups if any of us plan on becoming a group to take on the Fire Lord. If that even is the King's intention." She momentarily averted her gaze towards the king, bowing slightly before she returned her attention towards the group.
Naoto turned when she heard Hatsu's voice and nodded in return, a small smile forming on her lips. She wasn't expecting to see him here, let alone hear what he had to say to the both of them. She perked an eyebrow as she lowered her eyes, crossing her arms in thought. "That's quite a few people," Naoto muttered as she listened to the list of people that would join her and her Captain. Lowering her hands down to her sides, Naoto stepped forward when Arashi tugged on her shoulder. The group was large to her but she figured the more the better. Just in case anything were to happen. "When will we leave?" she asked, returning her attention to Hatsu as she placed her hands on her hips.
Bai trailed behind the guard and the others, her eyes shifting from every corner of the city they had walked through. Entering the palace, she saw even more damage and was surprised that the fire benders were even able to get in. I guess this should have been the first place I should have come to. Bai bit down on her lip lightly and momentarily closed her eyes. She was glad for the most part that the Fire Nation soldiers retreated, but she probably would have felt better if the palace wasn't damaged. At least the king is still alive. Perking an eyebrow, Bai cocked her head to the side and stared at the guard. "What does the king want with us?" A frown formed on her lips when no response came and stopped behind the others when she figured they came to where they needed to be. She opened her mouth to speak once more but quickly closed it when a pillar shot up beneath their feet. When it came to a halt, Bai quickly covered her ears and turned around, seeing the King. OOC: Sorry for late reply. >< Been busy.
Bai's breathing became heavy as she dashed through the streets of Ba Sing Se, listening to several Fire Bending soldiers chase behind her. There's less, so I guess that's a good thing. The area she was in had less smoke but it was still difficult to breathe, and so every turn she's made she has ran into a soldier belonging to the Fire Nation. Bai narrowed her eyes as she saw two more Fire Nation soldiers in front of her; she could feel the heat from the benders behind her with their attempts to stop her and before the two ahead could fire bend, Bai quickly pushed her hands out to her sides, pillars forming beneath the soldiers' feet and pushing them into the buildings beside them. Turning around, she flicked her hands as three separate boulders coming out of the ground, sending the three to the soldiers who had been chasing her. Grinning, Bai took off once more as she covered her mouth, the smoke making it hard to breathe and see what was in front of her. Once clear, however, she gasped loudly as she came across a pit, and stopped just in time before falling in it. "W-What the...? That's a big hole," she muttered under her breath. Slowly moving her way around it, Bai looked up and noticed two boys close by talking amongst each other. I guess one of those two must have done it. She was ready to seal the thing up in case anyone besides Fire Nation soldiers came across it until she noticed one coming up behind the two men(Jian and Horus). It was only one so...Bai stomped her foot as a large enough rock came in front of her. She took it in her hand and threw the rock at the soldier, knocking him unconscious, or possibly even dead but she doubted it. Sighing out quietly, she crossed her arms and turned her attention back towards the two men.
When posting, the box is rather bright. It's rather hard to read anything. It's the same when posting a VM. Another thing is when searching through a user's post, it's white and hard to read as well.
Naoto rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, following after her Captain. "For all we know, that captain could just be a simple traitor," she muttered under her breath as she averted her gaze down to the ground. She opened her mouth to speak once more but quickly closed it, stepping closer to her captain as she perked an eyebrow. "What do we need to do?" She lowered her arms down to her sides before putting her hands on her hips, a frown forming on her lips as she glared at her captain. "Are you hiding something?" Narrowing her eyes, Naoto sighed and turned to the side a bit. "You're a captain. Of course you'd hide something," she mumbled before turning her attention back to Arashi, quickly following after him to walk beside him. "Lieutenant Hatsuharu? Why would he be coming here?"
