So I've been away from the internet for almost a month. Anything happen while I was gone? Tell me everything!
So apparently, according to my dad when i was a kid i was scared of a plant in our house and called it "doggy". Anyone have a more pathetic story so i can feel better about myself?
have their tongue pierced?
Is everything a lie?
So I went to re-enrollment in my college today. I sat down and one of my teachers said I couldn't come back. I was suddenly like WTF WHY!!?? She then re read the paper she was holding and said "oops my mistake, i was looking at the wrong name" Unintentional troll -.-
when they went downstairs in the middle of the night, turn on each light systematically so they wouldn't be dark in whatever room they stepped in and then turn off the light closest to the stairs last and run? haha i honestly can't believe how scared i was of these things when i was a kid xD
I've decided to become more active so I guess you'll seeing my face here alot more often than usual. so yeh, i guess that's it...
So this trailer was released at E3 2011. I'm not sure how much mentioning this game will receive at this years E3 as it's development has been pretty quiet but I thought I would share the trailer anyway. This is one of the funniest trailers I have ever watched for a game. [video=youtube;mp1BIaINeUQ][/video]
Are adverts supposed to appear while you are logged in? Thanks in advance for answers.
------------------------------------------------ Below is the trailer which shows Hitman being attacked by a 'wetworks team' called The Saints, who have been sent to assassinate old baldy after he turns against his former employees. Read more: [video=youtube;cKlEjPMXC1I][/video]
I know that it's impossible for them to include this but do you think it would be a good idea if they were able to include an Avatar's world? For me I would love to see it happen, being able to fight alongside Aang and Zuko against the Fire Lord etc. Shame it's not by Disney or Square Enix alas we can dream can't we.
Title says it all. Who would you have a relationship with (like a girlfriend boyfriend thing). This is just a joke so don't take it too seriously xD DON'T BE SHY lol
I heard about this game a while back but didn't really bother to start playing. I've recently downloaded it and I've got to say that it's a lot of fun even though it might not keep the most 'hardcore' gamer busy. The gameplay, customization and graphics are all great so why not give it a go. My IGN: Jay786 [video=youtube;7R6j7d_kpQk][/video]
I just turned to my right and the biggest spider I have ever seen was looking at me... but I stood my ground! I honestly have no idea wtf this is...
Found a few DmC images and decided to work with them. I've made 3 versions as im not sure which colours suit it. CnC please ;)
Source Many fans of the series, have been complaining about how Capcom has changed the game for the worst. I for one won't judge the game until I've played it. Below are a few screenshots of the latest trailer of the new DmC game.
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations or... Max Payne 3