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  1. Jⱥy
    Been so busy with college work lately that i haven't been able to touch Photoshop.
    Anyway, tell me what you think ;)



    Thread by: Jⱥy, Apr 8, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Jⱥy
    Not too much to say about this one.
    I guess it's just another attempt at smudging (with a bit of influence from Misty's work).

    Leave your Comment's and Criticism's.

    Thread by: Jⱥy, Dec 24, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Jⱥy

    It's been a while since i last touched photoshop, and I'm starting to gradually get back to it.
    Made this Devil May Cry sig just to try and get my head around the whole sig-making thing again.

    Hope you like it. Cnc.

    Thread by: Jⱥy, Nov 20, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Jⱥy
    So I've been meaning to get back to graphics ever since i got Photoshop again. The problem is I have this major graphics block and whenever I come up with something I just end up deleting it.

    This is what I have so far -

    Link to PSD - Aguero Mancity Tag

    It just feels so incomplete and I just can't think of what to do next. I was wondering if any of you could take the PSD file and experiment with it, just to give me some ideas on how to progress with this tag.
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Aug 29, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Jⱥy


    We do this thing when one person in our family gets to pick what the whole family eats for dinner that day.

    What should i get? (I got like 15mins to decide)
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Aug 28, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Jⱥy
    If you've ever watched Mr & Mrs Smith and played Final Fantasy 7 you'll understand this picutre :]


    I dunno why but i just like the image O.o
    (most pointless thread today?)
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jul 13, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jⱥy
    Haven't posted in a while so here it is -


    It's not supposed to be anything special. I just wanted a new simple tag in my signature and this is what I came up with. Took me about 15 minutes to make plus I love Maplestory :P
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jul 13, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Jⱥy
    So guys, whats your favourite Call of Duty game out of the whole series?
    Mine has to be either Modern Warfare 2 or Call of Duty 2


    (Please no spamming or fighting between which games are better)
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jul 8, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  9. Jⱥy
    I thought I would share some KH stocks with you guys. This pack easily contains over 500 stocks and they are all of very high quality.
    (These stocks are not mine and all credit goes to the creator!)

    Link (Mediafire): (You need a winrar to extract the pack)

    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jul 6, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Help
  10. Jⱥy

    Wild Arms 3

    This is my favourite RPG of all time on all consoles, i love everything about it from the battle style to the music. I was just wondering if anyone else has loved this game as much as i have.


    I recommend this game to any type of gamer, it will provide endless hours of fun!
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jun 28, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Jⱥy

    I'm guessing that lot of people on this forum like to play many MMO's thus I thought that it might be cool for some of us to play together.

    Just post your Xfire usernames and i'll add them to the top post.

    (If a mod wants to close this i don't mind, i just though it might be a good idea)

    KHvids username: • Jay •
    Xfire username: jay7869

    KHvids username: Gerdneek
    Xfire username: notsoepicsteve

    KHvids username: HeartlessOfLight
    Xfire username: heartlessoflight

    KHVids username: Noroz
    Xfire username: Imnoroz
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jun 25, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Jⱥy
    Hello Guys,
    Im currently working on my SOTW entry. It's not finished yet -


    Some CnC would be very helpful. I really am stuck as to what i could add. Thankyou

    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jun 20, 2011, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. Jⱥy

    Dead Nation

    This game was one of my choices from the Welcome Back Package mostly because i owned all the other choices.
    To my amazement i found the game to be very enjoyable, especially when playing with a friend. I was abit put of my the camera style in the beginning but i managed to get around that and have a exciting time playing a game which i think is great (for what it is).

    Anyone else feel the same?
    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jun 19, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. Jⱥy
    So i've taken a break from creating signatures and given Avatars a real go. I've mostly been experimenting with curves and gradient maps. Some tips, techniques and tutorials would be very helpful.

    Below are my two first attempts -


    CnC would also be appreciated

    EDIT: More Avatars (Still Experimenting) -

    Thread by: Jⱥy, Jun 10, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Jⱥy
    CnC wanted :3



    Thread by: Jⱥy, May 31, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Jⱥy
    I wanted to get my head around the basics of smudging and using different types of brushes. The tag below of showing my progress at the moment. I made it from using smudging and brushing techniques only so its not that great.

    Thread by: Jⱥy, May 22, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Jⱥy
    Okay, i got some advice and decided to take it ;)

    Tell Me What you guys think :3

    Thread by: Jⱥy, May 21, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Jⱥy
    Okay so i worked very hard on this one. I made sure i had a light source and flow and also made the stock blend into the background. Again i am very proud of this tag.

    Comments and Crtisicm Welcome :)


    Thread by: Jⱥy, May 21, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Jⱥy
    Another Effort at trying to create a tag...
    In this design i focused on using brush effects (smudge, burn, blur) I'm not sure if i turned out all that well because doesn't blend into the background aswell.

    Comments and Critisicm wanted :3 (also if someone could give me some links to some more advanced tutorials to help me use brushes and blend the stock, I would be very grateful)

    Thread by: Jⱥy, May 20, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  20. Jⱥy
    Im spending more time and im starting to get even better results. In this project i really wanted to get the stock to blend into the background, although i do think i may have over done it.

    Leave me your comments and construcitve criticism :3

    Black Border -


    White Border -

    Thread by: Jⱥy, May 18, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics