For a moment, I had the idea this was going to be a very happy, simple love story but then it just made me rather sad. Your writing style has improved very much since the last time I saw it, and I'm quite happy. I didn't see any mistakes really, and I'm quite happy to see you've improved so much. 8D I have to agree with muff monkey. Women(not all of them) do tend to marry men that are like their fathers, and when you first mentioned him, I thought he's some totally sweet guy or something. But I did realize it was in a negative way. It's very heartbreaking, like muff monkey said, but heartbreaking stories are somehow always the best kind.
I've done my own share of thinking on this and now I'm simply against having a separate usergroup. I'm all up for the perks and whatnot, but not having another usergroup added onto the site. If you guys actually want to simply boost up the activity in khv, then just boost up the requirements for being a Prem. 2,500 posts would be perfect. As Chev has said, having another usergroup on here will only confuse other new members(or those that return from a break or something) and will only cause more crap about the colors. And just by saying, "No. This is the only color you will have." Not everyone is going to be happy with that. You've all have already seen how people are when deciding colors for Prems. Hot pink, no teal, no bring rainbow back. It's going to be exactly like that, and you're only going to end up hearing people complain and nag about it. It's only going to give people headaches, especially the staff. Just boost up the requirements if your real reason for this is simply activity on here. By having a 2,500 post requirement(and of course how long you've been here and possibly even rep.) it will make people a lot happy. And raise up the perks as well. Give everything this "Noble" group would have had to the Prems(minus the teal color name). It's so much more easier than having people confused and fighting over this new usergroup.
Question, is the name of the group going to stay as Noble or is it still being discussed?
Kind of. I don't care much for them.
I actually really like this idea and it's most likely going to get me back into replying into threads. However, I honestly think that the title of the name should not be something so...I think ******-y is the only word coming to mind. I guess in some way it sounds egotistical. The idea of it is wonderful, but I feel that either the name should be changed to something less egotistical or it should just be like a random perk once a member reaches 3,000 or whatever post count you're going to try setting it on. Once a person reaches whatever post count you guys will set it on, they can get a pin, bigger avatar sizes, more sig space and I guess that can be pretty much it. I just feel like eventually, people are going to complain about how some members that might be "Nobles" are total jerks, and then it just leads to meaningless tension and whatnot. I already know people are going to come in and be all, "We want the usergroupppp." Then just change the name because the name is going to end up bugging a lot of members, myself included. It's already bugging me. Noble is nice, but it still sounds egotistical to me. I like "Veteran"(saw libregkd post it in that Elite awareness thread and I liked it.)
I'm good as well. Just bored.
Helloooo~ How are you?
1. Why won't you play Persona 3 and 4? 2. How hot is it over there? 3. Give my dogs a bath for me? ;_; 4. The blue left my nails stained for a while. >< A different color? 5. Cosplay Machi with meeee. 6. Can you kick my brother out so I can finally have his room? 7. What would you name the Rottweiler German Shepherd mix whenever we got it? No naming it Francine again either! 8. I want a boy Beagle. >< 9. Come spoil me? 10. Go clean your room. Now.
I've contacted a vet, but I've gotten no response back. The two have been behaving rather well so far but whenever I see a sudden aggressive movement from either of them, I separate them. The article was quite helpful, actually. I guess I kind of know what the problem might be with this sudden tension. Any issues before with Rex was just that he's always been aggressive towards other dogs. Specifically ones he doesn't know. The only times I've seen him snap at Boomer or my other dog would only be because of food or something, but that's really rare unless Rex is incredibly hungry. Thank you for the article though. It was helpful.
