Name: Gwen Boyer Age: Eighteen Gender: Female Appearance: Gwen Flower Color: White Likes: More of an adoration, but Gwen has a deep love towards books and stories. The things she reads can vary from a murder mystery all the way to a simply fairytale. She also likes music, believing it can help a person become more focus and can give just about anything more emotion. Theme Song: Fix You Greatest fear: Gwen is deeply afraid of ending up alone. Though she believes it is something silly to be afraid of, however she can’t help it.
Yeah I knew it was going to close down when it was first announced so meh. I just used it still since I was used to being on there. I use Skype every once in a while either way. Thank you regardless. This can be closed.
To be honest I'm not sure how many of you still use it but I figured I might as well since it's really frustrating. I still have the old MSN, not the stupid Essentials one, so I had the color and special characters in my name for a while now. But just yesterday when I signed on, it changed my name to my email even though I never did that. Now whenever I change my name to maybe just "Aura" with no characters or anything, it takes my picture off and the message underneath the name. But when I try changing it back to my name that had color and special characters, it just changes it back to my email. I'm not sure how to fix it and I'm scared to uninstall because I don't want the Essentials MSN one. Help? <_<
Modern Assassin Username: Rem Name: Claire Rammsteiner Age: Twenty-Four Sex: Female Personality: Compared to her ancestor, Claire is a lot more serious than one would expect. However, she is extremely calm in stressful situations and chooses to not overwhelm herself with certain events. Of course, there will be rare times that Claire will show a bit of panic and distress, however it is not often enough for her to considered herself fragile and feminine. In essence, Claire is loyal, courageous and reliable; however, she can be stubborn and can sometimes show herself as unemotional. Appearance: Claire Other: N/A Assassin Ancestor Username: Rem Name: Catalina Zarco Age: Twenty-Nine Sex: Female Personality: Though serious at times, Catalina knows when to take a joke and usually tries not to take every little detail too seriously. However, being an assassin forces to act this way when she’s out on an assignment. She has come a rather long way from being a rich Portuguese girl; the typical manners and attitude she was forced to portray quickly vanished when she became part of the Brotherhood at the age of eighteen. Both of her parents came from rich families, however, her father had kept the secret of him being an assassin. She didn’t find out until he had suddenly disappeared and his secret came out. As soon as she entered the brotherhood, she realized how much of a danger being an assassin could be so she distanced herself from her family and friends. Appearance: Catalina Country of Origin: Portugal Weapons: Hidden Blade, bow and arrow, throwing knives, dagger. Other: N/A
Gwen watched as Victoria and Noah made their way further into the forest. She, on the other hand, was a bit hesitant to follow. She wanted to be safe, however, at the same time she wanted to be able to find her father easily. Her lips pressed tightly together as she fought with two different thoughts; one part told her, her father was dead and she should focus only herself surviving. However the other told her to wait for him because he was still alive and looking for her. She wasn't quite sure which one to believe, and thinking of what to do was making her lose track of Noah and Victoria. Biting her lip lightly, Gwen sighed lowly and began following the two strangers before her. She wasn't sure who they were, but she figured she needed to be with someone to be safe. She trailed behind the two as she stared down at the ground, barely listening to what the two had been talking about. She wasn't far from them, but she also wasn't following very closely. Catching something about a sword, Gwen raised her head and looked at the weapon Victoria was carrying. How exactly did she get a hold of that sword? It wasn't like everyone in the city carried one. She wasn't actually surprised to even see that Noah carried a gun, seeing as how those were more common...and modern. Gwen fidgeted with her fingers as she momentarily turned her attention towards the handgun her father gave her and the pocketknife as well. "Do you think it's safer here in the forest?" she asked as she returned her attention towards Noah and Victoria, beginning to wonder if her question was even smart enough to ask.
Gwen chewed on her lip lightly before turning her attention towards the two before her. She wiped away any tears on her cheeks, eyeing the two; from what she could make out, Victoria seemed younger, though looks could be deceiving. She turned her attention towards Noah briefly, her eyes immediately landing on his weapon - a gun. Victoria had a sword, which was rather unusual for Gwen; The last thing she would expect a civilian of all people carry would be a sword. The girl's brows furrowed once more as her lips pressed tighter together, her attention suddenly setting itself on the distant screams from the highway. She believed it was only a matter of time before those things came in the direction they were in; she didn't want to be alone, but she felt odd and rather uncomfortable with two people she has no knowledge of. "I'm Gwen," she muttered softly. She suddenly scolded herself in silence, figuring neither of the two had heard her. Her nerves and fear were getting the better of her, not allowing her to speak up like she really wanted to. She felt more like being a mute for a while before she could be certain she was safe and away from things that were wanting to gnaw at her bones. Shivering at the thought, Gwen lowered her head as she rubbed the back of her neck in an attempt to calm herself down.