Bai rounded one more corner before looking over her shoulder once, seeing someone else following her. What the... Making a sharp turn, the young woman quickly came to a halt, hearing people screaming from just about any direction. Attempting to regain her breath, Bai took a couple steps forward before seeing buildings catch fire. She stumbled backwards and covered her mouth, coughing as she inhaled smoke. They're here?! She brought her coat over her mouth and slowly made her way forward, seeing several fire benders about. Narrowing her eyes, Bai flicked her free hand, forming pillars beneath the fire benders' feet and sending them flying. She raised her arm up, causing a pillar to form beneath her own feet. It quickly rose up to the sky just above all of the smoke. Moving the coat away from her mouth and nose, Bai looked around Ba Sing Se, seeing a large amount of it in fire. "I didn't think they'd get here so quickly." Bai felt the ground rumble as she saw balls of fire being shot towards the city, one specifically heading her way. Cursing under her breath, Bai quickly jumped of the pillar and landed on a rooftop, dodging the fire in time. Turning her head, she saw a few more fire balls head in her direction; this time, she rose her arms up again, letting a wall of rock form in front of her. She jumped off of the rooftop and headed down the street, earth bending her way out of any fire benders in her path.
Finally! Bai sighed out quietly as she finally made it into the city, closing the passage way she had created with earth bending. Looking around, she saw no guards and quickly ran through a couple of alleyways until she was in the streets of Ba Sing Se. A smile formed on her lips as she started walking towards the food stands. Once there, she quickly saw a large crowd, gathering around to buy their food. The smile on her lips grew as she lowered her head and made her way through, eyeing anything she could possibly eat. She saw a couple of earth bending guards but with how big the crowd was, she could easily get away with stealing food. Setting her eyes on a couple of stands, she quickly grabbed whatever she could and placed them inside a small pouch she had hanging on her side. Coming to one last stand, she listened to the seller attempting to make her buy just about anything he had to often. Bai smiled and shook her head, looking at some of the fruits that were laid out on the stand. "Thief!" Bai gasped and quickly turned around, watching as people moved away, a man running through the open path while guards chased after him. Sighing in relief, Bai quickly took the chance to grab an apple, quickly turning away as she began to walk away from the stand. She quickly placed it inside the pouch but quickly felt her arm be grabbed and forced to turn around. The seller glared at Bai, seeing the apple in her hand. "Guards, guards! Thief!" Damn it! Bai cursed under her breath and kicked the seller, taking off as soon as he had let go of her arm. She heard the voices of guards following after and when she turned around, she saw quite a few. As much as she wanted to earth bend her way out of the situation, she also didn't want to make herself known that she was an earth bender. Then again, she was in Ba Sing Se. Inhaling deeply, Bai turned around, sliding her foot across the floor before stomping it and pushing her hands forward, sending a small wave of earth towards the guards. Some were sent flying while others quickly earth bended themselves. Bai turned a corner, entering an alleyway before exiting out the other way. Looking over her shoulder, she saw just two more guards left.
"Stupid Fire Nation!" A wave of rocks sprung out of the ground and rushed forward, knocking down any trees in its path. Bai inhaled deeply and stomped her foot on the ground, raising her arms up as a boulder separated itself from the ground. Clenching her hand into a fist, the young woman punched forward, sending the boulder in a different direction. Bai's lips pressed together tightly as she slowly stood up straight, turning around to face Ba Sing Se. She was frustrated with the turn of events, and with how things were going with the Fire Nation, it would be only a matter of time before they took over the rest of the world. Narrowing her eyes, Bai rubbed the back of her neck and headed over to a small camp she had made the night before. She dropped onto the ground, sprawling her arms and legs as she stared up at the trees. "I can't believe I actually want to go home." The sound of her stomach growling caused her to quickly sit up straight and frown. She had no food with her and sneaking into Ba Sing Se was always a pain. However, it was usually worth it. Great. Sighing loudly, Bai quickly rose up to her feet and headed towards the city. She usually had money with her, but this time she ran out with what she had to get the night before. She's not one for hunting, but she is one for gambling. That was the only way she could get money...other than stealing, of course. The only thing she did steal was food, something she was rather good at. She pulled a large coat over herself, a hood practically covering half of her face. "I should just start living in the city if I'm going to mooch off of it."
Sienna watched as the cafeteria slowly emptied until it was only the two left. She suddenly felt uneasy again and followed after Scott, looking around as she saw someone she recognized quickly leave the hospital. What's going on? Opening her mouth to speak, Sienna returned her attention towards Scott, recalling of the man she and her supervisor assisted. "Actually...there was," she muttered, averting her gaze to look down at the ground. Remembering what the wound looked like and the male's symptoms, Sienna returned her attention towards Scott and stepped forward. "He had a large gash on his arm. It looked infected and my supervisor and I assumed it was simply a dog bite. But it was too large and too deep. He had a high fever and I left him alone with my supervisor. Why? Do you know what's going on?"