My name is Gwen, I'm seventeen-years-old, and I'm from District I. My main sponsor is Rem and this is what I look like. People say that if I were to use any kind of weapon, it'd be small knives, and that I specialize in hand-to-hand combat. I'm going to be a Tribute in The Hunger Games - there's going to be twenty-three other people out for my blood. I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I guess I could say that I feel a little scared, to be honest. I'll have to do my best to survive. Personality: Gwen has always been the type to be quiet and keep to herself. She's grown used to being forced to be kind to those in her district. She already knows that being part of the first district leads to people hating her, but she wishes she could prove them otherwise. She has a rather curious heart, but she knows very well she needs to be cautious while part of the Games. History: Being the only girl in her family, Gwen was incredibly spoiled by her father and usually wasn't allowed to do many things. Her mother rarely paid much attention to her, leading Gwen to resent her family and her life style. She's developed a bit of hatred towards her own district, but keeps her feelings to herself. The only thing she does now is wish she had been born in a completely different district. Gwen had two much older brothers who would constantly try protecting her, and were the complete opposite of her. She lost the oldest in the last tribute and because of this, she forced her remaining brother to show her how to defend herself. Just because she's petite and looks rather fragile doesn't mean Gwen will let herself be killed so easily. Fears: Dying from a natural cause. May the odds be ever in your favor!
1. My dogs have been bad. Come train them? ;-; 2. Why can't I have Francine? >< 3. What is your favorite holiday? ...Besides your birthday. >B| 4. IMPRESSIONS. 5. Ice cream cake or chocolate cake? 6. Can you buy me a Beagle? 7. Why can't I have a Honda? >< 8. I want a German Shepherd. ;__; 9. Buy me The Walking Dead comics? 10. What color should I paint my nails next? No red!
I'm sorry this is so long. adalikfrfbg Four about four/five years now, I've had a black Labrador Pitbull mix(we're assuming he's part pitbull since he kind of looks like one). When we had gotten him, we already had three other dogs, three chihuahuas. There was never any issues between the three and him because I guess Rex(lab mix's name) already knew he was going to end up being the dominant one since he's the largest. I didn't like him at first because of the fact I had no idea how to train a large dog(he the first we've had in YEARS.) and he was constantly destroying things. Ripping plants out of their roots, tearing apart the water bowl, trying to "fight"(it was more playful fighting) with the chihuahuas. It was really difficult for me to even love him because I have this issue with death, and I had lost a dog a couple years ago I really adored, and she adored me, really suddenly. I guess she had randomly gotten sick, she died, and I was too afraid to deal with the pain of losing another pet. Now, last year, my brother and his ex girlfriend ended up bringing in a pure Red-Nose Pitbull from someone who apparently was moving and couldn't bring the dog along with them. The dog was only two months old and I automatically got attached to it. I don't know what it was, but I just fell in love with that poor thing. However, I knew I couldn't get so attached the dog wasn't mine, and belonged to my brother and his ex girlfriend. My brother named him Boomer and we kept him here at our house. Now, my brother and his ex had this thing where they would bring in dogs that "belonged" to them but would drop them in my room while they went to his room and made out. That was the case with Boomer and his ex's dog too. I became responsible for feeding, bathing, giving water, taking the dog out to go to the bathroom. I didn't like it but I figured I had no other choice. Because of this, the dog immediately saw me as his mother, and I am still his mother to this day. I am the owner/mother of Boomer, not my brother nor his ex. After it seemed like the dog would have to stay at our house permanently my mom said she didn't want the dog staying inside, so we had to train Rex to be used to Boomer(who was still a puppy). Rex must have known that Boomer was going to be a large dog so he became very aggressive towards him and whenever we would let him near Boomer while outside, he'd attack him. Eventually, Rex did get used to him and left Boomer outside in the backyard with him. I guess Boomer thought Rex was his dad or his brother because eventually those two got pretty attached to one another. It was to the point where if I took Rex out for a walk, Boomer would be crying and wailing the entire time. And if I took Boomer out, Rex would crying and probably slam himself against the gate as if a way to get through to Boomer. This wasn't much of a problem, but I'm sure it might have something to be with Separation Anxiety or something. But anyway, now two days ago, my brother had taken out this stuffed dog that his ex had given him. He didn't want it anymore and I guess he wanted the dogs to tear it apart. The dogs just sniffed it, but then my brother cut a hole in it and shoved food in it. Rex knew what to do and eventually got the food. Later that day, I had gone out to bring in their food and I decided to show Boomer I had some kibbles in my hand and shoved it into that hole. Boomer is trained so he automatically sat down and waited for me to give it to him. I took a kibble out, showed it him and put