Gwen crawled backward slightly as soon as the man pointed his weapon at her. She opened her mouth to speak, however she gasped quietly instead when she felt him force up on her feet. She felt her entire body trembling and it felt as though her heart was about to burst out of her chest; Gwen hunched forward slightly as she placed her hands over her chest, attempting to catch her breath only to hear several comments from the man. Raising her head, she noticed another girl not too far away from her; she wasn't expecting to run into anyone and that she would end up being alone. However, her best bet was staying with these people. She flinched back as soon as Noah handed back her weapons, hesitantly taking them back before wondering where to put them; she took one look down at herself and quickly strapped the gun to the belt around her hips and clipped the pocketknife there as well. She hoped they wouldn't fall; they were her only sense of protection and wearing a skirt made it difficult to carry anything. Sighing lowly, Gwen slowly stepped to the side as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, moving away from Noah's shadows and taking a glance at Victoria. Her brows furrowed as her lips pressed tightly together, lowering her head as soon as she heard Noah's question. She felt tears form on the rims of her eyes as she averted her attention towards the highway. "I-I don't know if I'm alone..." she stammered. She wrapped her arms tighter around her stomach, wondering if her father was still alive or not.
Gwen felt her chest begin to burn as she continued trying to run as fast as she could. She was beginning to feel as though it was just her time to "go." Then again, she didn't want to go by being eaten by the dead. Slipping, she fell onto her side in front of a car as everyone continued running, screaming from fear or from being eaten themselves. Wheezing, she looked around the area to see several people make their way towards the woods. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea, or a bad one. It was dark, yes, but there was also the chance there were zombies in the woods. It felt like an eternity as she debated whether to continue on the highway or follow those that went into the woods. She heard a sudden thud beside her and as she turned her attention, she saw another one of those things gnawing away at a man. Whimpering loudly, Gwen quickly rose to her feet as she took off towards the railing, climbing over it and heading off into the woods. She briefly looked over her shoulder, watching as the highway grew further away, along with the screaming. Her pace began to slow down as she made her way through the woods; She was beginning to feel safe, however, she was alone, and the fear of dying alone was coming up. Gwen inhaled deeply as she momentarily closed her eyes. Opening them, she saw a rather built figure and before she could stop, she rammed into the person. Yelping, Gwen fell on her back, dropping the handgun and pocketknife. "O-Ow..." She pressed her elbows against the damp soil and looked up, seeing a grown man standing in front of her.
Gwen felt her heart drop as screams filled the area; people ran further down the highway as she looked around to only see what they were running from. She instantly grabbed her father's arm as she took a step back, preparing herself to run. However, she immediately heard a gun fire, causing her to see her father was the one firing. "D-Dad!" She took a step back as she turned her attention ahead of her. She wanted to run but she could not leave her father. Not like she would even dare to. She lowered her gaze before feeling her hand be pulled, causing her to look up and see her father running ahead of her. She squeezed tightly at his hand as she picked up her pace behind him. Her father stopped suddenly, causing Gwen to bump into him from behind. She looked up as her lips parted so she could speak, however, she felt her hand be grabbed and something rather heavy and cold be placed into it. She could already feel what the object was and she was rather hesitant to even look down to see what it was. Lowering her gaze slowly, she felt a whimper escape her lips as she quickly looked up at her father. "I want you to run, Gwen. Run as fast as you can." "No! I'm not leaving you, Daddy." "I love you, Gwen. Run." Her father suddenly took off towards his squad car as Gwen squeezed tightly at the gun in her hand. She wasn't sure what he was doing, and she wanted to follow after him; however, something deep down told her to just run. She could still hear people screaming and see people running, and soon enough she began to hear gunshots. Without another thought, Gwen took off running, refusing the urge to look back to see if her father was still alive or being eaten by one of those things. She felt tears run down her cheeks as her breathing became heavy, gripping the handgun and pocketknife tighter.
Gwen's lips pressed tightly together as she averted her gaze away from the city as it was being bombed. She could barely remember how everything led to where she was now; it all just happened far too quickly. Her father had been working when the break out happened, but she was lucky enough to find him. She sat in the passenger seat of her father's squad car, as her father switched to different radio stations only to hear the repeated static noise. Hearing him curse, Gwen turned her attention towards her father, seeing him clutching tightly at the wheel. She wasn't sure what to say; what could she say? Everything is going to be alright? No. She knew very well things were not going to be alright. Sighing lowly, Gwen played with the pocket knife in her hand. She wanted a gun, even though she can't really work one. She always wanted one, however, her father believed she would only hurt herself. The usual thought her father had on a lot of things. Hearing the car door open, the young girl turned her attention towards the driver's seat, seeing her father step out of the car. Confused, Gwen stepped out as well before hearing some sort of commotion ahead; hearing the shouting, her body tensed up and she quickly made her way towards her father, afraid it might be one of those things. "It's nothing. Don't worry," she heard her father say. Inhaling deeply, she watched him reach for his gun, figuring he didn't think it was "nothing." Then again, she couldn't blame him; the way things were now, they were both paranoid. Hearing the commotion stop, Gwen turned away from her father and took a couple of steps ahead of the car, chewing on her lip lightly as she tried looking ahead of the highway.
