I made a Banner for my graphics shop - Version 2(less lighting) What do you guys think?
Im practicing and practicing and im getting some results. So guys tell me what you think. Some pointers would be nice :3
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Hello Guys, Here is a new signature i made a few hours ago. I did work pretty hard on it and spent alot of time and detail on it. I am not the best at graphic art and i am not trying to show of, i just wanted some people to see my work. I would really appreaciate comments on your thoughts and how i could make it better. Jay.
hello everyone and welcome to my graphic shop, here i will accept all requests from all of you guys so dont be shy EDIT : I AM STARTING TO GET BETTER BETTER EVERYDAY =D PLZ FILL OUT THIS FORM IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST Type - Sig or Avi Size - Stock/Render/Images wanting to be used - Text - Font - Colours - Other - and i will get back to you as soon as i am done, if i do not respond to you then please leave a message on my public profile or private message me. RULES 1. Please be polite, I will deny your request if you ask inappropriately. 2. Make sure the details you give me are not to complicated 3. Rep is nice so yay ! 4. Make sure you give good enough details on what you want 5. Try to get the highest quality image possible, but i will still try and do my best if you are unable to get a good picture. 6. No dirty images or stuff like that, thanks 7. The avi and sigs that are made by me are only allowed to be used on this site. 8. Always give me credit by putting something like "made by Jay" in your sig 9. Any questions, dont be shy, just VM or PM me. HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES OF MY WORK - BTW I KNOW I AM NOT THE GREATEST AT MAKING THESE, BUT I WOULD LIKE A LIL APPRECIATION FOR MY EFFORTS SO DONT COME IN HERE TELLING ME IM SH1T.
hey guys, well ive made another KHMV and this time i challenged myself by using a difficult song, i think it turned out pretty good, but ill let you be that judge of that, Hope You Enjoy It Song is Welcome To The World by Kevin Rudolf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd0xlOiMGlc
hey guys i just wanted to post my video on here, maybe get a few comments and pointers from u guys =D this was my first KH AMV and i think i did pretty well on it, hmm well ill let you be the judge of that =P HOPE YOU ENJOY IT ! (the song is Frontline By Pillar) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7omOdqMLh_k
Hey evryone , i was bored so i deicided to make a thread on my arrival, yeh its a bit cheesy but we all done it ;D well this is all i have to say (not a very good writer) Hope to see you all around =D