Username: Rem Name: Ivy Rouge Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Appearance: Ivy Class: Twelve Weapon: Staff Spells: Wall - A spell that generates a large glass-like barrier to stop incoming attacks until it is broken or dismissed. Blizzard - Launches a blast of cold magic than can freeze an enemy solid. Thunder - A lightning-based attack spell. Abilities: Sphera - When used, several white orbs suddenly surround the caster and expands about two feet away from her, damaging and pushing away anything surrounding her. Heat Breath - Deals fire damage to enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster. Guard-Off - Lowers the target's defense. Bio: Ivy isn’t very well known in her class due to her pleasure in keeping out of the spotlight, but those that do know her, they know well she is skilled in her abilities. She originally wanted to be part of a different class, figuring being a Blue Mage wouldn’t allow her really let loss, but she has grown fond of her class and how it has drastically changed her as a person, physically and mentally. Personality: Quiet and calm, Ivy enjoys being independent and in most cases can be found either in the garden or even in the library reading. She chooses to practice and enhance her abilities on her own time, but her teachers sometimes force her to work with others. Other: Ivy knows herself well enough to know she is stronger when it comes to magic, but she’s not weak physically either.
I'VE MISSED YOU TOO. ;--; I'm doing okay! Just waiting for school to start. I go back tomorrow. 8D8 Aw. Well, I guess that's better than being...
YES. THIS IS AURA. Why do you keep disappearing?! ;__;
I've been seeing these everywhere and I've been debating whether or not I should post in these types of threads but I might as well. >_> I was a mute in high school. Don't be a mute. Because I never spoke to people(I was even amazed I made friends) I was labeled as a shy person. AND THEN I WON SHYEST IN SENIOR YEAR WHICH MADE ME MAD. I was/am a shy person, but I was/am more reserved really. If someone spoke to me, I'd talk back to them but I never really kept conversations with people because I hated almost everyone. High school wasn't all that fun for me. Looking back at it now, I honestly hated it and I'm not missing it. What I am missing though is college. I go back on the 28th of this month and I'm excited. I never felt excitement for high school, which I guess is disappointing, but I prefer college. IT'S BETTER.
Issue One: You really need to speak to your friend about her boyfriend. I've been through that crap before and it's incredibly degrading. He doesn't sound like that great of a guy so you need to speak to your friend in private and away from him. You are not overreacting and I think your friend deserve much better than the person she is currently with. By the sounds of it, she's been with this person for more than just a few months, so she has the mentality that he's perfectly fine, and for all you know, she might think she's the one at fault for everything. I've had that same mentality and I still tend to every now and then when I'm extremely depressed. It sucks, and it only depresses me further. You need to speak to her before something ends up happening between you two and you can no longer help her. Issue Two: I think all I can really tell you for this issue is to just talk with her and tell her the things she's saying is upsetting you. That's all you can really do at the moment. If she stops, then good. She understood and you can move on. If she just keeps it up, then you need to reconsider the friendship. She doesn't sound like she's very accepting towards people that are bisexual, but it's best to not just make an assumption. Just have a talk with her and hopefully she stops.
In all honesty, I used to have the mentally that it's better to wait for marriage, but now I just don't care, mainly because I'm no longer religious. Just as long as you're not sleeping with every single person you hook up with. I think that's my only issue with the idea of sex. A lot of people are pretty much sleeping with each other as soon as they hook up nowadays. Another thing, unless someone is willing to wear protection if I do decide to sleep with my partner before marriage, there needs to be protection or else we'll just have to wait. I'd rather not end up with an unplanned pregnancy and struggle to take care of a child. A person needs to be responsible when it comes to sex before marriage.
As it's been said already, it depends. I don't think I've ever changed my interests just to get the person I liked to notice me. And strangely enough those that had a crush on me had the same interests as me yet I never liked them. <_< It's completely different if a person chooses to change themselves drastically. Like what they wear, how they act, etc. What you've done is perfectly fine. You're keeping an open mind, but as it's also been said, if you end up hating it, don't pretend to be completely in love with it. It's better to just know what it is if the topic comes up than to not know and appear close minded.
I'm not sure if it's been brought up to you guys or not, but it'd be wonderful to bring back post templates. A lot of members, especially those that RP, used them.
I'm actually still somewhat of a new driver. I got my permit towards the end of last year and it took me three weeks to get my license(had to take twice since the lady that tested me the first time was a jerk). So I've been a licensed driver for about eight months now. When I first started driving, I drove a 2003 Ford Focus. It was my brother's so I had to share with him. And then at the same time, I'd switch to a 2006 Chrysler van whenever the Ford wasn't avaliable. The Ford is practically dead now, and we ended up trading in the Chrysler for a 2012 Honda Civic. So now I drive that and it's amazing.
There should be a pink bow on there!
I kind of have to agree with Misty. However, just because you're a guy doesn't mean your a pedo. Women can be pedophiles. The only other thing that bugs me though is why would you let your child be unaccompanied on an airplane? Let alone anywhere when they're barely 10 years old. The policy of the airline is sexist. Again, women can be pedophiles too, not only men. I really hope the policy is changed that no adult, man or woman, can sit next to an unaccompanied minor. Regardless however, a child shouldn't even be alone on a plane in the first place.