Kh-Vids 2010 Kh-Vids 2011 Premium Craze Legendary (3 years one) I had the Friendships Abound, Castle Survivor, and Party Lover pins, but I guess I have to wait for those. I'd also like, Decade of Hearts, Bronze Skull, Blue Skull, Silver Skull, The Beginning and Bulky Medal. And I guess with all of those I can also get the Red Skull. I have a question though, for the Question Time pin, do past ones count or are they the only recent ones? Not sure if this has been answered or not. If it has, sorryyyyy. EDIT: I'd like to request the Question Time Pin as well.
Username: Rem Name: Gwen Barlow Age: Twenty-One Bio: Daughter of a police officer, Gwen grew up having to deal with an overprotective father. Only a few days old, her mother abandoned them, insisting she never wanted to have Gwen. Her father vowed to not let anyone hurt Gwen to the extent her mother did, seeing first hand the damage of not having a mother could do. When she was only eight, her father decided to join the Police Academy, wanting to protect not only Gwen but others as well. Having no other family members, Gwen learned to take care of herself while her father was not around, so she’s quite an independent person; however, she’s incredibly stubborn. Gwen has quite has a bit of medical knowledge, having been contemplating on becoming a doctor. Appearance: Gwen Equipment: A handgun her father gave her and a pocketknife.
You're a booty.
Username: Rem Doll's Name: Linda Doll: Spoiler
I feel awkward here. I absolutely love this band. My brothers ended up getting me into them a few weeks ago and I've been listening to a large majority of their music as of late. Mainly in the car where I blast the music. But anyway, anyone else heard of them? I've honestly never heard of them until my brothers started playing their music repeatedly. I have a few favorites of their songs, but to be honest this I think the first band where I actually like more than just three or four songs. The ones that are my favorites though are Lonely Boy(the song above), Dead and Gone, Gold on the Ceiling, Next Girl, and Everlasting Light. ANYONE ELSE KNOW THEM?
You're gorgeous.
Might as well. Sienna Spoiler
Rem stood quietly behind Machina, watching him carefully as his attention settled on the tomb stones in front of them. A frown formed on her features as she stepped closer to her childhood friend, cocking her head to the side as she gently placed her hand on Machina's arm. "Machina. It's time to go." Watching him turn, a smile replaced her frown, hoping he'd brighten up. It was rare for her to see Machina happy, something she hated. Clasping her hands behind her back, Rem's lips parted as she prepared herself to speak, but quickly turned, hearing the alarm go off. She quickly turned towards Machina, only to have him take off before her. "Machina!" Sighing lowly, Rem summoned her dual daggers, following after Machina. "Sphera." White orbs suddenly surrounded Ivy, her staff in hand as several soldiers pointed their weapons at her. The orbs quickly spun around her before expanding, pushing away anyone near her. Her brows furrowed as she looked around the courtyard, seeing several students fighting back. 'How did this happen?' Her eyes narrowed as she watched several students simply cower and be killed, hearing screams and the alarm ringing in her ears. Her rose a hand to her head as her eyes closed tightly, wishing the noise would simply stop. Opening her eyes, she swung her hand up, a clear wall forming in front of her as soldiers fired at her. "Back off," she muttered, dismissing the spell. The few people that were fighting made her feel more relaxed, figuring the more that fought, the easier it'd be to take out the soldiers; she wasn't even sure how any of this happened. She was sitting her classroom, talking with her classmates before the alarm went off. She could still hear her teacher telling the students to calm down while many of them simply took off out of the classroom. Inhaling deeply, Ivy shook her head lightly as she shook out the imagine of her classmates being shot the moment they left the building. Tightening her grip on her staff, her lips pressed tightly together before the end of her staff was jabbed into a soldier's stomach, and soon enough her Thunder spell struck those close to her.
I remember having a discussion in my English class last semester about harassment and women not speaking up when something makes them uncomfortable, and to me, it just seemed like one of those situations for you. In all honesty, those men might have just found you attractive and were genuinely interested in you. However, if you really do feel uncomfortable about something like this, you need to tell them. You need to speak up and say, "Hey, I'm not comfortable giving my number." or just something that pretty much says you're not comfortable. By not saying anything, the men will continue to come back and will continue to assume it's perfectly okay for them to be asking certain things from you. It's better to be heard than to stay quiet and possibly let things escalate(not saying it will but you know. These men are strangers).