it back in. He eventually realized he was supposed to get it himself and eventually shoved his nose into the hole and started eating. However, Rex saw this and approached Boomer and started growling at him. Before, Boomer would back off and whine whenever Rex would growl at him over something. Occasionally he would even hide behind me. This time, Boomer did not back off and Rex snapped at him. They ended up actually fighting. Like actual fighting. I had no idea what to do because that was the first time I saw them fight. I yelled for my brothers, one ran out and quickly grabbed a stick, and the dogs separated. Obviously it was over food so we just left the toy alone and expected the dogs to eventually tear it apart. The next day, yesterday, I had gotten up to feed the dogs and sometimes Boomer would either follow me to the door or just stay wherever he was and just watch me leave. Yesterday he decided to run ahead of me to the door. The stuffed dog was just on the floor and Boomer had walked by it when Rex suddenly charged forward and stood between Boomer and the toy. I quickly knew they'd end up fighting. I grabbed Boomer's collar and smacked Rex on the nose several times to get him to back off. When he wouldn't, I decided I would move between them and push them away from one another. However, as soon as I had let go of Boomer's collar, Boomer snapped and they fought again. I had gotten them by their necks and ripped them apart from one another, but I ended up falling back and letting them go by accident. They attacked again and that's when I grabbed a stick and they broke off. I ended up separating them from each other for about an hour and I had told my brother to throw away the stuffed dog, since this time it was over that. My mom threatened to put them down if they fought one more time. Today, I had gone out to feed them again and this time, I felt like this tension between those two. Yesterday throughout the day, there really wasn't one but today just felt odd. Rex got near me and I noticed Boomer suddenly get defensive and just watch him. I quickly pushed Boomer away and he followed me. Now, when I was going to come back inside, Boomer had been waiting for me at the door. When I was walking towards it, he came up to me and I just started petting him. I wasn't hearing Rex eating so I turned towards the garage and just said, "What? What's going on?" to him. He came running towards me and came to my opposite side. I started petting him and I noticed Boomer seemed...jealous? I don't know. It looked like he was jealous but also afraid of Rex. So to just make him feel better, I started petting the both of them at once. But then again, I noticed the two staring each other down so I quickly pushed them away and went to the door. Boomer quickly came in front of me and kept looking at Rex then at the door, then back at Rex. I have no idea what to make of this. I'm afraid they're going to start fighting over me now, and I don't want that. There is no way in hell I'm giving those two up. I'm wondering if it's just out of jealousy or if it's dominance issues? I kind of want to talk to a vet about this, but we have absolutely no money so I can't take them to one. It was even a miracle we were able to get them neutered last year. I know a lot about dogs, but this is the first time owning two large dogs that I can train and I have no idea how to do that without them snapping at each other. I don't even know what to do. First time I even owned a large dog was when I was like 4 or 5. So it wasn't my responsibility and now I don't know what to do. EDIT: And for the record, Rex has always been aggressive towards other dogs he didn't know. This is the first time he's really fought with one he did know so I'm rather worried about this.
1. Mine? <3 2. Do you love me? ;--; 3. Can I have Francine? ;___; 4. Can I have a Honda when we're married? 5. Can we name our next girl Gwen? ; ; 6. Let's move in together? <3 7. All and forever mine? ;~; 8. Go kill that jerkface that cut me off earlier when I was driving? 9. My Machi. <33 10. I'M HERE WITHOUT YOU BABY BUT YOU'RE STILL ON MY LONELY MIND I THINK ABOUT YOU BABY AND I DREAM ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME I'M HERE WITHOUT YOU BABY BUT YOU'RE STILL WITH ME IN MY DREAMS AND TONIGHT IT'S ONLY YOU AND MEEEE~ I love you. <3
Joan stumbled forward as soon as the hand made contact with the ground, her arms stretching forward as she tried to regain her balance. She slowly stood up straight as she began to scan the area they were now in. This is...? The young woman followed after Elias, tapping her feet against the ground. Everything had changed. She was never expecting to see Earth like this, let alone even imagined it. Her lips parted as she lowered the cloth away from her mouth, taking several steps forward as she continued to look in every direction she could. "Don't be afraid." Joan jumped slightly as she turned, her Guardian Angel now standing right behind her. Her lips pressed tightly together as she nodded at Gabriel, turning her attention back ahead of her. She wasn't sure how she should react to any of this. True, she was feeling slightly afraid, but at most, she felt a bit angry as well; she couldn't believe that the Fallen had caused Earth to become like this. She was now beginning to feel that she should kill them, but when the time would come, she knew she would not be able to do it. She figured she'd have to leave that kind of "dirty" work to the others. I can't avoid it. Sighing lowly, Joan momentarily closed her eyes and clenched her hands into fists. "How did they do this?"