Misty demoted herself. Hi Machi. <3
Gwen's lip quivered at the thought of a terrible fate that she and many others were going to face. She sat alone, her eyes gazing out of the window that belonged to the train. She was in a room with her fellow tribute, and she couldn't help but feel uneasy. Then again, who wasn't? Almost everyone is going to die somehow and she definitely didn't want to be one of them. Just the thought alone made Gwen nauseous. Her attention momentarily shifted towards her fellow tribute, her eyes scanning his fit figure before she quickly turned away. She wasn't sure what kind of man Augustus was, but he was part of her district, so she could only assume he was someone she'd only dislike. She didn't know him and she was sure this was the first time she had ever seen him; because of this, she couldn't trust him, or anyone for that matter. She couldn't imagine being betrayed by someone she trusted. Inhaling deeply, the young girl attempted to compose herself, as to not make it obvious she was not feeling well. If her family saw her now, they'd assure her she would be the winner simply because she was part of the first district; however how could they be sure of that? She had lost her eldest sibling in the previous tribute. 'I shouldn't think of that.' Gwen's eyes closed shut as she shook the mental image of her brother being killed by another tribute; the horror. With his death, her mother cried for weeks while her father constantly commented on how he should have made him into a stronger man. And in turn, trained her remaining brother nonstop. Nobody thought little ol' Gwen was going to be picked as a tribute. Well, at least she learned to defend herself.
Wow. That was a little heartbreaking to read. I could feel the amount of emotion you had put into this, making it a lot better than just a random sad, love story. The length was perfect for this kind of one-shot and it was something I couldn't stop reading. Now, your first paragraph had several run-on sentences. I think it would have been a lot better if you had replaced this comma with a semi-colon. The first part and the second part just sound like two separate sentences. Adding another semi-colon would probably be too much so I think rewording it and separating them would be a little better. When I first read it, it sounded like a run-on but then the second time, it sounded a little different. But anyway, your writing is lovely and I enjoyed reading this.
For the most part, your writing is quite well. There are two things bothering me though, the length of the chapters and a bit of your grammar. I have the tendency to make really short chapters as well and it can be kind of difficult to make a longer chapter. If this is the case with you, possibly make notes about what you want your next chapter to be about and such. I started doing this recently and it's helped me in keeping detail and on what exactly I want that certain chapter to be about. I've noticed you use a lot of "its" and "shes" and such. I noticed you do it at the end of the first chapter and continue it with the second. Unless you're saying something belongs to another object, then you need to place an apostrophe. "It's" And with "shes" it's just not grammatically correct. "She's" "Your" I'm assuming that just must have been a simple typo mistake. Should be "have." I'm a little confused here. Who exactly said the second part? I'm assuming it must have been your character. It just looks like you must have missed the mother saying a retort. I've noticed a couple of sentences are a little on the short side so don't be afraid to use semi-colon(";") in between sentences. It helps a lot. Keep it up. :]
I've been debating whether or not I really want to watch this movie or not. These kinds of movies always appear funny in the trailer, but whenever I do watch them, they just end up not being as funny(kind of like when I watched The Hangover). I might try watching it whenever it's out on DVD or something. When it comes to these movies I prefer to not spend my money on them because I might or not like them. ._.
Thank you. I guess this one has more description. I don't know. I think it's shorter than the first chapter though and it just seems weird to me as well. My writing is crap so I have nothing to say about this. Updated.
I'm leaning more towards the Prem overhaul, but as it has already been said, it would be unfair for several prems who are below whatever post count that would be required to become one again. I'm pretty sure if the overhaul was done, it'd be between 2,000 to 2,500 posts required. If that were the case, I would be one of the prems that would lose premiumship. For me, it will most likely upset me so I'm not quite sure what I want in the end. If we made the new usergroup then I think only a decent handful would get it.There are very few who are already above the 2,000 post mark. The same thing falls with the overhaul. There would be a decent amount that would lose it and have to work to get it back, and there would probably be very little people that would keep it. For the time being, I'll just vote for neither. Until we are able to be given the new requirements for Premiumship, I'd rather not vote for either of the two.
I've been meaning to post here but I keep forgetting. <_<; I live like an hour away from Anaheim so at the moment, this has been heard of a lot where I live. For the record, you do not run away from a cop, never. It only makes you look even more suspicious. So I guess in a way I can understand why the police might be reacting a certain way, but they should not release a dog or fire in a crowd where there are children. The last time I heard anything more about this issue going on in Anaheim(which was like a couple days ago) apparently there's already been three more shootings or something so the people are really up in arms about this. I haven't heard anything else since there so I don't know if it's dying down or not.
I was extremely curious about this show a while back. Since it's part of the AMC channel, I heard a lot about it whenever I watched The Walking Dead. I eventually decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to watch the first episode and I don't know what it was, it just didn't click for me right away. It felt slow, but I think it was just because I didn't hype myself up for the show like I do with a lot of others I watch. I think I only got through like half of the episode before deciding to just stop watching it. I'm still curious though. I always find myself spazzing over shows or movies during the 1960's so I might just give this show another try.