You know she loves you. ;-;
Naoto frowned slightly at Arashi's comment and quietly followed behind him. She stopped for a moment and stared at the gate; they were finally going through, and she couldn't help but feel nervous about it. She wasn't sure what would end up happening, but with a large group like this one, she hoped there wouldn't be much of a problem. Inhaling deeply, Naoto ran forward, catching up with Arashi. She averted her attention briefly towards her captain before turning it towards the guard. A frown graced the girl's lips, automatically assuming Arashi must have had some form of quarrel with them. She could only hope Arashi would behave while on this mission. Sighing lowly, Naoto kept close to her captain, stepping through the gates right behind him.
Euphemia dropped the bucket of water onto the group, the door of her home closing right behind before she leaned against it. She placed her hand over her chest as she leaned forward, panting; she had practically sprinted her way back home, and by how she was running, the bucket of water was half way empty now. A bead of sweat rolled down her temple as she regained her breath, picking the bucket back up. The young woman made her way towards her mother's bedside, seeing she was still asleep. A faint smile formed on the girl's lips as she gently placed the bucket beside the bed, Euphemia kneeling down at her mother's bedside. "I'm home." She grabbed her mother's hand, gently squeezing it before she rose back to her feet. Her smile faded as her body began trembling, her mind returning to what had happened to the pool of water. How did I... Euphemia shook her head lightly and made her way towards a different part of her home, sitting down on a chair that sat against a wall. Maybe she was just imagining things, however, she doubted it. It was solid ice, and she knew it. Her lips pressed tightly together as her attention shifted towards the bucket of water she had brought home. They needed that water, but it couldn't hurt to at least try again. ...Right? Her brows furrowed as she rose to her feet and made her way towards the bucket; she knelt down and stared down at the water. "I shouldn't do this..." she muttered, her eyes momentarily turning to her mother as she heard her move. As soon as she saw her mother did not wake up, Euphemia slowly moved her hand over the bucket and slowly lowered it to the water. Hesitantly for a moment, she pulled her hand back and closed her eyes tightly. Making one last thought, she kept her eyes closed and quickly moved her hand down to the water. She opened her eyes and looked down at the bucket, seeing the water had turned to ice.
I actually started writing probably when I was in 10th grade. I already had a tendency to go buy small little notebooks so I could write in them, whether it was just about my day or my own thoughts. But I actually started writing stories when I had to write a story for a college English course. It had to be like 12 pages long so I ended up writing a rather lame love story. <__< But that was what pretty much started it. At first my writing was really bad, but it eventually changed and I got better. Now I mainly use writing to probably just relieve a lot of stress I might hold and a lot of ideas as well, the reason I never seem to finish or keep on track with something. And out of everything I've written, I'm only proud of one, one-shot story, which was also a bit of a love story. Music has become a rather big motivation. I always end up listening to a song that might have something to do with what I'm writing, so I just end up listening to that same song over and over and over again until I just lose interest. That sounds bad but it's always been like that for me. However, if it's not music then I just pretty much lack the motivation to really do much with what I want to write. When I do lack motivation, I always end up trying to find something that will bring it back, whether it's music, or possibly even a game.
Am I really the only one with the colored name? @-@